LAST EDITED ON Sep-14-07 AT 06:25PM (MST)[p]this is my first archery buck. i sat where my mother in law told me to and didnt see a thing... i walked up on top of a hill and saw some deer going up the next finger so i ran around in front of them and sat in between 2 cedar trees in the middle of a sagebrush flat and they walked right to me. he isnt as big as i hoped but he is a nice buck especially for the first. everything went too perfect on this hunt not to try a shot so i tried a headshot. you can see in the picture right under the eye. it sounded like i hit a rock with my arrow he ran about 20 ft. and piled up. i was excited this is so much more fun than with a rifle. dont get me wrong rifle is fun but it feels like i accomplished alot more with my bow.