My apology to the Dallas Cowboys


Long Time Member
Wow! I guess it is true!

The Cowboys really do want a good football team and the owner is firing 2 of his own kids to proove it! I am sorry I ever doubted the man!

Seems one of them may have shot MORE than one person......who knew?

Now if he can just get "TO to GO"......
LAST EDITED ON Jan-08-09 AT 12:42PM (MST)[p]"It ain't no thing to go to the scrip club." Unless you put out hits on other people while you are there. "I was just bein rebellion." Pacman Jones for the moron of the decade award!
I hear that Jerry Jones is now talking to Atlanta, and the lawyers for Michael Vick. He's scheduled to be released on July 20th and still has one year left with Atl., which they are expected to handle in a trade agreement.

The Cowboys could pick him up "cheap" and have a better back up than what they currently have.

You guys suck! You didn't even talk about Tank. He is probably gone too. I'd rather see him stay than TO. Watch out nickman, COWBOYS IN 2009! mtmuley
They let Packman Jones go because it looks
like he was in on a pay, for murder hire in

He paid. But the dude didn't get the job

Sounds like Packman's fix'n to be play'n in
the Institutional League.

I haven't watched sportscenter the last couple of days.....are you serious about Pacman putting a hit out on someone? What a dumb-ass! Pacman would have had 15 interceptions this year if they were playing with a stolen stereo instead of a football!

I am watching SC right now....what an idiot. Pacman is a straight up thug! Who the hell is going to want to pick him up? He hasn't produced for the Cowboys, he's not a guy that will fill the seats in the stadium, and he sure as hell won't be able to stay out of trouble to play an entire season. He's not even worth the league minimum. Maybe he'll find work selling BBQ ribs outside the stadium! The sad thing is that he's still a rich man. I guess there are guys like that to keep us good guys in check!

>I hear that Jerry Jones is
>now talking to Atlanta, and
>the lawyers for Michael Vick.
>He's scheduled to be released
>on July 20th and still
>has one year left with
>Atl., which they are expected
>to handle in a trade
>The Cowboys could pick him up
>"cheap" and have a better
>back up than what they
>currently have.
Yeah but if Vick goes to Dallas what about all the poor neighbors that live around Vick? There won't be any doggies left..
Steve, the stereo thing......THAT was funny. I saw Ed Werder say on SC that Jerry Jones likes to supplement his draft by taking chances on sketchy players. I don't see it working. mtmuley

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