My 2012 WY Ram is Home


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Jan-02-13 AT 09:06PM (MST)[p]I got a suprise call, way faster than expected :) Room lighting is bad... Sorry, but had to post...


My 99 ID ram has a buddy now. Somebody hit my WY ram in the right horn first, note the chip at about 1/2 curl..


3 point buck was actually shot at higher elevation than either ram...

Lookin' Good EF!

Glad ya made it safe and sound back home after your wirlwind of travel to get him home.


That is real big of you Elmer...finding a friend for your Idaho Ram!(How about telling us more about him...Rocky/Cali, etc)
Hopefully I can find my Wyoming Rockie a companion soon. He has been all by himself for a long time.

Great memories there for sure.
very nice bookend rams, you did great....

How to start an argument online:
1. Express an opinion
2. Wait
Thanks :) Both rams were solo backpack hunts. The 12 WY ram is from unit 5. The 99 ID ram is a rocky from then unit 20-2. That unit had great draw odds at the time (when it was one per unit, no 10% cap), better than 1:10 for a nonresident. It was a super tough hunt, few and hard to find timbered up rams. I spent over a month on that one and lost over 30 pounds.
Fine lookin' wall there Mr EF!
Again, Congrats on your successful Wyo ram hunt.
Thanks for sharing,

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