My 2007 Bull Tortoise Hunt


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-10 AT 09:37AM (MST)[p]

Probably against my better judgment to post the story behind my #3 all time RCI (Reptile Club International) record book bull given all the negativity surrounding high fence hunts and all but I'm dang proud of the effort that went into the harvesting of this reptile. Some of the details of the hunt are as follows:

Date of Hunt: July 12 - August 15, 2007
Location: South Central Costa Rica
Outfitter: Rio Bigshell Guide Service
Weapon: 300 Weatherby Magnum - 220 grain solids
Weight: 978 lbs.
Species: South American Bamboo Tortoise
RCI score: 128

The hunt was conducted inside a 12,000 acre high-fenced, deep-mote enclosure about 15 miles south of Changuinola. I know many of you think this kind of hunting is not sporting but let me assure you they have no clue the boundaries are there and even if they did it would take them at least a few months to make the crossing.

Most days we hunted in elevated blinds overlooking food plots and feeding stations as still hunting was almost impossible due to the thick vegetation. I've been in the jungles of Belize, Tasmania and the Congo and they don't begin to compare. We?d arrive at the blind 1/2 hour before sunrise, and only leaving our blind well after sunset. On the 32nd day, this bull and 4 others arrived very methodically at one of the food plots located a scant 40 yards from our stand. After looking at well over 200 bulls of all sizes we knew this was THE ONE.... if I could pull off a spectacular shot. Just as I was getting ready to shoot, an errant breeze came from behind us and swirled down to the feeding, unsuspecting pod. At this point I knew a charge was imminent and readied myself for that one moment in our hunting careers that we all hope for, but one that could also mean the difference between life and death. The big bull put his head down, snorted and plodded towards us at... well.... a snails pace. He hadn't made it more than 1/2 step before I touched off a single shot, giving him the proper lead, hitting the big bull in the upper shoulder, dropping him instantly. To say I was happy would be a huge understatement and I immediately ran down to the bull and was astounded by the size of him. There was no ground shrinkage there!! As you can see by the picture he is a gargantuan specimen and by cross checking the number on the ear tag we later found out he was one of the original animals released into the enclosure in 1937.
Anyway, thanks for letting me share what is my most memorable hunt to date. I don't know if I can ever top this great beast but in June I'm heading back down there for a 4 week rut hunt. I know he doesn't compare to some of the bigger species that Roy, Eel and some of you have taken but I'm damn proud. If anyone wants any more info on the outfitter or hunting Bamboo Tortoise feel free to email me or send me a PM.

Trying not to look to far ahead but would anyone else be interested in a Himalayan Soft-Shelled Loggerhead hunt in Nepal in the spring of 2011? Bhutan Outfitters has a 21 day hunt special for a groups of 4 and they have 2 hunts left.
Why does everyone always have to stand so far behind their turtles to make them look bigger than they really are? I got a news flash slick, that turtle is actually a cow not a bull, as is clearly indicated by a yellow ear tag. The bulls always have a red tag on this operation. And if that shell tapes out anymore than 121 & 17/19ths I'll treat.

On a lighter note congrats on a great cow and do the ethical thing next time by taking an appropriate caliber rifle. Did you do a full reptilian mount? No I mean at the taxidermy shop. Or did you do a euro and put the shell on the wall?

Oh, one more thing, when taking a field photo at least have the common courtesy to wipe the blood from the entrance wound. Sheesh. :)
Unbelievable!! Congrats on a great hunt!! Cant wait to see more pics in Huntin' Fool, Eastmans and Trophy Hunter!!
To bad it was high fence.They're is still some giants roaming
on DIY 'No fences here'public land hunts.One of these days i'll
draw a tag.Sitting on 38 points.Hopefully this is the year.
Your statement regarding my hunt were exactly the reasons I hesitated to post it. If its a hunt i'm happy with and done with in the confines of the law why do you have a problem with it? And let me correct you on something.... its obvious you haven't been keeping up with the turtle hunts in South America lately. It wasn't until 1998 they started tagging all females with yellow tags, previous to that all female tags were green. Turns out the old tags look to much like an avacado, a main staple in the tortoise's diet. That created some obvious problems. Also I knew i'd get some guff about standing further back of the bull than seemingly necessary. Again, there was a reason for it. At the shot, the bull released a wad of crap roughly the size of trash can, thus the reason for standing back.

38 points!!!? You've been in the game a long time. Obviously you are much younger than me and have time on your side. I just don't have that kind of time to wait to do a DIY hunt.

Thanks to the others that have offered support.
lets get back to what everyone one wants to talk about. Did you draw this tag at the Expo and if so how did SFW rigg it so you were drawn. Are you and Don secretly photoshopping your names on all the drawing ballots? I'm sure more will come out at the meeting in March.
Not bad looking at all. If I were you I would turn the shell into a backyard duck pond. If you choose to leave it in the house how about a bathtub?

BTW,,,TCI score is 128? Your smoking some good chit!!!!

I call BS that thing goes 127 1/2 tops!!!! eel will back me on this one. If you want to we can meet and fight over it,,, lol
cool, thanx for sharing...can the taxi fix that hole ??

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-10 AT 09:06AM (MST)[p]for all you naysayers and doubters:

thanks to the others for the congrats. To answer a few questions, I had a shoulder mount done, couldnt afford the taxidermy for a full body nor did I have the room. I put 3-4 coats of shellack on the shell, put it outside and use it for a dog house.

Tags were sold by the local government and bought by the outfitter/landowners. No other outside sources involved, including SFW or pimps. Its a great system and hopefully it stays this way
Congrats Feleno on bagging a real beauty! I completely understand why you were a little reluctant to post your story and photo of what was a very successful hunt. People just can't be happy for a fellow hunter and all of those jealous types attempt to tarnish what was a well earned trophy that resulted in days of hard hunting. It just pisses me off that some people can't just give a "atta boy and a slap on the back" for a job well done..

Your shot placement was near perfect as you mentioned he went straight down and that is no easy feat with a beast of that caliber. I have read there have been instances when a herd bull turtle has charged it took numerous shots from the hunter and the PH to put the beast down for the count, often having to reload, take bathroom breaks, stop for lunch, etc. All that time spent at the range really paid off as it is quite clear you were ready when the big moment arrived. I am certain the taxi can repair that hole with a little bondo and it will be water tight as ever.

Maybe it's just the angle of the photo but it appears that he wore off his toe nails on his left foot, could that be? I guess when your that old lots of things get worn off but I like it as I think it really adds character to him.. kinda like a muley with a drop tine.

I sure would like to come along for the 21 day loggerhead hunt in Nepal if you still have a open spot. I have heard good things about Bhutan Outfitters. First class outfit I'm told. Let me know as I would love to add one of those to my somewhat meager collection.

Again Feleno.. Congrats... you did well.

thanks 70!
Thanks you for your kind words. People don't know what it takes to sit in a blind for 30+ days waiting for the right one to come along. I got a case of hemorrhoids that didnt go away for 6 months. Unless you've done it, don't knock it! Good eye on the worn toenails, a sure sign of an old bull. Thats was his dominate paw and used to dig wallows.

I'll be in touch about the hunt in Nepal but I'll put you down for sure. Bhutan Outfitters has the highest rating in the business and we are sure to have a great time. 2011 will be here before you know it. Better get in shape... and bring that sitting pad.

good eye on the tatumsack bushes. Yes they are indigenous to Isla Bastimentos National Marine Park but when the tortoises were brought to Changuinola in 37 they had undigested seed pods in their digestive system. You know where the pods ended up and some 70+ years later the plants have literally taken over. Damn why am I having to defend my story??? And how can you call a shot that drops him in his tracks 'bad'? Stinky's gut shooting method would never work on these things.
I'm appalled that you didn't wait for a better shot on this majestic animal!! I don't believe there is ever a instance where a shot at a running animal is warranted yet here you claim to have done so without thought or regards of consequences.

Please be careful how this might look to the PETA spies that troll these kind of websites just looking for ammo to shoot the more ethical of us hunters down and close hunting forever. I fear instances like this will contribute greatly to the end of hunting as we know it! ;-)j/k

LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-10 AT 10:45AM (MST)[p]That's a fine specimen, but...

If you planned to use it for a doghouse, why the hell did you shoot it through the shell? That will obviously leak.

For such stupidty, you deserved every hemorroid you got!


How To Hunt Coues Deer
First off, congratulations on an exceptional animal! Also a great pic, but what camo did you use, and where are pics of all your guides and helpers in their color-coordinated or cammied hats and t-shirts? If this hawg is #3 all-time, how does he compare all-time? Any way we can see a pic of #1 or #2? And is there any chance in the future you may go on tour with your animal at some benefit gathering or Expo so we may have opportunity to hear the story and experience first-hand your great hunt and awesome trophy?
I don't know..... those ears look a little droopy...... and a brothers friends cousin said he saw the same pic on another forum with a SFW sponsored hunter packing that very same turtle out cross country on the back of the ATV..... That hunter also had BCB in his hero shots to add credibility...... Terry
Feleno.......I realize that you are a respected member around here, but this post is out of line and well below the standards that you have heretofor set for yourself.

The consumate hunt on here is TURTLE.....not tortoise. Look into it!

True sportsmen realize the difference.

Why would you stoop to persue this slower moving reptilian, with no water escape capability, limited agression skills and questionable ability to hide in anything but the tallest of shruberies?

Your hunt story is the equivalent to posting a high fence, dairy cow hunt, on a Cape Buffalo website.

The size alone should be an embarrassment....that thing looks like a WWII German staff car, how could there be a challenge to hit something that big?

Also, I find your decision to take your money out of the US and give it to "strangers", very disturbing.

I think you should stick to T&A and leave the actual hunting to the true "turtle shooters" on this site.
See this is the type of criticism I have come to expect from members of this forum. To ridicule a fellow hunter here in open forum because he was successful in harvesting a trophy tortoise and making slight of his accomplishment because it was not a "Turtle" just disapoints me..

It is no different than you going on a trophy moose hunt and returning home to log on to MM to share your success and me saying "but Nick, it's not a mule deer" and yet that majestic bull moose you harvested is indeed a deer, just a very big funny looking one.

Well I say if it has a shell 4 or so legs, than dammit it's turtle.
Feleno, I have video of that bull from last year and this year before he stripped his velvet. We had been filming that bull in the hopes of putting the "Costa Rican Governors tag" purchaser on him. I wish it was me who got the finders fee instead of those Rio guys. They're a bunch of jerks IMHO. I have pictures of their rigs parked right next to Private Property signs. Obviously there is more to this story than just bull.

I also heard rumors that the 40 yard shot you took was a bit more complicated than the way you tell it. Seems someone on a DIY hunt nearby heard 9 or 10 shots along with a lot of crying and whining. And to top it off I heard there is an 11 year old boy who isn't happy with the way things turned out. Hope the bump on his head is OK.

Either way I am glad a regular Joe got to harvest this great animal.If you are interested in the video I have maybe we can work something out. Maybe trade some inside information for it. I heard Mr Payday is negotiating for this tag for nexts years expo.
You know Feleno I had another thought concerning the shell.
If you don't wish to use it for a dog house you could do what some of the "other turtles hunters" have done and that would be to replace your patio table umbrella with the shell. Strange as that might seem the shells make a very smart and attractive addition to the patio as well as a interesting conversation piece for years to come and you can be sure your neighbors won't have one.

If that is the direction you choose to go it would be a good idea to steam clean the inside of the shell as they tend to stay odorous for quite sometime and your family and guests will enjoy sitting and eating under it much more post steam cleaning.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-10 AT 01:19PM (MST)[p]I heard he shot it under a lettuce feeder in the Selway Bitterroot wilderness area while gallivanting around on his 4-wheeler! Not in Costa Rica!! Sheesh you guys will believe anything on the internet!!

Sorry F-er I had to squeal, Some one has some dirt on me and they also gave me tips on where to find a 350 class muley, so I had to sell you down the river. I hope we can and will remain friends? You would have done the same!!

LMAO this is a good thread!!
F-dude, Pretty sure that I have three years drops(stool samples)of this animal. If you're interested, i might trade for a Swaro or Lieca spotting scope!! Shoot me a pm!

LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-10 AT 01:45PM (MST)[p]70
thanks yet again for your encouragment and strength, you give me the hope and fortitude it will take to not have this thread yanked. BTW, great idea on the patio umbrella! I can put in a few recessed lights and have a helluva party hangout.

That camo use was RealBamboo 3D. Amazing how the stuff blends into the natural background. Course sitting in a blind I coulda had blaze orange on and they'd have never seen me.

Nickman... low... very low. Words hurts. I worked damn hard for this animal no matter what species and how I got him. Yeah its not a true turtle but Spider Bull wasn't a real elk.

Stickman... I thought we were friends? Friends! Is this what its come to? Bashing me and my hunt for the sake of a few laughs or trying to gain favor from some of the others here? Ouch. I'll tell you where I want to stick that covey of quail!

I'm not sure how some rumors start but seems somewhere along the way the facts have been twisted into something false. This ain't Hunt_Rez you are dealing with my friend. As far as the footage, hell ya!! Lets work something out. You be good to me and I might consider taking you to the Himilayas.

I think you been smoking some of that lettuce you think you are seeing in the pictures. Thats the leaves from tatumsack you nutsack :)

If you could send me some pics I'd appreciate it. I'd love to be able to place the dung pile on either side of the shoulder mount. Thanks man!

Let me put out a few rumor fires while I'm here.
I checked out the business registration and where they pay taxes. Turns out 'home' is in Utah. I'm about 50% sure that Rio Bigshell Guide Service has no affiliation with any other hunting services within the state.

The 2 seater chute plane seen on the property in some of my pictures was for emergency medical evacuation only.

The couple dozen paid high school kids seen around the property with radios were there for security purpsoses only.

Yes there were game cameras set on all the well used trails but there were to monitor the drug runners in the area only.

I'm only about 3 insults away from threating to leave and taking my boobie pictures with me. Does that Moosie guy still have a website?
LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-10 AT 01:51PM (MST)[p]
Not to Hijack Feleno's thread (can you tell i'm lying?)

I have a dandy located, should best Feleno's very nice trophy by a good 2-3 inches on carpace size and much more character

Let the bidding begin for my guiding services. The animal is currently residing in a wilderness area so we'll have to conduct the hunt at night with four wheelers.

>Not to Hijack Feleno's thread (can
>you tell i'm lying?)
>I have a dandy located, should
>best Feleno's very nice trophy
>by a good 2-3 inches
>on carpace size and much
>more character

Yeah right OldRookie, it'll beat Feleno's bull, if you use the Monster Muleys method of over estimating every animal ever posted on the website. If you cut 6 inches off your tape it might come close but in reality there's no effing way that bull measures an inch over 116 2/64.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-10 AT 02:29PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-10 AT 02:29?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-10 AT 02:27?PM (MST)

Way to go Feleno! That thing is 10 times bigger than anything Eel has ever taken - still not as big as mine, but 10 times bigger than Eel's - at LEAST! Even though it can't be considered a fair chase hunt, this is the kind of turtle that separates the pretenders from the rest of us - by about a factor of 10. (Ooooooh - did I just call Eelgrass a pretender??? Uhhh - if the shoe fits mr jealousy - wear it! - Guess what - I will probably draw the tag again next year too!!!)

As PRO once told me - "It's good to be me!"

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
The bull in my pic that i'm watching will easily go 130..

NV questionable horn, obviously you are using your yard stick for comparison and it is flawed!

Four wheelers are gassed up, we don't need no stinking tag, shoot he's probably hibernating right now and you won't even have to use a rifle..

Bidding starts where????
LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-10 AT 03:36PM (MST)[p]

Here's one Kilo and Eel could appreciate. My dad took this in the late 40's, I believe it was the 2nd or 3rd year you could hunt them here in the states. The good ol days before the SFW, tag pimps and landowner tags. Gets you a bit misty-eyed thinking about it don't it fellas? On the back of the photo it said 782 pounds. Helluva tort even for them times considering it was long before steroids and growth hormones.

I may know 'someone' who is interested. We need to talk.
Did you think Eel and kilo would appreciate it because of the way his neck just kind of hangs there all droopy and limp? I think they can relate.
>AT 03:36?PM (MST)


I recognise that photo! It's a rear shot of the infamous tortoise known all over the world as "DANGLER"...
That's a pretty good tortoise. Regardless if it was a canned hunt or not, you still showed the maturity to pass on hundreds of lesser bulls in your quest for a true trophy. The one thing I don't get is that you should know that a width of 54 won't get you anywhere near Roy's record.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-10 AT 07:46PM (MST)[p]Feleno, that's an outstanding trophy and you should be proud.

I thought about going on a hunt in Costa Rica for Bamboos, until I did a little research. I decided it's not for me.

Patience is the key as you know. A 12,000 acre ranch doesn't seem very big but it's plenty big to be called a fair chase hunt IMO. The vegetation grows so fast down there that an individual tortoise usually has a very small home range. An 80 year old Bamboo usually dies within 100 yards of where it was born.

The guides like to stretch it out so they usually just have the client sit in one spot until the thing shows up. Usually they take the client in when it's dark and leave after dark so the client is unaware. I know one guy who sat within 75 yards of a big brute for 47 days straight. At $800 a day it adds up. He finally ran out of money and went home. You were luckier than most.

Again, congrats on a very good one!


P.S. I'm sure we all know Roy by now. For some reason he envies me. A lot of people recognize my turtle hunting skills and expertise and are fine with it and admire me for it. Not Roy.

Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
I heard it was shot over the line and in next unit,Not a fair chase.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-10 AT 10:56AM (MST)[p]First of all, NICE turtle Feleno! Im sure after seeing this post, stinky will want to add it to his "collection-o-death" as i lovingly refer to it. I feel i must correct you on what a male turtle is called though. A male turtle is just that....a male (no bull), a female turtle is a female, a baby turtle is a hatchling and a group of turtles is a bale...That being said, you definatly got a large male (not a female cuz there are no boobies,DUH!) Im guessing he was the largest of the bale...and, fo sho no hatchling!!! Job well done!!!!

Ps i know all this cuz i went to college and got my degree in Turtle Identification, its a brand new field of study. What a coincidence huh, crazy! :)

BS. That bull was killed in the Selway. I know the guy's cousin who killed it. It has been all over the internet. Nice try.

Overton I'm aghast you would impugn (look it up) the integrity of my good friend Feleno!

F-Dude I must say I'm a little disappointed in the high-fence deal.But trophies like that must be protected from poachers I guess. It does take ALOT of patience to stand hunt those big bulls though-the last one I killed came into the opening I was watching shortly after daylight but didn't get close enough for a shot until 4:47 P.M. I think next time I may try spot and stalk.....
while I can still appreciate all the money you spent on that shoot considering how rare these gnashing razor lipped meat eaters can be, and all the hoops and fences you probably had to jump just to get a shot at one.

IMHO I still believe guys with iron clad stones do it with a knife.


Nets are for fish!!
>Overton I'm aghast you would impugn
>(look it up) the integrity
>of my good friend Feleno!
>F-Dude I must say I'm a
>little disappointed in the high-fence
>deal.But trophies like that must
>be protected from poachers I
>guess. It does take ALOT
>of patience to stand hunt
>those big bulls though-the last
>one I killed came into
>the opening I was watching
>shortly after daylight but didn't
>get close enough for a
>shot until 4:47 P.M. I
>think next time I may
>try spot and stalk.....

I stand by my original assessment...who do you think my friends and I get to do our photo shopping? F-Dude himself.
nice show of patience on your tortoise! A guys ass can sure get a cramp waiting for them to come into gun range. Would love to see a picture or two.

I highly respect the guys that go after any turtle species with a knife.. but you gotta be nuts. Sadly i've seen several friends injured and 1 killed by misplaced stabs. More power to ya but I think I'll stick with the gun.

although I've been known to photoshop a few things in my short time here i'm shocked, hurt and stunned at your accusations of photoshoppery when it comes to my tortoise hunt. I have hundreds of pictures taken during the hunt and if I have to i'd post more to save whats left of my reputation.
just those little snaper turtles around here, I HAVE A GREAT RECIPE, got it from my uncle down in so.Forida.
if interested go to the recipe forum, I TRIED it once don't over cook it, it'll turn into rubber! LOL
LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-10 AT 02:22AM (MST)[p]Amigo.... If friends can't talk honestly are they really friends?

"I'm only about 3 insults away from threating to leave and taking my boobie pictures with me. Does that Moosie guy still have a website?"

You may want to rethink this I hear a certain banished MMer already has the handle Feleno16 registered and is ready to tarnish your good name if you leave.....Again I'm just sayin ....... Terry
Turtle tails are best kept in the campfire forum,,,,,and thanx guy's for indulging my request. No better way to spend a recession than around a fire.......

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