My 2005 Elk report


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Wow I waited 8 years for this? We hunted the entire season and it was very frustrating. As some of you may recall I had an Az. unit 8 tag. Our preseason scouting efforts did not really pan out. The tanks we had seen elk coming into during our scouting trips did not produce what we were looking for. I must say that I passed up 2 bulls that were in the 320 range but that is not what I was hoping for. The bulls(or any elk for that matter) were simply not coming into water during shooting hours. We saw plenty of sign that the elk were around and were hitting water they were just doing it after the sun was down.

As far as chasing elk, although we heard GREAT reports from hunters in units 9 & 10 of elk being in the full rut, calling until 10:00 am, that is not what we experienced in unit 8. To the extent elk were calling in the mornings they shut up right at shooting light. It was very frustrating to say the least and made run and gunnin hunting all the more difficult! More over the elk rarely if ever called in the evenings.

Bottom line I did not tag an elk and did not have much opportunity to do so. We did see a 380 class bull taken the second day of the season, right at dark on a tank right next to a highway???, in the area we were hunting but that was about it.
That's a bummer! It's my worst fear when I draw my coveted once in 25 year permit here in Utah as well.

I know three people who drew their nearly once in a lifetime permits and came home empty handed.

The look of anguish on their faces tells it all. I have seen what it must be like.

Here's hoping you draw another permit one of these years.

Us natives have been saying that AZ elk hunting is over rated but you NR just don't believe us.
Although I now live in Ca, I was raised in Az, went to jr high, high school, college etc, in Az so although I am a nonres I feel I am closer to being a resident than most nonreseidents, heck I even own a cabin just outside Fagstaff. I do not think Az is overrated at all. In fact if the rumors of the sucess they had in units 9 and 10 turn out to be anywhere near true it will prove once and for all that Az is the top state for trophy elk. I did not intend to suggest that Az was a bad draw it is just that for whatever reason this year for us in unit 8 it was a frustrating hunt. I can say that our preseason scouting was consistent with what I think Az is known for, and probably increased our level of frustration for this particular hunt this year. In other words, based on what we were seeing preseason we expected to have reasonable opportunities at 350 type class bulls during the season. Oh well there is always next time. Like they say the worst day of hunting is always better than the best day at work.
all I can say is

Well it was not the best year for weather but passing up two 320 bulls that 99% of the bowhunters would love to shoot is a pretty good deal. I passed up 180 class Mulies this year on a draw hunt. Came home with nuthin. It was a great time, sounds like you enjoyed yourself as well.

More people need to look at the success odds for AZ. Most bowhunters go home with nothing. There are alot of spikes and raghorns killed. There is not a 350 Bull on every tank.

Next year there will be alot less out of state plates in AZ. You can thank George T for the opportunity this year

Dt I agree with you, our frustration stems from a couple of things. First during our preseason scouting we spotted 2 different 380 class bulls and at least 3 350 class bulls in the general area we were focussing on. We thought we had a pretty good idea of their patterns as far as feeding watering and bedding. Second we expected to be able to chase them with a full on rut ,but they never seemed to engage during our season. In any event yes we had fun and I am convinced Az is the best state for trophy bulls. It was just not our year this but watch out next time!
Most people think Arizona is full of big bulls but really they are few and far between. Unit 8 is one of the best units in the world so if you wern't impressed I wouldn't apply for Arizona elk again. I knew a lot of hunters would think since the non-typical world record elk was taken out of unit 8 that Arizona must be the only place and unit 8 is it. Yeah it's a great unit but I think non-residents come to Arizona with the expectations of an easy hunt with there choice at a huge bull and we all know no elk unit in Arizona is an easy hunt. The hunters that leave the State thankful that they drew a tag and happy with an experience no matter what tag is filled are the hunters I admire. I hope you had the experience of a lifetime even if no elk was harvested. I know a lot of other people that would love an archery bull tag.
Calelkhnter, I know what its like to come home empty from a hunt you looked forward to for so long. Its disappointing no getting around it.I drew a limited entry Utah tag a few years back and ate my tag. The up side is you get to enjoy the whole hunt. I killed my unit 9 bull this year on the second day. I felt some what cheated. I planned on 2 weeks of elk huntn heaven. Its hunting thats why its addicting. Unit 9 was tough also for callin and chasing bulls the first week. Never could get a response to a cow call. I blame the moon. They did start raising hell all night long when I left , the fifth day of the hunt. Remember the disapointments(sp) make the successes that much sweeter.
I wouldn't put in for AZ. Its too overrated. A 400 bull around every tree is what people expect. All those videos you see with massive bulls take a very long time to make. They don't just see 400 bulls everytime they shoot the camera. You'd be lucky to even see a 400 bull during a hunt. These people who get the big ones spend every weekend from July to September scouting. I wouldn't waste my time in AZ. I'd put in for NM, UT, or even NV. But definitely not AZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(he he)
caelkhnter, sorry to hear about your tough luck. When I first read this post, I thought you just weren't in the right portion of the unit but reading on through your other posts it sounds like you had it scouted out pretty well & definetly should have had some chances at some good bulls. Luck just wasn't on your side. I know my brother & I were scratching our heads for the first couple of days of the hunt & we decided to move to a different area & it made all the difference in the world.
Aztrophy I think with a little hindsight we probably should have tried moving to a different area sooner. We did finally move to a higher elevation during the last couple of days of the hunt but otherwise we pretty much stuck by the info we gained during the preseason efforts. Between the two of us we made at least 5 scouting trips to the area preseason. We simply thought eventually the big bulls would kick into full rut and the chasing would be on full time. I do not know why but that simply never happened in the area we were at? Oh well that is why it is called hunting instead of killing. Again it was great to be able to hunt the entire season and I always enjoy being out in the woods, I just wish they were screaming close to what we expected.
Jim I know exactly how you are feeling. I ate my 04 Az tag. Passed up bulls and missed out on other opportunities. No regrets. Hunted 14 days in elk heaven. I'm pretty sure that's why we choose to hunt with a bow, for the opportunity, not the kill. We will draw again and be that much farther ahead when we do. Thanks Arizona for the opportunity. Ed F
I know there is alot of difference from one area to another area all within the same unit. I was on unit 10 and our first area was pretty dull.. a few bugles at first light and then not much else all day... Tried a different area, not to far away as the crow flies, but a long drive and it was totally different. Lots of bulls bugling till mid-morning. Really elk heaven. Not sure what the difference was, but it was very different. I was able to harvest a great bull in the 2nd area and was really getting frustrated with the first area.

Hope ya get the elk of your dreams the next time ya draw.

Look at the positive side, you got to hunt all season. My wife drew an archery bull and I was going along as her guide and packer. Long story short, we only got to hunt for two days and I ended up in the Flagstaff hospital for 4 weeks. I'm telling you, it's hard enough being in the hospital, let alone when a tag goes unused. Oh well, maybe we'll get lucky on a tag again next year.
I feel your pain.
I spent my 6 points this year, and hunted Az. archery elk, and came home empty handed.
I had a blast, got close to several bulls that I would have loved to tag, but couldn't put it togather. I had a good stalk going on a 350 bull, but several other hunters had the same idea.
Had the wind change directions and bust me twice, and once I just got some "bull fever" and launched an arrow well over the back of a nice 320 at 40 yds.
It was the best "unsucsessful" hunt of my life, I sure hope I draw again before I'm too old to draw a bow.
I am now just pulling myself out of deep depression. I took me nearly a decade to get drawn in AZ (my home state) for an archery bull tag. I was able to hunt 12 days out of the 14 day hunt. I was very close to closing the deal on a 370 class bull and then later a very close call with a 360 class bull, but do to a multitude of variables of which I couldn't control I ended up eating my tag (I never even got a shot). I did pass on a respectible 320 class 6x6.

I don't think there is a single animal on all the earth that is as enjoyable to hunt as bull elk and I have been dreaming of a trophy bull for 15 years. I can only pray for another opportunity in the very near future.
DD2500 I can not agree more, my favorite hunt is elk hunting, especially archery elk hunting. Better luck next time whenever that might be. jim
Congratulations to all of you that drew the tag and had the opportunity to hunt our Elk. Elk hunting is something that makes old men behave like boys and triggers the imagination like nothing else. They are magnificent creatures and I'm glad you had the opportunity to hunt them. Going home empty handed is no fun but you will have your memories of the stalks and the vision etched in your mind of the big one that got away. Something to fuel your imagination and taunt your will, until your next hunt. I had to live my hunt this year through all of you that drew tags, thank you for sharing! One things for certain, there's always next year for all of us and the hope of drawing that coveted tag. Who knows what next year will bring but one thing will remain constant, the steadfast hope and desire that we be given the opportunity to hunt ELK again.
I spent nine days on a private land CO archery elk hunt that ended without filling a tag. Only had two days where they bugled long enough to locate them. Both mornings I bugled and cow called at at 5 bulls that would only bugle back at me but wouldn't come in. I tried many different herd talk techniques but they just wouldn't come in. I did see a 350 class one day and had another on the same day that sounded even bigger both wanted the me to come to them. I did get within 20 yards of two herds of cows and calves but was hoping for at least a decent 5 point. I just got back from a 3rd season hunt and got a 185 plus 27" mulie on the second day of the hunt, I'll have some pics in a few days. It wouldn't be as fun if it was an easy harvest every hunt!

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