my 2004 bighorn hunt



Hi All,

As a start on making my own website (partly inspired by another hunter?s site), I've created a webpage about my 2004 sheep hunt. I hope you enjoy it.

If you're interested in doing a sheep hunt, RMBS is a great organization and currently has some great raffles.

If you've already voted for one of the photos in the SWFA contest, thanks. If not, please do, there's only one week left to vote! Here?s a link to my photo, and you can reach other photos to choose from using links on that page.


You deserved an exceptional hunt.
You have respect.
You did everything right.
You paid great tribute to a tremendous trophy animal.
I can remember when after years of saving, studying, and endless daydreaming, I was rewarded with a Boone & Crockett Kodiak Brown Bear.
I can remember laying in my bunk back at base camp and after realizing that I had taken a ten footer, the tears welling up in my eyes.
I had dreamed of that moment since childhood.

Congratulations on taking a trophy of your dreams, and doing it right.
Very nice photo journal of your scouting trips and hunt. thats cool you wife goes with you. I hope in a couple years i will be chasing sheep in Poudre Canyon. Where did you hunt them? It kind of looks like S32. Thanks for sharing. Jeff
Harry, thanks very much, and congratulations on your bear. I can certainly relate to your emotions. I was so excited about this I didn't sleep right for a week afterwards.

Jeff, it's actually rougher country than much of 32, and tougher to draw. I know some people applying for this unit, and it's already very long odds, so I'd rather not post the number here. Thanks for the kudos, and good luck in the draw. I helped count Poudre sheep this winter, it'd be fun.

good hunting,

hey, i voted for ya....nice job...congratulations..nice ram, nice web-site, nice story....good going!!!
littlefoot, thanks very much for your words and also thanks for your vote... the ram and the memories are the real prize, but some new optics will be a nice bonus, and every vote helps!

the contest has been fun, nice to share the ram with folks and see the contest pic get votes of appreciation

my thanks also go out to others who have voted for my pic...

if you haven't voted, all it takes is a couple mouse clicks!
Nontypical1 - Great story, pics and website. Congrats on a beautiful ram.

HunterHarry - That's when you realize why we hunt and how rewarding it is. I've had the whole teary eyed thing happen several times.......I know it will happen again too (especially if I ever get a ram!).

Lien2, thanks much for your comments, and good luck in the drawings, I hope you get a tag.

Folks, please vote for my pic! 700 hits on my website and only 5 new votes... a bit disappointing, just takes a couple mouse clicks. If you like the site and the pics, I'd sure appreciate your help.

Thanks and good hunting...
LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-05 AT 05:49PM (MST)[p]No need to vote. He's a beautiful ram and it doesn't need to be voted for anything. Its a trophy of a lifetime !! It was a good story and your scouting efforts payed off ! Congratulations.
BCbucks, thanks, I certainly agree with your sentiment. It has been fun to share the pics with people that appreciate them, and the contest has motivated me to do it more. I take it you're in BC, what great sheep hunting opportunities you have. Thanks for your congrats, and good hunting.

hoytstaff, I entered a pic of my ram in a photo contest at SWFA, where I had bought a rifle scope last year. They 36 photos for the finals, and the public votes on them. #votes relates to which prize you get.

here's the link to my photo again, you'll see links on that page to the prizes and other finalists

I can't imagine I'll win the contest given the current vote tally but it has been fun and it'll be a nice bonus getting some sort of new optics. Overall, I won much bigger than anything in the photo contest by getting to do this hunt. Thanks for asking,

Hi -

Yes I'm from BC. Feel pretty fortunate in many ways to be able to hunt sheep here.

Now the question remains .... are you hooked enough to start saving for a Yukon dall or BC stone's sheep hunt !!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-05 AT 04:35PM (MST)[p]NT1

That was a unbelievable presentation. You are to be commended for one of the best hunting stories I've ever had the privledge
to read. I live in Washington and have applied for California
bighorn sheep for close to 20 years. I have max points and I'm praying as we speak to draw out. I HAVE SHEEP FEVER BAD!!!!!!!!


You got my vote!
BC, you bet, I'm really hooked on sheep... but I've got 3 kids approaching college age... not sure how big that hit is going to be yet. Have to bide my time for a few yrs and hope the body holds up. I'm sure the mind will be willing. :)

Falcon, thanks very much for the comments, really appreciate them. Great to share the story with folks here that enjoy it, I sure enjoy reading other people's stories and seeing their pics. Good luck in the draw!
It is stuff like that my dreams are made off. Ever since I started hunting, above all else sheep intrigued me. Never been out west then but the stories, and pics were awesome.

I still have not seen a sheep, still live in OH, hunt out west for elk and try for many sheep tags, for 6 years now, my day will come.

That was a great website and the pictures take my breath way, congrat's and thanks for sharing, truely awesome.
Thanks, makes me smile knowing people appreciate the pics.

have a great weekend :)
Kevin-enjoyed the pics and story. Sounds like an excellent hunt, and tough too, but you worked hard and deserved a prize on opening day.

Did you win the contest?


thanks for your comments

no, I didn't win the contest, finished about middle of the pack

but, the way the contest worked, I'll get a new optical toy (all finalists get something), and you know how sheep hunters like optics :)

contest was fun, got me to share the hunt with more people, made some new friends


First off, congrats on a great ram!
I really enjoyed your story/website/pics, and admire the work and dedication you put into the hunt. This is the good stuff that lasts a lifetime.
Congrats. on a fine Ram.

You create your own luck when you put in all that effort.

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