My 04 Ore. Ram


New Member
My 04 Ore. Ram






I drew my tag after 16 years! I stalked this guy twice with a bow and then he changed zip-codes. Soooooooooo close too! He fell to my trusty .243 and I got it on video. The small photo is of him two months earlier. My 12 year old daughter and I found him. After living in the desert for three months, this was the best I could find out of 30 rams. Truly magnificent animals. I have come to respect old rams. The rest of the photos are from the scouting trips.
RE: My 04 Ore. Ram

Congrats to you on a fine Ram and also the great pictures too. Thanks for posting them. Which area in Oregon did you get this Ram?

RE: My 04 Ore. Ram

Congrats on a great looking ram!

AntlerQuest Hunt Consulting
RE: My 04 Ore. Ram

LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-05 AT 06:28AM (MST)[p]Awesome! Great photos. Between the ram, the photos, and sharing the whole experience with your daughter...trip of a lifetime.
One question are you a resident?

RE: My 04 Ore. Ram

Thanks for sharing....that's awesome.

RE: My 04 Ore. Ram

Wow. Terrific ram. California Bighorn I'm assuming, correct? Not a Rocky. You put in the effort that makes the reward all the sweeter. Congratulations!
RE: My 04 Ore. Ram

Now eastern Oregon is some big ass country LOL. So a little more precise Does not look like the steens so which John Day or one of the other big time deep river canyons.
RE: My 04 Ore. Ram


I don't see many people out here and my wife hasn't drawn her sheep tag yet! Ask me again after she draws. The odd are only 400:1. ;-)
RE: My 04 Ore. Ram


Great story and a beautiful animal. I've put in for sheep since day one in Washington, which is about 20 years. I can only dream about being drawn!!!!!!
RE: My 04 Ore. Ram

Well deserved! Very nice thanks for sharing. Have you had him scored yet? Thats cool you have your choice of weapon to hunt with. Jeff
RE: My 04 Ore. Ram

Beutiful Ram!!! Congradulations!!! I apply in Oregon I have 6 Points I did apply in Deshutes but now that I am a Non-Resident I have to apply in John-Day!!! Good Luck to your wife. Patient's is a virtue!!! Good Luck

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