My 04 antelope pics


Very Active Member
Well I'm back and I must say that I had one of the most amazing hunting trips of my life. I saw more game in one place than I ever though was possible. I saw thousands of antelope, hundreds of mule deer (many 170-180), and dozens of elk (including a couple in the 330-340 class). I literally fell in love with the state of Wyoming. The people were so friendly and I really admired their spirit of rugged individualism. They are just tough, hard working people who love their land more than anything. There are no hippy weirdo's, no yuppie wimps, no
pinko socialists or anything like the crap we deal with on a regular basis here in Kalifornia. Just good, real people. One day I will own property there.

For those who care, this pronghorn was shot at 196 yards with a 25-06 shooting 115 gr Nosler Partitions. My friend Andy and I found him the day before the hunt while hiking a couple miles from the house and I knew he was
a shooter. After discussing the buck with the landowner, he knew which animal we were talking about and agreed that he was a good buck. We were able to
find him again the following afternoon only about a 1/2 mile away from where we saw him the following evening. None of us, however, knew he was a good as he turned out to be. His score as measured by the taxidermist in Casper was
82 1/2", which places him 1/2" into the All-Time Boone and Crockett record book. No, I will not be officially submitting this animal into the book. I have no interest in doing so. The memory of this hunt is more than enough for me. I was just simply lucky with this animal and just happened to be in the right place at the right time. I'd rather be lucky than good any day. I certainly am excited and do feel privileged to of had this opportunity. I hope you enjoy the pictures.

Now I can't seem to load the pics. Who can I email them to?

Send the pictures to me and I will post them for you, then you can add the story or comments.

Here are the pictures of Nate's Antelope, congrats to you on a fine Buck.


That is a great goat! I am leaving in the morn on my hunt to see if I can go get one like that back in TX !! Congrats
Congrats on the super prairie carp! That is a beaut.

Scotty, best of luck on your hunt, hope to see some pics.
Great lope, great pics, also. Congratulations bud, that's a goat of a lifetime. Love those ivory tips on the ends of the prongs!!
Put that bad boy mount up next to the Sonora Muley you took last year and say thanks for having such great luck in one year!!! Next up........a nice big ol bull, eh?
How about posting up some measurements. Those cutters on that buck are unreal. Isn't it great how those nosler partitions just cut down those lopers. I shot mine this year from 350 yards (243 nosler partitions) and he didn't move an inch.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-07-04 AT 08:17AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-07-04 AT 08:16?AM (MST)

Thanks everyone. He had 7" bases, 15 1/2" length, 6 5/8" cutters, and mass all the way up.
Congrats on a great Antelope. I couldn't agree with you more (About the people of wyoming). I moved up near SouthWest Wyoming and have also found the people to be great.

Very nice antelope . Every time I'm in Wyoming I don't want to head home , Beautiful country and great people .

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