
Very Active Member
These are strange times! The final dust has not settled, but it looks like the WAC may be in real trouble and who knows where BYU will end up? Strange indeed!
Aw how cute, the Zoobies are all butt hurt because Utah got invited to the Pac-10 and BYU didn't. Now they want to become independent.
Interesting situation. BYU goes independent but wants 4-6 WAC games a year then in an instant Fresno and Nevada jump ship. I would think that BYU is looking at many options and I just don't see the WAC being one. The WAC is in serious trouble as they have to have eight teams in conference football. They have six and realistically who would they get. They would have to go after the Weber State sized schools of the world and that is bad news for the WAC. Interesting rumor that BYU might ask San Diego State and UNLV to go the WAC and then they would commit. The dust and lawsuits have far from settled on this issue.
Who cares about BYU! Fresno State is going to the MWC! :)

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
Who cares about BYU? It seems to me that maybe they want to pad thier schedule with soft WAC teams. Who knows maybe they think it will up thier chances of an at large bid to the BCS? They will not be treated like Notre Dame.
>Who cares about BYU? It seems
>to me that maybe they
>want to pad thier schedule
>with soft WAC teams. Who
>knows maybe they think it
>will up thier chances of
>an at large bid to
>the BCS? They will not
>be treated like Notre Dame.

+1 on that!!!
If BYU goes independant they will totally screw their chances of getting an at large bid to a BCS game. They will have a hell of a time scheduling good teams as an independant school. They are making a big mistake leaving a conference with 2 top 10 teams in it. If Utah would have stayed it would have been 4 top 25 teams. BYU won't play 2-3 top 10 teams as an independant school. If they cared about a BCS bid they would stay with the MWC. Since they didn't get invited to another conference like Utah they will bail to increase their TV exposure and revenue.

It's always an adventure!!!
I don't think it has anything to do with BYU going to a BCS game I think it has everything to do with them gettting "all" of their TV revenue not just a portion. They want it all and I don't blame them. If you can have your cake and eat it too, then good for you. It will be interesting to see what happens if Hawaii goes independent and that leaves the WAC with five teams; maybe they would then shut it down and let the five remaining go elsewhere. Better than the alternative of asking Texas State, Cal Davis, Sacramento State to name a few to join.

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