Muzzleloader restrictions


Active Member
Here in Utah our ML elk season is about to changed and it's not going to be good. The purposed season would fall in the middle of Oct right between 2 rifle hunts making the elk very pressured and almost impossible to find. They are giving the rifle hunters a far better season the first week of Oct.
Alot of people argue that the harder ML season is justified due to the technology in Muzzleloaders saying that you can kill elk as effectively as with a centerfire rifle. However in UT we can not use scopes over 1x magnification so your shots are still pretty limited. Anyway I my question here is how many of you would be willing to be forced to shoot more primitive weapons to be allowed a more favorable season much like CO. and other states?
Tell us what you think of the proposed muzzy deer hunt coming AFTER the first rifle season. Someone needs there head examined.
I think it is wrong to have the easiest manner or harvest have a better season. I would be willing to shoot primitive weapons to have a more favorable season. Although I think that muzzleloader hunters don't have it as good as some would say. As powerfull as some muzzleloaders are now you still only have one shot and with no optics shots over 150 yards are quit difficult. So make us shoot more primitive weapons but don't give us the hardest season to hunt. Changeing the hunt will only make the rifle hunt more crowded anyway. Why would most poeple hunt ML if they can have a better season and more range with a rifle? Just my opinion.
I would go to a patched round ball if that got ML hunters a hunt the first couple weeks of November. I agree that the ML between the two rifle hunt is a disaster. I know of several people that have hunted with a ML in the past that will switch to rifle if that happens.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-24-09 AT 03:34PM (MST)[p]I think we need to jump one way or the other.
Either go
1) More primitive and get a better season or
2) Better optics.

Although I would prefer the first option I think the seasons dates are past rearranging so lets push for better optics.
Please let the DWR know how you feel heres a link to send them an e-mail mailto:D[email protected]. I would much rather shoot patched round balls and iron sights to have a better season personally. Please send an e-mail if you want believe the purposed season is a bad choice.

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