Muzzle break


Long Time Member
I have a Ruger M77 mark 2 that has the open sights on it. I took it to a gunsmith to have them taken off and a 2lb trigger put in it. Its a 300 win mag. The only year I used it was this last year and whenever anybody is standing by me to one side or another it blasts them hard enough they won't shoot or stand by me anymore. The gunsmith said for trade he would put the muzzlebreak on for the open sights. Do I need one? Do I want one? Its heavy enough it doesn't hurt me at all to shoot, just whoever is standing by me. What will it do for the gun besides make it louder?

Well, the first thing I would ask is why are they standing beside you? Seems to be their responsibility to stand in back of you.

Secondly, my wife hunts with a .300 Winchester magnum. She weighs about 127lbs. Come on, man up and shoot the thing... :).

Seriously though, hers does have a muzzle brake on it. In watching the video of her at the range, it is clear to see that from a bench, there is very little muzzle flip. Felt recoil is very mild, comparable to a 243, maybe a .220 Swift.

The concusion from the break and the noise is noticably worse that either of my other .300s which are all without break.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
It doesn't bother me one bit to shoot.

When the guys got a blast we were standing shoulder to shoulder about 3 or 4 foot to the side shooting at coyotes...

If the only benefit is lower recoil I'm not too interested in making it so much louder. Will it increase accuracy?

Since the recoil doesn't bug you, putting a brake on your gun won't alter accuracy at all.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Some people install a break to keep it from "jumping" so they can still see the bullet impact through the scope....just a thought for another reason to have one.
I know guys who put them on small varmint guns for that very reason.[/IMG]
If you put a break on it and your friend is standing on your side it will knock him on his Arse. And you will need a hearing aid after that.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-12-10 AT 05:50AM (MST)[p]

Huh? he's gonna put on a brake in exchange for the iron sites?

Unless its a raised rib rear, with a banded front site, neither of which would come on a 300, I cant imagine a gunsmith willing to trade that work for a pair of 10$ sites...

But to answer your question, if you dont like the noise it makes now, a brake is just gonna X2 what you already have.If you truly dont mind the recoil, I see no other reason for a brake on a 300 win..
Hey justr?
Jr started out with a 300 WSM,thought We might have to put a Brake on it since he was only 75 lbs at the time.
Instead we put one of them 'LimbSaver' kick pads (for pussies!}>) on it & he handled it just fine!
Try that first,We already got enough noise on the South Slope!}>}>}>

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
>Unless its a raised rib rear,
>with a banded front site,

they are, he was surprised when I showed him my gun. I still have a few days to decide before my trigger is done. I would like to see the bullet hit in the scope, but I don't want it to knock anybody standing by me on their arse. Hmmmm.

I did consider leaving them until they catch on everything in the truck, to tree branches, anything! Huge pain..


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