
I was out scouting a water hole for my Wasatch Muzzy Elk hunt, when I witnessed 2 males and 2 females come into the water hole, cut a trail cam from the tree (not mine, I didn't have one), then they proceeded to deficate (crap) around the water hole to keep the elk away. I got out of my spot under a pine and confronted them.. they threatened me with a walking staff and I followed them out, got their license plate and called it in.. they had a back pack full of trail cams... They had PETA stickers on their older model subaru GL... The police said the plates were from an wrecking yard car....

PETA and TREE HUGGERS are stealing our webcams... Just some info!

Good luck this season everyone!'re preddy's friend???....

Any luck finding these Jerk-offs.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Oh wow! Not good at all. I will not comment on what I would have done if I would have witnessed this under different circumstances where I live in TN. Although I would have done the same thing you did under your circumstances. In Tennessee anything over 500 dollars that you steal is a felony.
would take that walking stick away from him beat bothguys senseless with it then break it in 2 peices and stick it somwher the doctors would have to surgicly remove it then tie the females to the tree and cover them with something yummy and let the bears have fun and see how them pour little amnimals will protect them stupid tree huggers
...and then Bigfoot showed up and let the air out of my tires before leaving in his Bad Boy Buggy.

I can't believe you admitted to confronting two PETA dudes and being held at bay with a walking stick. What were you hunting with a pillow?
>...and then Bigfoot showed up and
>let the air out of
>my tires before leaving in
>his Bad Boy Buggy.
>I can't believe you admitted to
>confronting two PETA dudes and
>being held at bay with
>a walking stick. What
>were you hunting with a

LOL!!! +1 sounds the same as the other thread....

No disrespect meant for you, but we do not know you and we get jokesters on here that will post false comments just to stir the pot.

Will you post the general area that this took place and the name of the police agency that you reported this too. This will allow one of our members, who is in law enforcement to verify that a police report was in fact made in their area.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-21-10 AT 03:36PM (MST)[p]Ya you never know who you are talking to on a open fourm . But bow hunters dont carry fire arms. I generally dont carry when in the outdoors. But I guess that my have to change even during archery seasons. Now that its rifle season ,lets see them threaten us with a stick ! I am not suggesting shooting PETA members. But have four guys come at me and clobber me with a stick and i may start shooting.
The web camera comment has me thinking twice about who this poster is ? Or just maybe a slip. They are game cameras . Most of us dont want high end web type game cameras getting ripped off !
I felt it was only fair to leave out the details of the confrontation, as to no stir up the folks not interested in hunting. I feel that we (hunters) should be very careful not give the opposing groups fire power against us. Just to state the facts, I do carry and have a permit, and like i said.. I followed them out... I contacted a friend at the Salt lake DWR who took it to the right sources, and called a friend from SLC PD with the info who looked it up for me. I am a firefighter paramedic and have a few LEO pals... I am not sure if an official report was filed.. I will check... The Unit was Wasatch and the water hole was up near co-op. As for the comments, its all good... humor is humor.. good or bad... Whether somebody needs to verify, well, I could care less who believes or not.. I was just trying to share some info for those who were looking for cameras. I think most hunters wouldn't steal or ruin peoples camps.. but I know there are some out there that give the rest a bad name.... ANTI hunter groups are out and causing trouble.. just trying to inform. Good luck on your hunts... Headed back to Wy for reg g deer.. Peace out!
Holy crap, I post info before I leave and come back to find some folks giving crap to the guy I SAID would be posting more info????


That's what we get for trying to look out for our fellow Utards..... sorry, Card, my bad for even suggesting you post all the pertinent info. I hope you kill a big one in G!

Please don't paint us all with the same brush, I hope it help just getting this information out to the hunters who are hunting in this location, Because you can bet it wouldn't be just cam stolen it will be Holes in tires, sugared gastanks,wires pulled, and such to trucks parked at these turnouts.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
If this guy is legit ,we have no problem with him. It just sounded alittle funny because the post was so much like yours. I thought it may have been one of the peta people looking for more info on whay was going on with your other post.
The web came thing sounded a little funny too.
We are all about finding these jokers !!!
With all of the trucks being broken into and stuff being ripped off. I all was thought of it being safe up on the mountain. Not like the inter city.
Thanks for sharing. For all of the chest thumpers, a verbal threat will not justify either assault or the use of lethal force. Confronting them even would put you at risk, in a court of law, if an altercation ensued. These idiots may deserve more than they will likely ever get, but its not worth it to any of you or your families to land yourself in prison. FWIW...
Gator, I did say 'some of you'. I'm glad to hear his post sounded like mine, it means that I actually heard him correctly, as you know sometimes wires get crossed when things are passed on.

Card is a good personal friend who has been at my back more times than I can count. I encouraged him to come on here and tell of his experience firsthand. I did not post certain details to protect his scouting efforts. Many folks PM'd me for details who had cameras stolen this year, and guess what? Card is the ONLY one that at least reported the theft to someone!

People misspeak all the time, including typing. I guess I am getting tired of seeing some posts being torn apart here lately.

If some hunter in a parking lot showed you his buck or bull, would you listen then immediately question him or just enjoy the story? If Card met you at a trailhead and told you of his incident would you rip him up in person?

I say you wouldn't, but it seems civility is becoming lost in the anonymity of the 'net.
I am glad you were able to take that with a sense of humor - you have to admit it seems like a far fetched situation. In Iowa PETA is still just a myth and they do not really exist - agriculture is King here so I do not see them developing a foudnation here in a couple life times. It is hard for me to believe that things like this actually happen.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-22-10 AT 12:23PM (MST)[p]Thanks for the updates Predator and Card - I hope these eco-terrorists get caught and arrested. What they are doing is not only despicable but illegal too.

There is no reason for any of us to doubt what Predator or Untimlelycard have posted about this.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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