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Was out for a walk today, met a local guy and his kid, he said this was edible and safe me i am not so sure, see these things everywhere are they good? What are they?? Are they the type people sell??

I have no Idea, any pro's out there??

They are called "Morels" and are sold in high end restraints and dried in the grocery stores. They only grow in the wild and can usually be sold for ~$10 a pound in the field.

When picking cut them off at the ground with a knife and more mushrooms will grow back in a few days to a week. And always cook before eating -butter in a pan is a good way to cook. Google Morels for lots more info!!

Good luck!!

Yes, very good mushroom. Looks like you have a nice sized "blond" one there. There are also some a little darker. I pick and eat every one i see in the mountains of N. Eastern Kali. I find them in areas that had recent burns, under or near fir trees, or a year or two after a area has been logged! Very Tasty stuff! Score!
They are very good when fresh---when they start turning black--don't pick and eat. Same with the meadow mushrooms that have the pink and white undersides. Don't pick when dark brown or black. Really go good with venison of Elk Steak! AND IF THEY ARE GROWING OUT OF COW TURDS DON"T PICK AND EAT UNLESS YOU WANT TO GET SCREWED UP AND SEE GOD!
Don't eat those Morels - they might be dangerous. I'll give you my address and you can send them to me for testing (with some venison backstraps!)
LAST EDITED ON Jun-01-08 AT 03:26PM (MST)[p]They normally sell at farmers markets and retail in city's for up to $40 per pound. I typically pick about 40 lbs per year. I look forward to spring Morel hunting almost as much as turkey hunting, take the dog out in the woods, get pretty good exercise, and will make some thing like $500-$800 per year for being in the woods....which helps pay for a turkey hunt in a different state, that is planned around the Morel season!!
I also buy and sell morels, my buyer this year stopped me from buying for about a week at the peak of the season, which really killed how many I bought from that point on. I ended up buying just short of 900 lbs. Like I said it helps pay for a turkey hunt elsewhere, so next spring I will be in Mexico after the Goulds. My buyer said last year he sold about 15,000lbs, he retails them for $30-$40 per can do the math. He starts buying in the country of Turkey and ends in Alaska.
Well I better get something done, anything else I can help you with let me know.

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