Muscle Milk?


Very Active Member
My brother and dad swear by the stuff, does anyone here use it? I am 28 years old, 5'11", and 200 lbs, I would like to be 180-185. Being in shape is more important to me than exact weight, but I would like to drop at least 15lbs. I got a year membership at gold's last week and have been going every day, I even gave up pop last month. I run for 45 minutes then lift using a push/pull/legs rotation. Will I benifit from the muscle milk or is there a better product for general weight loss and muscle building?


Muscle milk has a lot of calories i'd look for some thing with less calories if your trying to put on some muscle and lose some weight.
I have just started on Muscle Milk, It's part of my high protin nutritional program along with strength training. It's too soon for me to know the benifits(started last week).
If calories are you concern try he Muscle Milk Light, it's like 195 calories per serving.
Muscle Milk is a great product, but it's got a lot of fat in it.
Just watch what time of the day you take it, keep it early in the day so you burn it up.

I'm currently using one i like better from BSN called "True Mass", it has a mixture of proteins that act like a time release.

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
Try Badger Milk...

I was going to suggest breast milk. I don't know but I draw the line somewhere this side of drinking anything called "muscle milk".
Good call beefy, the mods are watchin ya like a hawk already. Lol

Muscle milk is supposed to mimick actual breast milk and the nutritional benefits from it.....minus the nipple and the oray of different flavors. Lol

If ya wanna save a few bucks, try "Mega Milk", it's the same exact thing from another company, just cheaper.

The cookies N cream are to die for.
I used to wake up in the night craving it......craving the mega milk people, the mega milk. :9 Lol

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
C'mon ktc, you know what we're talking about!

It's the stuff from lactating Lucy!!:9

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
Ha ha! Yeah, right? That does not sound like anything that comes from Lucy. Larry, maybe, Lucy, no way! Ha!
Mother Nature decided that you don't need milk after you are weaned. Man is the only animal on the planet that continues to drink milk all of it's life.

There are a large group of science wizards who feel that milk intake contributes to a lot of human ailments....and I ain't taking any chances.

I can honestly say, I have not had a glass of milk for over 40 years. I have it with cereal on occasion, but I don't like it there either.

I tasted breast milk by accident, when I was about 25.....that ALMOST made me switch teams!!!!
It does kind of sound gay now that I think about it, at least it's not called "man chowder".

Slam, I looked up that mega milk. Cookies and cream does sound good......I lift at 6 am, do I drink half before and half after, or does it matter? I know that you are an expert at the lifting thing, that's why I ask.


LAST EDITED ON May-08-08 AT 03:56PM (MST)[p]Andyman-

Most definately NOT an "expert" by anymeans, but i know just enough to keep myself in trouble. Lol

If you are trying to put on mass, you should ALWAYS eat solid foods prior to training, a MM shake immediately after your done training, then another solid meal about an hour after that.

And if you want an even better POST workout drink, i highly recommend "After Shock" by Myogenix.
It loads your hungry muscle back up with simple carbs (glycogen) and also has L-Glutamine, Creatine and joint repair in it.
Excellent product!!

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
Man Chowder? What the hell is that? Muscle Milk?;-)


You are scaring the hell out of me? Dude, I do not know if I want to be part of any tie-dye bunch that drink Muscle Milk.

What the hell is wrong with an Amp, Full Throttle, or just a plain old Budweiser? Muscle Milk? Gawd!;-)
Lol....don't worry ktc, the more muscle milk i dump down my throat is the less meat your going to have to pack.:D

Oh ya, and the buds will be in the cooler for when we get the job done. ;-)

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
Which muscle does it come out of??

"...exact weight, but I would like to drop at least 15lbs."

Hell... I drop 15 pounds every morning!

(Throat Yogurt... LOL!!!)
Nutrex Lipo 6 if you wanna lose weight.

No- Xplode if you want to increase strength and build muscle.

If you are consistently running 45 minutes during your workouts, you are in better condition than 95% of America.
though some people think that Muscle Milk has too much fat in it, I've done some medical reading that indicates that you need a certain amount of fats to properly absorb the proteins more efficiently. Quite a few of the baseball players I know like Muscle Milk for after workout recovery. I've tried it in the premixed chocolate milk flavored containers and like it. It's easy, convenient and tastes good. I think it's all part of a proper training regimen.

I have to give credit where credit is due. I think throat yogurt is something nvbighorn came up with? Not sure, but I laugh about it! My wife was not impressed though.:-(
All jokes aside, after a 2 hour workout at the gym tonight that really kicked my butt, the first thing I did when I came home was opened the fridge and stuck a straw into an 11 oz. carton of Muscle Milk. It does help with recovery and is great as part of an after workout meal.
.........funny, my wife don't think that "throat yogurt" is funny either......I, on the other hand....

I may test the phrase on my 77 year old mother in law.
LAST EDITED ON May-10-08 AT 12:42PM (MST)[p]I ended up getting some whey protein (chocolate flavored) for post workout and an anabolic leucine stack for pre-workout. The stack has creatine and caffine as well. I bought a 30 day supply of both, I'll let you know how it goes after a month. I may switch to muscle milk after I have lost the weight that I want to.

PS, my wife didn't think that the "yogurt" term was funny either.


"don't worry ktc, the more muscle milk i dump down my throat is the less meat your going to have to pack"

Am I the only one who said WTF when reading this statement? Muscle milk down your throat is less meat you have to pack. Now I am worried, I may have to cancel the tye dye shirts. Help!!!


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
LMAO pro!!

The muscle milk will turn me into a pack mule my friend, something you may or may not thank me for later. :9

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
But who's "mule" are you going to be "packing"? This whole subject reeks of homo undertones.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

It only reeks of homosexual undertones to a bunch of guys who's minds are always in the gutter ;)

On the serious side, it's good stuff for after-workout recovery. Doesn't anyone else drink this stuff?
That's right CA!!

I actually got off the stuff and found something better, i now use "True Mass" for my inbetween meals, and for recovery i use "After Shock".

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"

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