

Long Time Member

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,

Have a little compassion for Murtha. He's still traumatized because of the civilians he killed in Vietnam. It caused post-traumatic stress disorder. This is when the sufferer says strange and other bizarre things that have no basis in reality.
The symptoms include constant resighting of polls, bad mouthing the president, predicting defeat, blaming Isreal and worrying about the national debt. No known cure.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-18-07 AT 07:31PM (MST)[p]New Military Governor of Oregon. Promises liberals and moderates fair treatment at Camp Christmas Valley.

I guess he does like Bush does when in a tough spot, studder and say something stupid.

It's too early to say if anything illegal happened at Haditha or if it didn't. one thing is for sure, some poor miltary leadership happened and some Americans most likely died in retaliation for it. even then we'll never know for sure, OJ is innocent too. was there no wrong doing or nobody able or willing to prove there was?. If all charges are dropped right or wrong we must accept the outcome, but saying Murtha was wrong and it's over and all is premature at this point.

Overton, Murtha never surendered.

You are so predictable, and of course right. At least you didn't slander Uncle Robert, thanks.


You took that better than I thought you might, I know better than to talk too bad about Lee to a southern boy.
" It's too early to say if anything illegal happened at Haditha or if it didn't."
That is exactly the point Dude. Yet Murtha went on to the floor of the United States Senate and called our boys cold blooded murderers. Does that not bother you? So Murtha is judge and jury? His words embolden the enemy. Murtha is a traitor and should be brought up on charges. He is a skunk of the worst kind in my opinion.

"Americans most likely died in retaliation for it."
Yes especially when they heard one of our own leaders calling them murderers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Murtha has got to go.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
Maybe Murth jumped the gun but what happened in Haditha does look inexcuseable from what the interviews I've seen would show. if these guys are innocent then Murtha owes them an appology, if they're guilty they deserve the firing squad. crap like this is why what little hope of victory in Iraq will be lost, you can't expect the people to side with us rather than Iran if you kill them like varmints.

In a war where you don't know who your enemy is such as this one bad things are going to happen, but they must be kept to a minimum and violations must be punished. if you want to get on Murtha's case for jumping the gun and being wrong what about Bush & Cheney? they were wrong and that's the reason we're in this war in the first place and the reason it's gone so poorly. somehow I see Murth's possible mistake as less important.
> Maybe Murth jumped the gun
>but what happened in Haditha
>does look inexcuseable from what
>the interviews I've seen would
>show. if these guys are
>innocent then Murtha owes them
>an appology, if they're guilty
>they deserve the firing squad.
>crap like this is why
>what little hope of victory
>in Iraq will be lost,
>you can't expect the people
>to side with us rather
>than Iran if you kill
>them like varmints.
> In a war where
>you don't know who your
>enemy is such as this
>one bad things are going
>to happen, but they must
>be kept to a minimum
>and violations must be punished.
>if you want to get
>on Murtha's case for jumping
>the gun and being wrong
>what about Bush & Cheney?
>they were wrong and that's
>the reason we're in this
>war in the first place
>and the reason it's gone
>so poorly. somehow I see
>Murth's possible mistake as less


I finally see some light, a small token perhaps but yet almost huge. "Little hope of Victory in Iraq will be lost" Yes very small but a glacier moves slower.

CAMP PENDLETON — – Dereliction of duty charges have been dismissed against a Marine captain whose troops killed 24 Iraqis in November 2005 after a roadside bomb killed a comrade, the Marine Corps announced Tuesday.

Lt. Gen. James N. Mattis, commander of the Marine Forces Central Command, decided that any of what a statement referred to as “errors or omissions” made by Capt. Lucas M. McConnell would best be handled through an administrative process.

McConnell and three other officers were charged in December with failing to investigate the killings in the Iraqi town of Haditha as a possible war crime.

The administrative process could range from verbal counseling to a letter in McConnell's personnel file. The letter could hurt his chances for promotion or a choice assignment.

McConnell was relieved of duty as commanding officer of Kilo Company, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, during the investigation that led to charges against the four officers and four enlisted Marines. He was not at the scene of the killings.

Mattis has dismissed charges against two officers, McConnell and Capt. Randy Stone, and two enlisted Marines, Lance Cpl. Justin L. Sharratt and Sgt. Sanick P. Dela Cruz.

Mattis is considering recommendations by hearing officers that charges against Lance Cpl. Stephen B. Tatum be dismissed and that Lt. Col. Jeffrey Chessani, the battalion commander, face court-martial.

A hearing officer has yet to forward a recommendation about Staff Sgt. Frank D. Wuterich, who was the squad leader when Marines killed five Iraqi men in the street and seven children, three women and nine men in three houses. Charges are also pending against Lt. Andrew A. Grayson.

Mattis has been serving as convening authority in the Haditha case and in other cases of alleged brutality committed by Marines in the Iraqi towns of Hamandiya and Fallouja and in Afghanistan.
Dude you amaze me, actually you boggle my mind. Are you so far gone off the leftometer that all you can say about Murtha calling our men in harms way "COLD BLOODED MURDERERS" as simply maybe jumping the gun? Murtha simply jumped the gun you say? My God man are you insane. Murtha is a mouthpiece for Osama himself. He condemns the very men that are protecting him and emboldens our enemy at the same time and all you can say is he "jumped the gun." UNBELIEVABLE.

This man is a disgrace, a traitor, a troop hater, a political animal only looking out for number one and piss on the rest of the world. He is the lowest form of human waste. If I were those men I would confront Murtha my self with camera's rolling, then punch him square in the nose.

jumped the gun WTF Dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
People like you said the hearings on My Lai were a witch hunt also.

Murtha probably has more info to base his comments on that you or I do seeing as he's in congress and has deep military ties. if he's wrong then he's wrong but you must admit what happened in Haditha looks very bad and we can't sweep it under the rug as you'ld like to. if we're to win the favor of the Iraqi people they have to know we'll take action against murderers if indeed that's what happened here. if Murtha spoke poorly then he'll pay the political price come next election for his actions, we don't need a lynch mob to take him out. if that's the way we did things Bush, Cheney, Rice and Rummy would have been gone long ago, skeletons by now. what goes around comes around, calm down.
Dude, hello, charges were dropped on a few guys and probably the rest will get dropped soon.
Since when did "looks bad" become a conviction Dude!?

CHARGES DROPPED...........SO MURTHA IS/WAS WRONG ON AT LEAST THESE FIRST COUPLE OF GUYS. what is it you don't get. How would you like to be called a "cold blooded murderer by your country?

My Lai straw man, Dude. give it up!!!!

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
You don't think it looks bad when 24 non combatant civilians including women and kids are blown away in their house? you must live in a tough part of town.

Just because charges have been dropped on a few of those involved doesn't mean the rest are innocent.did you see the interview with the C/O in this case? it damn sure looks bad. if they're found innocent then justice has been served or at least played out and they're free to go, nobody is grabbing the rope quite yet as you make it sound. what about the 99% of the troops who do their job in a proper and professional mannor? do they deserve to be lumped in with those who don't by just saying " crap happens " ? either way the killings look bad, were bad and did the effort in Iraq long term harm. Murtha may have spoken out of place but it shows we do care about the Iraqis and that congress will demand answers, even if we don't care it looks good and looks count.
"Murtha may have spoken out of place but it shows we do care about the Iraqis and that congress will demand answers, even if we don't care it looks good and looks count."

You are such a TOOL of the left Dude. May have spoken out of place? May have? Again in this post as in the otheres your disdane for our fighting men comes through. Disgusting. "May have" I can't get over that. The man calls the Marines that are protecting his a$$ "Cold Blooded Murderers" and all you can come up with is "May have spoken out of place." You are an appolagist for the left military hating establishment. "May have" Unreal Dude even for you!!!

Dude do us all a favor and back away from the Peace Sign hanging on your wall above your computer and put down the brownies your eating. :)

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
This isn't over so how do you know for sure if he's right or wrong? the killing of innocent women and kids no doubt is fine with you because after all they were just Muslims. you say the Iraq war was justified because we had to free the Iraqi people, then you turn around and say we can smoke them at will? it's still very possible the C/O will be charged and that means he was at fault , but it also means those who acted with him aren't sqeaky clean. I would say calling them murderers before the hearings was out of line, but your utter disregaurd for 24 dead non combatant civilians is more out of line. you're more concerned about what Murtha says and some hurt feelings than what really happened at Haditha. until it's all on the table you're worse than Murtha, at least he cared about the dead civilians and the dead Americans as a result of it.
You are impossible Dude. What RELH said.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
Com'on you could get stoned and write what RELH said youself. I don't see anything on this thread, must have been one of his personal rants from another thread you're refering to.

If anyone on this forum is "stoned" it is you with your defeatist left wing jargon that is getting very old and un-american. In 1776 they would have called you a "Tory" and tar and feathered you. I still thing you are one of the most ignorant persons I have come across. You sprew the lines of Clinton, Kerry, Schumer, and Gore, but they have enought intelligence and cunning to sound convincing. You happen to lack in that department. You really need to craw back under your rock and do some serious thinking about how to cure your case of melancholy.
By the way, you keep referring to me as being a alcoholic and now as being stoned. I very rarely drink, and I do not use drugs. Could you by chance have a problem with that yourself since you seem to bring up that subject very much in accusing others that do not follow your party agenda.

OK you just seem like a drunk, maybe you're not. why do you assume I'm a dem? I'm ticked at Bush and the ignorant idiots in congress who've got us in this mess . can't a republican take issue with his party when they screw up? I think they can , check it out. you also don't notice the fact that I'm in the majority of Americans in my opinion this war is not worth the cost for what we stand to gain if anything, so if anyone is going to get feathered it's you who'll be chicken man. get off your high horse, this war is very unpopular outside of MM so knock off the traitor and you're crazy crap, it just ads to how ignorant you sound.

Why do you think I'm depressed? I have everything I've ever wanted including a late Kaibab tag in my pocket. I even have you and 202 to make me laugh, life is good. well not quite true, I still don't have Katherine Zeta Jones , but I'm working on it.
>OK you just seem like a
>drunk, maybe you're not. why
>do you assume I'm a
>dem? I'm ticked at Bush
>and the ignorant idiots in
>congress who've got us in
>this mess . can't a
>republican take issue with his
>party when they screw up?
>I think they can ,
>check it out. you also
>don't notice the fact that
>I'm in the majority of
>Americans in my opinion this
>war is not worth the
>cost for what we stand
>to gain if anything, so
>if anyone is going to
>get feathered it's you who'll
>be chicken man. get off
>your high horse, this war
>is very unpopular outside of
>MM so knock off the
>traitor and you're crazy crap,
>it just ads to how
>ignorant you sound.
> Why do you think I'm
>depressed? I have everything I've
>ever wanted including a late
>Kaibab tag in my pocket.
>I even have you and
>202 to make me laugh,
>life is good. well not
>quite true, I still don't
>have Katherine Zeta Jones ,
>but I'm working on it.


Up until now I haven't been mad at you. But since you have a late Kaibab tag that's out the window you jerk! LOL. Does your wife know you have the hot's for Katherine Zeta Jones?


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