Murtha is a skunk haditha Marines Cleared


Long Time Member
Remeber this?
"It's much worse than reported in Time magazine. There was no fire fight. There was no IED that killed these innocent people. Our troops overreacted because of the pressure on them and they killed innocent civilians in cold blood. And that's what the report is going to tell."
Remember when this un-American no good rat $#@*&%%$#er said this about our brave Marines.

Well guess what, The U.S. Marines have dropped charges against a captain and a lance corporal in connection with the deaths of 24 Iraqi civilians in the town of Haditha two years ago. 5 more marines remain but it looks as though charges will be dropped against them all.
What a shock, a liberal talking out his arse and blaming Americans for everything, just an attempt to turn more Americans against the war. Demonize the troops, the war, the President and it is alot easier to get people to lose favor/support. What a POS!

Like you I don't know the whole story here just what was released to the public, but to call these guys brave soldiers with the cloud of suspicion that hangs over it is lame at best. OJ Simpson was cleared too, that doesn't make him a hero it just makes him cleared. mistakes can and will happen but Murtha has more military experience than most anyone on this site and is privy to more intell than anyone here as well, this is just an unfortunate situation with no winner. if they were justified then great, either way these things do serious harm to winning the trust and cooperation of the Iraqi people and deserve serious investigation .

Murtha made a decision to smear those marines and conduct a trial of the incident in the press by making false statements, or statements that it appears was out of line in order to cause desention with the American public for the Dem. party. Both parties have committed this for their parties' agenda, and it is wrong, no matter how you look at
I agree that incidents that may show serious violations need to be investigated, but our politicians and news people need to use common sense and not make allegations that they can not back up. Wait until the investigation is completed and all facts are in.
As for Murtha's military experience, it has nothing to do with him overloading his brains by speaking out of term when he was not there at the incident.

Some what true, but if you watched the interview with the C/O in this incident it looks bad, real bad. it's not a matter of IF they screwed up it's a matter of did they do it with intent to kill civilians, we can't say and we'll never know. what Murtha says isn't a big deal anyway, he isn't going to get anything done but it does show the Iraqis we care about needless killing of civilians, we have to act like we care if there's to be any hope over there.

It should also be noted this case is not over with charges dropped on only two so far, Murtha may be right in the end and you're doing just what you accuse him of doing.

When you set up soldiers in a situation like they're in this kind of crap is bound to happen, no clear enemy and no clear plan. excactly why it's impossible to win without Iraqi cooperation, and you don't get that by making these screw ups. this is a true mess, all the very best options are still bad.
Now it's no big deal what a left wing liberal said when he accused our troops of being MURDERS. I wonder if it would be a big deal with you if a GOP member made a screwup like that.
You stated, " when we set up soldiers in a situation like they're in this kind of crap is bound to happen, no clear enemy and no clear plan".
This indicates that you are trying to say that this type of incidents is only unique to the war in Iraq because our goverment, BUSH DID IT, should not have our troops over there in the first place.
Maybe you should talk to all those relatives of yours that you claim have military experience. they should tell you that this type of behavior is very common during heavy combat. In happen a lot during WW11 by all sides.
Your side has slanted almost everything, and will continue to do so and you fit right there in the middle of them, go craw back under your rock for a rest and some soul searching. I am beginning to believe that you do not support our troops, even if you claim to do so.
Every time troops have been put in a situation like this things happen , like Mi Lie it just does. frustratiuon and discust takes it's toll on anyone. yes, it happens in all wars but in ones like this it matters more. we didn't have to ask the Japs and their neighbors for cooperation after we secured the country, we just told them what they were going to do and they did it or else.

If you think I'm saying Bush should have figured this out first, like his more intelligent dad did then you're getting smarter. I am supporting the troops, but good one we haven't heard that for a few weeks. when I say they're in a bad position and mistakes will happen I'm saying they're only human and I understand. that doesn't mean they should go unpunished, if for no other reason than the fact their deeds make life harder on the guys doing their duty in a proper manor.
If you think Bush Sr. did not want to continue and take out Saddam, you are very wrong that he called a cease fire because he felt it was the "right thing" to do. He was taking a lot of heat from the U.N. and the Arab nations to stop after pushing Iraq out of Kuwait. Which was the stated goal.
In fact, events afterwards pretty well show that it was a mistake for him to halt the advance on Bagdag. I am sure Bush Jr. took this in consideration when the press and the Dems started yelling at him to pull out when he may feel that the job is still only half done.
Bush's big mistake was counting on the wrong people to lead the re-build of Iraq and going about how to get a gov. in there that will help stabilized that part of the country and not be a prick in our sides down the line.

Bush Sr. said his main reason for pulling back was he had no exit strategy. we see now he was dead on.

Little Bush's big mistake was attacking Iraq, followed by a series of smaller mistakes.

What makes you think we can force a government of our choosing on the Iraqis and produce a country that will be no problem to us? dream on , every country over there is a problem to us and even if Iraq did turn out neutral that's just one semi docile wolf in the pack. big deal, the cost has been way to high for that small accomplishment.

5 more dead Americans near Baghdad this morning, Iraqi forces are increasing the fighting amounst themselves and the Sunni polititians are stepping up their anti Iraqi government stance. yeah, I know stay the coarse and all will be sweet. whatever.
The reason they stopped in 1990, we were abiding by the UN mandate which allowed us to get Irac out of Kuwait. That was the objective that the coalition agreed to.

There are only two types of people - The Hunters and the hunted,
I hunt.
Like the mandate little Bush had in 2003? I don't know how to cut and paste but look up the March 1998 article by George Bush Sr. and Brent Scowcroft. that says it all, too bad 'lil Bush didn't have someone read it to him.

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