MurdersCreek Elk



All these years
Ive never gone after elk.

What's different from a deer hunt?

What's the same?

All the gear is laid out, rifle freshly cleaned . Just a few days and we'll buy the chow and head out.

But the phone never brings good news after 11.

My son turned thirty during deer season. He sufferred a major stroke some time this weekend. No illness or known trouble, just out of the blue and he can niether walk nor talk.

RE: GodIsGood

That is a bummer, hope he recovers well. I'm no doctor so I don't know what you're spposed to expect from something like that.

If you do end up going hunting at some point I know the west side of the unit well if you have any questions.
RE: GodIsGood

what! old is he....anyways prayers heading your way......Man I'm sorry to hear that, todays technology should have him up and talkiong soon.....
RE: GodIsGood

LAST EDITED ON Nov-12-09 AT 08:54AM (MST)[p]Sorry to hear that. Hopefully the young age will help get him through this faster. You never know how things turn out with a stroke, support and hope for the best.

Blacks-Creek Packs Dealer
RE: GodIsGood


We are out of the emergency stage and moved to the Acute Recovery program for stroke victims at Providence. It is the best in the state. The move brought up some questions. Travis ,for the first time, asked about his belongings. He has been able to put two or three small words together ( a few days ago he coulndt talk at all :) so it takes a fair effort to figure out what he is trying to convey.
Turns out he was becoming afraid . He was afraid of being left institutionalized and was desperate to get away. Up to that moment he had not expressed an interest or consern in this regard. Probably because the fog of confusion surrounding the whole ordeal. With his Mom ,sister and me trying so hard to understand him I finally asked whether he was worried about what was to become of him following therapy.

Affirmative grunt and fearful eyes.
'You're coming (home) with me son'.
And the dam burst.

Travis had pushed us as far away as possible and was slowly drinking him self to death. A small percentage of folks have a blood condition that leads to stroke under extreme alchohol abuse. He has this condition and I dont believe he ever planned to leave his house. There were over 100 empties in his bathroom, several times that scattered over his bedroom, and... well just gets worse. He was dying.

Tonight my only son is clean sober and safe for the first time in several years. And I am so grateful!

Thanx Guys.
RE: GodIsGood

What a miracle for you're boy,and for you're family.Hopefully he has reached his BOTTOM. I've been in recovery for 13-years one day at a time God willin on November 23. What iv'e experienced is the family has to get well too,and Allinon meetings might be helpful. And A.A. meetings saved my as well.Not trying to preach,just can tell you what has worked for me and many others.
RE: GodIsGood

Heavy story. I wish you the best and thank you for sharing. It might help wake someone else up.

RE: GodIsGood

man, heavy news. good luck to you and your family. i'm sorry to hear it. my next door neibor was rushed a 4:30 last night to the hospitol with a stroke, dont even know how severe yet.
RE: GodIsGood

Quite a ride ,these past few weeks.

Travis had just turned 30 when the stroke hit. We handnt spoken in over a year. Funny how things turn out, tears of joy and sadness fall from the same eyes. Just sitting here thinking of the life he had a few weeks ago gives a shudder. A bright and strong young man, with no future. Weakness had taken over, but a mother's prayers are powerful.

Through these weeks I've been privileged to see him take his first steps and struggle to say his first words a second time. Yesterday we rolled his unused wheelchair back to the Providence Acute Rehab center. I cant say enough about the fine care he recieved while there. But I can say they gave Travis a nice reception and he left with the cute little therapist's number

Preparing for the worst has some advantages. We are grateful the 24/7 care the Drs told us would be required was never necessary. After the 'training' we never had to move him from the wheelchair to the car and back, except for that first visit home. Its easy now to remember the frightened boy so desperately trying to get out of the hospital bed and run away, long before he could take a step: And my getting to tell him , after we finally grapsed the cause of his fright, 'You're comming home with me son'. Today he'll walk up the steps to breakfast, without a cane or a brace. Even the right hand has grip and movement. We are so grateful.

Now there are plans for college. And next years hunting trips. How can the value of a second chance be reckoned? About the same as heart felt words of kindness I suppose.


Thanx so much.

RE: GodIsGood

God disciplines those he loves? even if it is to bring a Prodigal son home. Luke 15:11-32.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
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