Muley or Blacktail?


Long Time Member
To tell the truth, i've neither killed a true monster Blacktail or a true monster Muley buck. Especially now that i'm in my 50's, i'd just about give one of my "fellas" for a shot at either. Question;

If you had to pick, would you rather kill a world class, once in a lifetime, Mule deer or Blacktail buck.

i'll go first...i really don't know :)

the other Joey
Well "The Other Joey" I would prefer a huge high fence whitetail. Oh wait that was another forum. I would have to say a monster Blacktail with a bow in full velvet.

If your asking a monster 200 inch blackie or a 300 inch question it would be the muley. Hell, I'd rather kill a 200 inch blackie than an 90 inch speedgoat.
Muleys all the way....but if I did want a blackie I'd probably have bomberblackies help me.
Blacktails, for the same reason I put in for tule elk every year. I can kill muleys, rosevelts, rky mt elk, in numerous states over the counter. We have world class blackies right outside our doors and pretty much the only oppertunity to kill a tule elk anywhere in the world. I would'nt waste my once in a lifetime tag on a rosevelt tag that I could get over the counter in Oregon.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Dang, "the other Joey", that's a good question. Since I live in CA and am getting older I better take the Muley. Then I can "retire" here at home and hunt for the Blacktail.

Nothing like a good plan, right?:)

All Right !! Thanks guys for your comments.

Hardway, I like the way yer thinken on tha Tule Elk draw. I tried a couple times but just don't like the odds. Still, with max points, they are gettin better. :)

A a young kid, we had what would be considered great Blacktail hunting on our family ranch near Mt Diablo. I killed my share every year and usually took the best to come out of those hills. Problem was, we never saw the really big boys during the season. There weren't many to begin with but there were a few, you'd see them heavy in the rut about Thanksgiving, that might be considered world class.

Also, i hunted a lot with my best friend on their place across on the other side of the valley. There, the bucks had more what it takes to grow larger racks and they did indeed. Neither of us killed any "Book" type bucks but we saw a few...on "others" property. My friends family had a right of way thru a guy's property to get from one ranch to another. This other guy's holdings included a township, 6 sections X 6 sections and at the time they allowed no hunting. Keeping it short, you just can't believe the huge 4x4 bucks that we had to drive right by. When you're 16 years old and you see a huge buck like you always wanted, it's tougher than blazes to just look, believe me!! I hear they sell Elk hunts there now, some may be familiar, the Connolly ranch. Back in the 60's and early 70's, there were some toad Blackies in that country.

I guess the point of my asking in this thread. To me, a Toad Blacktail is just as great a trophy as a toad Muley. That's my opinion. I posted this to hear yours :)

the other Joey
Eel, Thanks! I do like your plan. I'm kinda thinking talong the same line. I put in for a good outa state draw this year that have a real chance of drawing. Maybe, just maybe.

You might remember that last outa state hunt where i took a quick window of opportunity shot at, from what i could see, was at least a pretty decent 5X5. My bud felt sure he had seen the buck earlier in the day and he joined me as i was trying to side hill a very steep rock slide area to get to the downed buck.

My pard kept saying on and on while we made our way up to the animal, how i just killed a freaking Toad Typical, "way over 200", "He's way bigger than anything you already killed, in fact, he's bigger than anything i've ever killed."... I was so excited, about gave out at the knees. My bud beat me to the buck, he says, "Sorry Joey, This ain't the same buck"... i could a killed him. :) j/k

So yeah, you and i are still after it, got to have a plan. Time's running out. Good luck in your pursuit Eel!!

the other Joey
TOJ (the other Joey), I hope we both draw our Muley tags this year. That does improve the odds of getting a monster.:)

The really cool (and frustrating) thing about blacktails is you can just go get two OTC tags and hunt the monster bucks every year. I've posted these before, but these are fairly recent kills all on public land. I wish I had this guys skill and determination. (A friend of mine). Maybe not monsters but big mature bucks that anyone would be proud of.



"man i sure like that dark horned fork ,,,,,"

Which one? looks like two big forkies in the front row, one in from each side. Both dandies

"Maybe not monsters but big mature bucks that anyone would be proud of."

I guess so Eel!! That is wonderful stuff. I have a bunch that are a notch or two down from that group. My hunting partner though, he has them like that, and more,... Big Muleys too, makes me sick! :)

the other Joey
Very hard question to answer. I have killed a couple of good blacktail just not an absolute monster. So for now i hope to have a few good out of state hunts a have a chance at a great muley, and just keep plugging away every year for that one special blacktail. To answer your question a Muley.

was looking at the one on the left, didnt even notice the one on the right,,,, now that you point it out i'd sure take either one :) both very nice
Hey Eel are those cross bucks like they have in the C-zones or true blue columbian blackies from within the B&C boundries? BH1
I live in blacktail country,and hunting a trophy can be an obcession.But a monster muley is what i would prefer
Buckhunter1, If i could answer for Eel and he can correct me if i'm wrong, I remember when he posted these bucks awhile back and what he said about them. They were all taken well within the boundary of pure Blacktails. The Real Deal!! Beauties, eh?

Believe he also said that none of them make the all-time B&C book. Just goes to show exactly how big a typical 150+ class blacktail buck has gotta be. No easy feat!

the other Joey
Thanx Sage for the info. I'll tell you what if you put a fourth point on a couple of those Blackies they would be real close to awards book for sure! Awesome bucks anyway you look at it! Cali has it goin on with the A & B zones. Thanx for giving me some cabin fever WOOD! BH1
I had to pull this one backto the top just so the newbies could see the nice blacktails. Eel those are some nice Bucks.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I would have to take a HUGE mulie.

I think it is a rarer beast on reasonable to get tags.

I live in Blacktail country and hunt them every year and although I have not killed any Book bucks I have killed a few that would fit in Eel's pic, but I know I have seen NUMEROUS Book bucks either out of season or out of reach in Archery season that I could not get on. So I know with my B-Zone tag and a little luck and some hard work I could stumble into one any time I am in one of my favorite spots. I just don't think it's as possible on an OTC or easy draw unit in mulie country.

Great bucks Eel and nice thread Joey.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
I play poker with the guy who killed those bucks. I can never get a read on him. He stalks me like a big blacktail.:(

Mulie still does it for me too, but after hunting blacktails all my life I know a true monster "public land" blacktail may actually be harder to get than the Mulie?

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California Guides & Outfitters

Western Wildlife Adventures

Offering some fine Blacktail Deer hunting, Wild Pig hunts, Turkey hunts and Waterfowl hunts.

Urge 2 Hunt

We offer the top private land hunts in all of California, for blacktail deer, elk, pigs, bison and turkeys.

G & J Outdoors

Offering Tule elk hunts for bulls and cows on a 17,000 acre Ranch in Laytonville, CA with 100% success.

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