Mugabe is dead


Long Time Member
I know it doesn't mean much to a lot of first world folks but one of the great monsters in this world finally gave up the ghost. He did one thing I can appreciate. He died on a Friday so I don't have to be at work tomorrow anyway.

I'm guessing I'm not the only one who just had to google that name. Dictator of Zimbabwe - LOOSER
Hey guys no big deal. You did exactly as the press and the government hoped.

Our CIA set this guy up in power back in 1980. Everybody was so happy those evil white minorities weren't in power anymore. Over the following 35 years he murdered 100's of thousands, forced millions of white people out of their homes and out of the country, crashed an economy and oppressing his people into a constant struggle with starvation. Oh yeah he stole close to thirty billion of your dollars too. Nobody ever lifted a finger to help. Nobody would even talk about it.

Anyway, HE GONE.

I lived in Zimbabwe for about 18 months during his takeover of the farms. It was not a great time. I don't wish death upon anyone, and the influence of this is lessened by him not being in power any more before this.

But yes, Mugabe was an evil man who has done horrible things. This will result in positive things for a country filled with incredible people that have been oppressed for far too long.
>I lived in Zimbabwe for about
>18 months during his takeover
>of the farms. It was
>not a great time. I
>don't wish death upon anyone,
>and the influence of this
>is lessened by him not
>being in power any more
>before this.
>But yes, Mugabe was an evil
>man who has done horrible
>things. This will result in
>positive things for a country
>filled with incredible people that
>have been oppressed for far
>too long.

Yep....should be a nice place now that all the rich Honkeys are gone.....

"Over the following 35 years he murdered 100's of thousands, forced millions of white people out of their homes and out of the country, crashed an economy and oppressing his people into a constant struggle with starvation. Oh yeah he stole close to thirty billion of your dollars too."

So.....he was a Democrat?
Mugabe is/was one of the worst current dictators. His death had been announced several times over the last decade only to be false. Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia) was a very prosperous nation until Mugabe evicted all the white farmers, those that didn't leave were killed, afterwards most of the farms went fallow. Poaching ran rampant. Inflation has been some of the worst ever. It has been talked of for a long time that his wife will probably replace him.

Twice I've hunted along the Limpopo river which is the South African/Zimbabwe border. It is like the Mexican/U.S. border as far as refugees escaping. I watched S.A. military helicopters searching for and chase zim refugees. I also saw more than one person missing a leg from stepping on a landmine left over from the Rhodesian war.

Mugabe being dead will hopefully be a good thing, it all depends on who succeeds him.
Mugabe lost power two years ago. The VP (former general and nicknamed the crocodile) got China backing (they finance Zim for natural resources) and did a very quiet coup.

What spurned this was the VP was replaced by Mugabes wife as the VP.

Either way the new boss is a bit like the old boss.

Overall it is a beautiful country, unfortunately 90% unemployment and you see huge grain bins just falling part. But inflation was so bad they switch to the US dollar so on the plus side no foreign currency exchange fees.
>Mugabe lost power two years ago.
> The VP (former general
>and nicknamed the crocodile) got
>China backing (they finance Zim
>for natural resources) and did
>a very quiet coup.
>What spurned this was the VP
>was replaced by Mugabes wife
>as the VP.
>Either way the new boss is
>a bit like the old
>Overall it is a beautiful country,
>unfortunately 90% unemployment and you
>see huge grain bins just
>falling part. But inflation was
>so bad they switch to
>the US dollar so on
>the plus side no foreign
>currency exchange fees.

Yep and I'm aware of what China is doing in Africa as well. They go into African countries, sweet-talk the government with bribes and by saying they will build up infrastructure and then they strip and pillage all of the resources from that country while the elite government officials get rich. They pretty much follow the same plot as every sci-fi alien invasion movie ever made. Invade, steal the resources and then kill them off ;-)

South Africa is slowly following Zimbabwe and white farmers are also starting to be removed from their farms there. TIA
Vanilla or Tri,

Why did he get set up by CIA? I'd assume to balance against someone?

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
I don't know the answer to that, Hoss. Tristate will have to chime in on that claim.

Zimbabwe was a very prosperous country a long time before the white land owners were forced off their farms. But it had already started its tail spin from prosperity long before this happened. After this happened though, it was not a tail spin, it was a terminal velocity drop.

As stated, Mugabe had not been in power for a while now. He was replaced already as described above. I think many in opposition to Mugabe were hopeful with the new guy, even if he'd been a part of Mugabe in the past. He made some promises and assurances, but I don't know how it's turned out.

I'll be going back with my wife sometime in the foreseeable future. I can't wait to be there again.
>I don't know the answer to
>that, Hoss. Tristate will have
>to chime in on that
>Zimbabwe was a very prosperous country
>a long time before the
>white land owners were forced
>off their farms. But it
>had already started its tail
>spin from prosperity long before
>this happened. After this happened
>though, it was not a
>tail spin, it was a
>terminal velocity drop.
>As stated, Mugabe had not been
>in power for a while
>now. He was replaced already
>as described above. I think
>many in opposition to Mugabe
>were hopeful with the new
>guy, even if he'd been
>a part of Mugabe in
>the past. He made some
>promises and assurances, but I
>don't know how it's turned
>I'll be going back with my
>wife sometime in the foreseeable
>future. I can't wait to
>be there again.

Hey Niller?

Besides the Hunting!

What else attracts You Back?

That they are 50 Years behind Us?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Average Life Span for People in that Country = Mid 30's!


I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Back in the cold war days the Soviets were backing a militant faction in British Rhodesia called ZAPU. The US could see the writing on the wall and new that eventually ZAPU was going to take over the country. SO they funded and backed the creation of ZANU which was still a revolutionary force but supposedly a more democratic and capitalist revolutionary group. The really stupid part of the plan was to get a ZAPU chairperson to head it for us which happened to be Robert Mugabe. I think they figured since he was corruptible then he was controllable. A first world educated office analyst will never ever be able to understand, plan, and most certainly control Africans.
He shoulda been 'necktied' by the Mandelas.

?Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. "

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