Mtn Goat hunt and what's in your pack???



I'm headed to Northern BC to hunt early season moose and mountain goat in August. Curious what you guys carry in your day packs? We will have a base camp so no need to carry all my extra clothes and sleeping gear.


LAST EDITED ON Jul-29-13 AT 03:34PM (MST)[p]Rain gear, matches, 2 candy bars, water bottle, one pair socks, binos, rangefinder, 5 extra rounds ammo, scalpel handle, scalpels, short spike crampons, flashlight, plastic bags, TP.
I left spotter and tripod at camp the two goat hunts I have done. From base camp we knew which goats we would climb for. We could tell if they were mature males or not from base camp and that was good enough for me. If I was intent on only shooting a Booner I MAYBE would have taken my spotter on ascent. I am a fat person with little short legs so saving as much wait as possible was important to me. On both my goat hunts my guides were thin long legged young men that could run up a cliff face and they didn't ever pack spotting scopes.
I would add a length of climbing rope to help you over the rougher areas. Even 50' is enough to help. I'm not a rock climber at all but it's nice to have a little help.

Take more food than 2 candy bars! You might need to spend hours climbing and hours waiting for the billy to move into an area where you can safely shoot him.

I agree with nfh, take something to purify the water but fill you bottle(s) at the bottom since the mountain streams might be 20' under the scree and you'll be able to hear water but unable to get to it!

Yes, always take a jacket and rain gear, scope & tripod, knife, a little extra ammo, trash can liners for meat, hunting permits, cord, fire starting stuff (a couple types) and maybe even a bit of tracking tape to tie on the rock that you shot from. It's sure help guide us to several fallen critter.

While there are other thing you could take, add this to some of the other thing mentioned and you'll be good for the day.

Oh, and have fun and share your trip with us when you return!

What do you guys recommend for rain gear on goat hunts? Light and breathable or heavier more durable and non breathable ? What brand?
I know I will take heat for this but I use the heavy non breathable Helly-Hansen stuff. Where I have hunted goat the Rain can be constant and extreme. This is the only stuff I have found that really keeps out drenching rain.
Very nice and well put together video of the BC buck hunt. Good luck on the next one and share it!!!

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