mtn goat/antelope pics


Very Active Member
I just got back from a couple great hunts. First was my mountain goat hunt on Willard Peak in Utah.



I was after a goofy horned nanny but after seeing this nanny on opening day my tactics changed.


A 200 yard shot from the .300 RUM knocked her down quick and after a 200 yard tumble down the mountain we were able to get my goat out. She was 9 1/2 inches with a great hide. (A bit dirty from the tumble). If you look behind me you can see our buddies that showed up to watch us quarter my goat. They stayed there the entire time.


Next I had an antelope hunt here in eastern CO with my son on his first hunt with High Plains Adventures. I was after a certain buck that has eluded many hunters over the past two years. We had nicknamed this buck "cutters" for obvious reasons.
This is a picture of him last year and he did lose a little length this year but I was excited to finally get him.


I took him at 615 yards. It was great to finally put some hands on him after a long history with him.


My son turned 12 this year and has been dying to get out with his new .280. I had him practicing all summer long to get him comfortable with his set up and he was actually shooting 4 inch groups at 400 yards. He worked hard in the cold and foggy mornings. He was passing up bucks hoping for a good one. On the 2nd day we saw a bunch of does running for a fenceline about 200 yards in front of us. A few minutes later we saw the buck heading our way and figured he would cross the fence in the same place. Hunter laid down a pointed his rifle in that direction as I relayed the distance of the buck to the fence. As the buck ducked under the fence my son shot as he stood up on our side of it. Instantly the buck hit the ground without even a twitch. He didn't have enough skin on his body to contain his excitement.

It was the highlight of my hunting career to see my son make a great shot on a great buck. To say I was a proud dad is a severe understatement. He was beaming all the way home and retelling me the story like I wasn't there.

What a couple of great hunts with some of the best lookin critters on earth congrats to you and your boy. I also sent you a pm.
Good deal marley. So that's "cutters". I remember you talking about that buck. Your son got a great buck too! He sure looks happy!

Congratulations to you and your son. I had a very similar experience with my son when he was 12 on a Wyoming antelope hunt. I can still vividly recall my pride, watching him calmly down his first big game animal. He has since become my favorite, and best hunting partner. We have trudged many many miles together since that day and every step has been an amazing adventure. Enjoy the ride!
Sweet marley! You've had a great year so far.
I'll bet you're proud of your son in ways that only a hunter can know.

Congrats Marley! don't forget to post up the pics on the packframe if that is they way you end up doing it, would like to see the finished product.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Well you're committed now....your son will be obsessed with this forever. Not that that's a bad thing.

Great bucks and pics-congrats. His smile tells it all.
Congrats Marley on the amazing hunts bud! Glad to see you got your son out and had a great hunt! Love the cutters on your lope!

Have you decided on the mount for your Mt.Goat yet?
Yeah...I'm pretty sure I'm just going to do a regular lifesize mount. If I would've got the goofy horned nanny I probably would've done something different like the pack idea or under my mountain lion.
don't worry tell the family that the rutting buck smell in the garage will fade in a week or two. :)

(that is until the next kill is brought home)

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