MT unit 270 bighorn tag



I got lucky and drew unit 270 ram tag (non resident). Has anyone ever hunted that unit before for any type of big game?
Thanks for your help.
Pretty tame sheep there. You can go early (end of Sept)up to the chain of lakes and look for the rams or wait a couple weeks and let them come down. No monsters, 180 there is a good ram. Saw one last fall I believe was 190+, not sure if anyone took him. My buddy arrowed a 180 last year, we looked over 30 rams before he shot his. You can walk up and club them over the head if you want to (litterally) so bring your bow, or slingshot or something. They will be near the roads from Oct 1 through November. Easy to find, just ask the locals at Sula store but dont tell them you are from out of state.

life IS good
Life is good summed it up for you. YOu will have no problem killing a beautiful ram.

If you want to challenge yourself, come early, if not, come in late October through early November. I have some photo's I'll try and dig up. They were taken on Nov. 4 a couple years ago. I had to shoo them off the road to drive by. Nice 175-180 ram, but one horn tip was broke off.


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