MT Speed Goat Success Pics


Long Time Member
We headed to the ranch Friday evening knowing that we couldn't hunt Saturday because we had to help move cows. After a long day of moving cows and braving the chilly wind we hit the hay.

We headed up to an area that we knew held a lot of antelope but the terrain made things a little difficult to stalk because it was so open.

We did see where the beaver had so few trees out on the prairie that they took to eating the fence posts.


Anyway we set up the spotting scope and immediately starting seeing antelope. We county 5 different bunches from our vantage point. Three blown stalks and a missed 250 yard shot later my daughter suggested lunch was in order.

As we ate a bite I spotted a herd moving from along the horizon. They came out of the little draw on the left.

I knew we could move in without them seeing us. I told my dauther that we had to get to a little rise about 500 yds in front of us to cut them off . We walked quickly the first 400 yds and then crawled about the last one hundred. She set up the bipod and then we peeked over the edge. Sure enough two bucks standing broadside at 75 yds. I tell her this is it. She takes aim steadys and nothing, she forgot to load a round. So she cycles a round takes aim and boom down goes the little buck.

He isn't very big but he is a trophy in her and my eyes.

Here is the hunter and support crew.


Her and her first big game critter.

she was so happy that she didn't even mind playing bird dog for on the way home to shoot a few pheasants.
Great trophy! The smile on the kids faces priceless. I love the openess of the prarie truly big sky country. Congragulations !

congrats to her! My wife and I went out as well and scored on two bucks, but we don't have pics developed yet. It was a really fun hunt for us and I'll post the pics/story later.

Take care
That is awesome!!!
Dang nears brings a tear to my eye, cherish these days.
Thanks for posting.

Awesome bunch of pictures, Congrats to your daughter. Nicr to see you're bringin' your kids up right!

Keep the Sun at Your Back and the Wind in Your Face
Great post and great pictures.

Wanted to see what type of camera you used. The quality is GREAT.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-20-06 AT 04:05PM (MST)[p]NeMont, Congrats!
Those beaver must be desperate. LOL! I don't think I have ever seen that before. One year I saw some cuts on a ironwood tree but he gave up.


Proverbs 3:5-6
The camera is an olympus SP-500 UZ. Thanks all for the congrats. Sure is fun hunting with your kids. I hope to have pics of both my daughters with mule deer bucks soon.


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