MT Sheep Poaching Case Update


Long Time Member
When is the MT FnG going to learn? When can we expect a response from Jim Kropp for this utter disaster? How many more court cases would they lose if people fought charges? And to think we pay their wages. Disgusting.

FORT BENTON (AP) - A Chouteau County jury has acquitted a Whitehall taxidermist who was charged with

trespassing and unlawful outfitting after an undercover game warden shot a huge bighorn sheep.

The jury returned the verdict at

10:30 p.m. Friday after deliberating about three hours, finding John Lewton not guilty of two misdemeanor counts of hunting without landowner permission, felony unlawful possession of a game animal, and misdemeanor outfitting without a license.

Prosecutors alleged Lewton didn't have a license, was using two-way radios and was crossing private land without permission while taking an undercover game warden on a bighorn ram hunt in September 2008.

The warden, Justin Gibson, shot the trophy bighorn ram in the Missouri River Breaks south of Big Sandy in 2008 so he wouldn't blow his cover after

intentionally missing several times. The ram scored 204 inches under the Boone and Crockett record scoring system, a fraction below the current Montana record bighorn.

In closing arguments Friday, Lewton's defense attorney, Jack Morris, called Gibson the "trigger man" and a "trained liar, trained to deceive and entice people into committing crimes."

The prosecutor, Assistant Attorney General Barb Harris, told jurors it shouldn't matter how they felt about the death of the sheep, and reminded them of testimony she said showed Lewton broke the law, arguing that Lewton provided services to Gibson.

Lewton has said he did not charge Gibson for outfitting but accompanied him on the hunt to videotape it.

In other court action surrounding the shooting of the bighorn, a Jefferson County jury acquitted Lewton in March of illegally buying the sheep from Gibson. Lewton had been charged last August with felony unlawful purchase of a game animal after he paid $5,000 for the ram's head and cape.

Late last month, Lewton sued Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks seeking the return of the head and cape of the trophy ram seized in the case. Lewton's civil suit filed in District Court in Helena also seeks more than $100,000 in

attorney fees.

The bighorn sheep cape and horns are being held by the state's wildlife agency.

In Blaine County, Lewton still faces a charge of felony possession of a game animal.

Lewton argued that the charges in separate counties amounted to double jeopardy and sought to have some of them dismissed, but a judge ruled that the charges, while stemming from the same incident, dealt with different actions in each county.

Authorities said they began

investigating Lewton in 2005 after other outfitters complained about him
Well, if he was found innocent, then they oughta have either the warden or someone up the foodchain's nuts n a vice. This whole case stunk from the get go and got worse. I hope the State has to give the head back. A real shame for a ram of that caliber to go out that way
I agree. What a bunch of morons. Even if they could have gotten the conviction they should NOT have killed that ram. As it is it is totally ridiculous. Someone should lose a job over this!
I think that jury told Montana Game & Fish Dept. that they did not like their metholds used in that sting operation. I believe if the warden had not went ahead and shot the ram, the jury would have convicted.
Someone in that dept. does have egg on their face, and if it is a higher up admin. official, you can bet he will row the crap downhill to the warden that pulled the trigger.
They need to bone up on the laws and metholds of conducting a proper sting operation. You could equate this to telling a LEO to get excepted into a crime family and if you have to kill a person to maintain your cover, go ahead and do it for the sake of the investigation.
He could have faked a illness to keep from taking that last shot.

i think someone should take that defense attn, the game wardens and the dept of game and hang them out to dry. that attempted entrapment is a total bunch of BS.

i hope lewton gets the ram back, he is probably the only one involved in that mess that would appreciate the ram the way it should be.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-05-10 AT 06:30PM (MST)[p]I agree this was a sloppy attempt to discover if in fact the man was doing something illegal. LEOs with inadequate training and experience should have never been allowed to go undercover on this case. Someone at F&G wanted to convict this guy at all costs and ended up with a dead trophy sheep and lots of bad P.R. Not sure F&G care about the cost of the trial or even if they have to repay Lewton's legal costs since is not coming out of their pocket.

In AZ, F&G trapped a rare cat that then died soon thereafter and it hit the fan when a cover up was attempted. Will be interesting in MT holds anyone accountable for greenlighting this sting including allowing the sheep to be shot. All the LEO had to do was claim vertigo or appendix pain to get out of shooting the sheep.

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