Well i was the first person to enter some big meadows in clearwater where i figured i could glass a shed and haul butt for it but when i got there i was able to glass for 5 minutes but couldn't spot anything. After that 5 minutes i was looking around going wow i have this place to myself.... then in 15 seconds time it was like an entire army calvary came over ever hill and nob in site, within 5 minutes i was running for my life so my dog and I didn't get trampeled. It was fun to go and see since it was my first time but man what a SH#T show. I ended up seeing a couple guys with some sheds and ran into one kid who had obviously stashed his horns, he wouldn't even give us his name and wouldn't even smile even though he had 2 six point sets strapped to his back. Oh well, now you guys know how i did, i didn't find any but also keep in mind the F&G had confiscated 80 sheds from poachers before the opening hour! Find the horn Goose!