MT Moose 332



Does anyone have any info on area 332 in MT? A buddy of mine who is technology challenged drew this tag and he can use all the help he can get. Thanks in advance, NDHunter.
use the Planning your hunt feature on the Montana F&G site. It is real helpful.

I keep trying for that tag as well....
All the help he can get? Has he ever hunted moose, or spent any time in that part of MT?

I grew up just over the Gravlies from that unit. Never really hunted that specific area, but hunted most all the areas to the east and north of there for deer elk. All those areas are pretty similar. Rolling mountians lots of creeks, huge meadows. My hunting partner had a tag for 330 a few years ago, and we spent probaly 30 days in the hills looking for a monster he'd seen 2 years in a row prior. Didn't find him, but saw plenty of moose, and quite a few nice bulls, but he was after a wall hanger and was willing to eat the tag.

If you find the willows you'll find the moose, but they travel and you could see them just about anywhere. Could be along the creek bottoms, or in high alpine basins with lots of springs. I would suggest hunting hard during the rut, you'll see lots more bulls than later in the season. On average I bet we saw 4 moose a day during the rut and about 2 later on in the season. Mornings seemed to be the beter time hunt.

Good luck on the hunt.
Forgot to mention that he just had his hip replaced so the hunt isn't going to be easy for him. The guy is a former Marine and has lived in Bozeman for at least 15 years, he isn't a rookie, but I don't know if he has ever spent any time in the area he drew the tag for. If he has it was years ago. Thanks for the advice. NDHunter.

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