Mt Dutton Antlope



I shot this buck opening day. He was the second buck i snuck in on. The first one jumped my string. Dont ever let anyone try and tell you them little buggers arent fast. He was ducked and half gone by the time my arrow was half way there. Even though it was dissapointing it worked out for the better. We first glassed my buck from the road. I took off after the buck trying to get infront of him. He was in a giant flat and i just couldnt get into him. To make matters worse there was a govenment worker there checking on prarie dogs. She was driving up little roads to the cages over the mounds. I kid you not she was carrying them water. Ya thats right she was watering them. She spooked him 2 times. After trying for 3 hours to get infront of him he finally was about to enter the trees and i was waiting for him. Out of nowhere he just ran into the trees and about 50 yards from me. I almost sat down and cried. I keept after him though. He went and hit a fence line and toped a little ridge. When i toped the ridge he was there. I ranged and nocked my arrow. He heard my release clip and looked as i drew back. He troted about 10 yards and was trying to figure out how to cross the fence when i let him have it. He went about 70 yards and was done for. I havent scored him but he has 7 inche bases and is 14 long. My taxidermist said he will be arount 77. I would like to thank my dad for all the help. Thanks for looking.


Conrats, Buckbrush. Nice antelope and way to get it done with a bow. That unit is a neat fun unit to hunt!!!
Congrats on a great goat! I drew the same tag and a very big buck ducked my arrow also, I couldnt believe how low he ducked, belly almost touching the dirt. Their eye sight is unreal!
Nice goat. And I believe the water ordeal also, thank you treehuggers. What a joke our tax $ goes to shoulda flattened a tire with that missed shot lol.
Ya I got one, I leave tomorrow for my colorado deer hunt so my last day on the Pauns/Dutton I shot a smaller buck. He's not the buck I envisioned getting but I am excited to get my first antelope ever with a bow, spot and stalk.
congrats on the nice goat ive been lucky enough to hunt the unit several times and have always taken awesome goats its a pretty neat area.

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