MT Drawing Results


Very Active Member
Any chance these will be posted early? I think they are supposed to be posted next week, come on sheep tag. :)
Theres a decent chance that they will get posted early. Come on moose, goat and sheep tags!!!!! :)

C'mon guys..........don't you know it's a complete waste of time to try for a sheep tag in MT?! What a bunch of idiots.........

I sure hope I draw it this year. :)

>I can feel unit 455 Ram
>tag with my name already
>on it!!
>Keep the faith Lien2...

I got faith........and I'm hoping for a little luck. :)
Good luck on your tag as well.

Hey guys they're starting to post. I just saw my loser status for moose. The sheep & goat wasn't posted yet.

Good luck all!
I just checked on sheep...........YES!!! I was unsuccessful, but that's ok cuz I have a busy fall already lined up. :)
Good luck to the rest of you!!!

My old man got another moose tag, but he put in for cow? He said he's a meat hunter cuz he already has 2 bulls & easier to draw for cow. He's a happy camper.
No goat, moose, or sheep for me either with max bonus points. Hopefully, they will pay off some day in the future... Good luck to the rest of you who haven't got your results yet!

You guys will never believe it but here goes anyway. After you all saw my pictures with my breaks ram last fall posted by Killowatt, Yesterday my son looked and he drew the same area for bighorn sheep that I had the prior year. So off we go to the same area in search of a bigger one for my son. I can't believe it but with only 3 points he drew and we are off to the same place once again. Wish him luck!!!
The greatest part of this experience for your son (besides probably taking a 190+ ram) is that you will get to share it with him! Good luck to both of you!!
Both my son and I are looking forward to the opportunity to spend some more time, especially me as he is off to college this august. I certainly hope we can get 190 or bigger, for that matter I hope we find him a ram larger than mine. The most excited member of the family happens to be my daughter who has already claimed her spot in the hunting party!!
zip, zip, zip. Another state down and still no tag.
I think I'm starting to run out of states.

Did you draw in Washington or win the lottery tag? Just wondering if Washington was still a possibility for ya?

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