MT Breaks BigHorn pics....


Here are two of the pictures that "oldschoolmtnative" sent to me.

My ram scored 196 7/8 officially. He was 197 5/8 gross.
Bases are 16 3/8 both sides and 41 5/8 and 41 4/8 length. 1st qtr. Was 16 &16 1/8 2nd qtr. 14 5/8 14 2/8 3rd qtr 10 4/8 10 2/8.
Have sent story to Eastman?s but wouldn't have trouble re-telling to all here.

Way to go man, you are one lucky guy. Congratulation's on an excellent ram..
Thanks, it certainly was the hunt of a lifetime!? After 26 years of applying, finally a tag. I now understand the FEVER involved with sheep hunting.
Wow! that is an excellent Ram. I'm looking forward to reading the story in Eastman's. Will you do a full body mount a sheep that nice certainly deserves one, but darn are they expensive. Just a guess but 9 to 11 old I'm guessing.
thanks guys for the compliments,,, I am going to do a shoulder mount, and he will be in my basement looking at my life size mountain lion on the other wall. I passed on this ram and four other rams in his class, two weeks prior to killing him. I had no problem finding rams this size and a lot smaller than he is, but had extreme difficulty in scoring them. As I found out later, he was 9.5 inches longer in the body,(base of skull to base of tail) than the larger rams coming out of the Sun River herd. We saw probably no less than 16 rams from 180 up in the prior scouting trip, and 6 rams that were all shooters the day before I took this one.
Congrats on a beautiful ram! Whereabouts in the breaks did you get him? I had a elk permit over there this year and got to see some sheep. Pretty cool country!
Not bad for a 5 1/2 yr old. He must have been eating right. Congrats!


Where did you get that age ? I see a minimum of 8 from where I'm sitting.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-24-07 AT 09:52AM (MST)[p]Bittersweet

I am curious how you got 5 1/2 years old from the ram.


Based on the photo I get 9 1/2 and thats assuming the first ring is the rams 1 1/2 age ring. I can not tell by the photo how much brooming the ram has so that first ring could be 2 1/2 years old, actiually making him 10 1/2.
That ram is a DDDDandy!!!! And to think that you passed on him earlier in the hunt, makes me wonder how good that area is, or how insane you are? I for one would love to hear more about the hunt rather than wait for Eastmans. Congratulations!! Also, thanks to kilowatt for helping post the pics.
My guess is bittersweet was thinking of the NEVADA state record ram that as 17 7/8 bases. It was aged at 5 1/2. This ram is obviously much older. Nice pics of the rings BOB!!!
My ram was aged at 8 1/2 years old. I was at the time thinking I was insane, as I was passing on huge rams, waiting for the big one. Fianlly I decided that this one was the one I liked. My wife asked why I shot one with a split horn and my answer was, He is just like me, He will never make the cover of GQ, and the split horn is goofy enough to give him personality!! Actually, I decided that this was the largest that I had seen, and before the rut kicked in I wanted to take him for fear of him leaving the country.
what an absolute hog of a ram...congrats to you Dan....dan dan you are the man...
Didnt even look at the rings, barely glanced at the pic. I saw "breaks" and 41-41 16-16 (&whatever change, but fairly even), and another even, young ram came to mind. After doing some I researched I found this post was not the young Ram I was thinking of from the Breaks this year.

The ram I was thinking of was 43 4/8&43 4/8, 17 4/8&17 5/8

at 5 1/2 yrs!

Another Ram that comes to mind as being young (relatively)and large was the archery kill nearing 200 from the breaks a couple years ago. Anyone have an age on that one?

Very nice ram you harvested. Congrats, Ill try to remember to count the rings if I have any better luck in the next 20 yrs of applying than I have the last 20.

Sorry for the two last pictures. I screwed that up, I sent kilowatt two more one from the side and the other is of the ram I passed on opening day. I would like to say thank you to Kilowatt for posting all the pictures for me so we all could have this to share. THANKS KILOWATT, I REALLY DO APPRECIATE ALL OF THIS!!! I do know about the ram with 17" bases and 5 1/2 yrs of age. The wardens that plugged my ram mentioned this other one to me the day they plugged mine. I will try and get a photo today, of a ram that was taken by a High School student from the town I live in that will be scored today. It is green gross of 191. His came from the Sun Canyon herd. Thanks for all of the comments and such, it is a blast communicating with all of you.
Congratulations again Dan?.I think I've looked at this post a dozen time in the past few days,
What a beautiful ram?I've always told my sheep hunting buddies, that you need a ram on your wall before you can pass through the pearly gates and get into heaven, and the size of your ram determines just how high in heaven you will go?
I hope your not afraid of heights, because your going to be taking the elevator right to the top?
Absolutely incredibly beautiful animal! That right there is beyond the hope of most of us, but I will get one someday even if I have to sell all my toys to do it! Thanks for showing us the pics.....

:( Somebody didn't like bouncing betty :(
elkhunter it is sure a good thing to know that there is going to be some help coming my way to get upstairs!!! I understand that the MT govenors tag went for 142K at the FNAWS convention. Anyone with information as to the other state tags?
What was amazing about the NM tag was the first high bidder got the hunt for $110,000 then donated the hunt back to FNAWS. The second winner got the hunt for a "bargain" at $105,000.

The bidding got slow around $70,000 on the first bidder then the NM biologist got up on stage and told how important the dollars were to the NM sheep budget. After her pep talk the bidding went wild. A lot of dollars raised to a very worthy cause. New Mexico will issue an additional three sheep tags this year. More proof that our dollars are putting sheep on the mountain.
awesome sheep, thank you for all the pictures, cant wait to see the story in Eastmans
Just remember who the hunter was in the below statement about the latest issue of Eastman's Shhep Mag. Her is the previous post I made.
So I only have 12 more years to wait? That is THE hunt we are all hoping to get someday while we can still walk. Congrats on a great hunt and result.
Hoping you would see this, could you send me a pm as my son has filled his missouri breaks tag and has a whopper!! Would like to get his photos to you to post.

Do you understand the odds you and your son have overcome. It's almost suspicious. Getting the tag once is a miracle but two consecutive years for you two??? How did you do it really? I'll call you if I draw because you guys appear to have it all figured it out. Huge congrats. I'm so frustrated!
Yes I fully understand the odds that my son beat. He had three points and drew!!! Back to Back was unbelievable, the same ranches granted access, and the same rams that I watched last year were all there and bigger this year. It has been a great season, and when he gets home from school on Tuesday we will get some photos to Kilowatt.

Congrats on the ram for your son. After talking with you a few times I know you guys probably put in a ton of time, so you deserve it. It would be hard to find a father and son combo that have killed rams in the class you guys have without a guide. Big Congrats and I cannot wait to see the pictures.
I did put in a lot of time as we were trying to outscore my ram. Unfortunately my son could not spend much scouting time as he is playing football and attending college, so it was up to me. His final criteria was it had to be dark colored, and very symmetrical. When he sends photos to Kilowatt, you can judge for yourself if he fits the bill.

My criteria would be: IF IT'S BROWN IT'S DOWN!

Please don't put in for the montana millionaire lottery. Give someone else a chance.

I still have not received any pictures, make sure and tell your son to name the subject line MT Sheep so I don't delete it. I get spam all of the time and screen what I allow to upload on my computer.

Congrats on the rams.

Obviously not your fault, but too bad the landowner put up an illegal gate on public land to keep other hunters out.

If I am wrong on this, please correct me.

Happy for you and your son, just pissed at a permittee that thinks he owns and controls the public land.
I would hope that the comment about a permit holder and the gate in question, is not directed at me. I do know the complete story of the gate, the reason, and the issue. If you know the landowner, have you spoken to them about the reasoning used with the gate?
native, no the comment wasn't about you. My comment was about the permitee (public land grazing) that put up the illegal fence and (locked) gate. This is not aimed at you, but the person that holds the grazing permit.

Do I know the "landowner"? Yes; and this is not a private landowner issue. Have I spoken to him on "this" subject? No. Was this an issue that is very significant to where I work? Yes.

>I do know the
>complete story of the gate,
>the reason, and the issue.

Me too.

I would love to hear about his reasoning for "his" locking the public out of legally accessable public land.
I would love to hear his side of the story and debate it, though I don't think there is much of a debate.

Truly I am happy for both you and your son. My issue is with public land being restricted from the public.

I am sorry to deter from you original thread, but I saw this as a classic example where I feel the regular Joe is being robbed of hunting opportunities.

If you want to discuss this further please contact me....
[email protected]

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