MT 900 Antelope



Providing I get a 900 series tag as a resident, I plan to hunt Antelope opening week of Archery season. I know the rut isn't in full swing,but its one of my only chances to get out due to later hunts.

So far I think I'm narrowed down to two areas, south of Baker or North of Terry on the BLM land. I've never hunted Antelope in this state before and I'm virgin to these areas. Any advice on which area would be better or more specific advice would be greatly appreciated. Also, I'm not looking for a trophy goat but high numbers of goats with a few P&Y'rs in the area would be great.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-12-10 AT 05:36PM (MST)[p]I would really appreciate some help if any one has any knowledge on the areas.
Don't know anything about the areas you mentioned, but here's what I do know: 620 antelope, lot's of 'lopes, easy access- drive north to DY Junction, hang a right and most of everything you'll see is BLM or Block Mgt. ground. Saw some nice bucks, no super slammers, rifled a decent buck (October).

Good luck, hope that helps a little.


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