Mt. '06 Proc. On-website

Thats right, Ramdreamer did draw the ewe tag the same year he had his NM Ram tag.

NO points lost on 2nd choice and no points lost if you do one of the Unlimited Ram units, you just don't gain a point for the year you hunt the Unlimited unit--only be first choice Unlimited unit.
If you do harvest an unlimited ram, the wait applies and you will lose your points. I have tried units where a second choice ewe tag looks close to possible every year, and have not hit yet. Sure wish CO would do reduced price ewe tags, it is pretty easy to draw a second choice nonresident ewe on CO, but the price of that ewe tag is too rich for my blood.
It was terrific! Hunted the last week of the season so lots of snow on the ground and a great setting for the hunt. I burned my bonus points that I had built to that point in time, but did it intentionally. I wanted a ewe to go with my Rocky ram that I got the year before in Alberta. Ewe tags have gotten so hard to draw in my home state of Colorado that I took a shot at the MT drawing (the only two states with ewe hunts).

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