Mrs. Regan endorses McCain!



But wait!!!!! I'm pretty sure Jesus is a Democrat. They are about the same age! Oh! What to do??? What to do!

Seriously, the media is talking about Sen. McCain looking presidential. He does look pretty good if they keep the 2X4 stuffed up the back side of his jacket.

It even gets better. Hillary is trying to get the news off her back due to her blatant lie about the snipers in Bosnia. She has now come out herself and stated that Obama should have dropped his minister. One of the CBS newsman stated he talked to several super delegates, some for her, some not. And they are concerned that the rift is going to hurt their party.
What I found interesting is that there was no mention of reining her in by them. I think they know she will not stop her attacks in hopes of taking the votes away from Obama by the time of the primary election in Penn. She needs to win that primary to have even a chance of getting the nod from her party.
The race card is being played full tilt by the Democrat candidates. Should be interesting how it turns out.

RELH, Operation Chaos is in full motion. We'll see how many Republicans jump ship in Pennsylvania to vote for Hillary in the primary. Just to keep this thing alive.

Experts say it doesn't matter what the ditto heads do the super delegates are going to decide the nomination anyway.

Nancy endorses McCain huh, that should keep those hard line conservatives from voting for Hillary or Obama. I'll bet they're bummed.
If you think the hard line conservatives would pick a left wing liberal over a moderate GOP, well you must be having a liberal's dream. Never happen, a middle of the roader is better then a left wing liberal anyday, and that will be the way they will think. I wondering how many of the dems will jump ship, some polls are stating anywhere from 16 to 19%.
What is very ironic about this whole thing, is the Dems motto being for the little guy and the minorities. This fight is going to p!ss off alot of those little hard working stiffs and a good part of the black race in this country. I told you it would get worse, but you denied it and said the dems would step in and put a stop to the division. Ain't going to happen, I will say it again, Hillary has no loyalty to anyone but herself. She will not listen to her party leaders. Instead she will feel they are against her if they try to tone her down, and she will go all the way and to hell with the party.
Another thing, the bitterness now between Obama and Hillary is to the point that the winner will never want the loser as their VP. It looks like that may be out the window also.


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