Mrs PleaseDear's Ram Hunt


Long Time Member
We are heading out for my Mrs Ram hunt over by Flaming Gorge on the Utah side.

Myself, the Mrs and Lisa/'Predator' are going to be on the mountain!

Wanted to hook-up with TripleK but hunting with 2 women is tough! add Jenn into the mix and I would have been way out numbered! ha

Maybe if we stumble and bumble enough we might just get her a Ram!

Nov. 1 thru Nov. 30 are the hunt dates.


I have No question that your wife has one of the BEST guides for that unit out there with her!!!

Will you save me a steak I will trade for some moose or elk NO REALLY LOL

Good Luck and Good Times to you and your Wife

Clynt L Citte
Willard Utah
Shhhh...Robb left today so he can't see this until we return.

He really didn't want Jenn to come with because he knows how evil I am, and I know how evil Jenn is, and he knows that if the two of us were in hunting camp together...WOOOO!!! WATCH OUT!!

I wish you could come, Triple, it would be a blast, I'm sure of it!

I think I'm as excited as Mrs.'s my first time going on a sheep hunt!!
Pdeer, you right trying to hunt with 3 women would be pushing the envelope, and we would be scared for your safety. Best ofd luck for the Mrs., Kill the big one, bet you have a great time.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
Good luck Robb, Good luck on the sheep hunt too! lol!
Hope you get a dandy! Pred, take some good pic's! I want to see the "hunt" since I can't be there! Be safe and have fun!

Can't wait to see the shots!
Hey everyone, I just heard from PleaseDear. At least with cell service I can sortof partake in the hunt from my painkiller-induced state!

They found 3 rams this morning, none were what they were looking for, but they thought to get a bit closer and see if a bigger ram was hanging with them. About halfway up, the wind switched on 'em and poof! No more sheep.

He said the weather is fine and everyone was having a good time.

I'm just gonna go curl up with my remote and cry now...more updates to come, I'm sure.

thanks for the update Pred...hope they seal the deal....Can't wait to hear the story and see the pics...
Day 2-

PleaseDear reports that they put a sneak on a fairly good ram, put the bipod down twice, decided they could do better twice, then had their stalk ruined by a road hunter with the same tag. He's livid and never thought that a road hunter would ever ruin a sheep hunt, but it did. The sheep heard the truck coming and took off!

PD said they hiked in for that exact reason and that the road is definitely not something he would ever take a jeep, let alone a truck upon. The road hunter didn't even see the herd of sheep at a guzzler that they blew out of there!

They are going to try a different area this evening and then head back tomorrow with plans to return late November...perhaps Predator can join them by then!
You've got to be chitting me. Possibly thee only other tag holder up there just cruising around for a ram? Oh brother. What's the odds? In Utard, I would say very good! Ha!

Hang in there sheepsters,you'll get it done.

Hey Pred,sending you a pm.
WOW!! what a thrill.

Started off Nov 1st. with getting my buds mzzy elk tag filled and packed off the mountain and on ice in the cooler...back at the 'Villa' around 3pm having an ice cold Molson's...or two..

Nov-2 Lots of miles and country covered via boot leather and looked over thru the bino's and spotting scope.

Those guys in the truck didn't see the sheep at the guzzler so they had no clue that we had them in our sights. Kinda sad but they are okay guys. One had the tag--12 points and the other was his bud or bro? Nice guys anyways....those old 2-track roads are fit for a quad if anything!

I tryed to keep in contact with the tag holder on the other side of the Gorge..the other Ram unit up at the Gorge.. but had cell reception issue's up there... no big deal... we have our own tag to fill.

Lots of sheep, some good snow depth up above Spirit Lake in the big basin and a few Rams but nothing worth harvesting the opening 3-4 days of the season.... the Mrs really wants a Ram like Cal's Ram.... big deep sweeping horns....the Rams on 'this side of the Gorge' don't have those huge soccer ball sweeping horns.... but we can certainly enjoy more days on the mountain looking for what she wants to harvest.

Sorry about Predator and her injury....that sucks! We missed her on the mountain and around camp. Maybe by trip 3 if needed she will be gimped up enough to go with us..late November.

Geez do I go on my hunt in Wyoming for elk the end of this week thru the 12th of Nov. or do I take the Mrs on another sheep hunt try this week? Tough call...

LAST EDITED ON Nov-05-07 AT 08:22AM (MST)[p]OIL tag for her so of course we are canceling out our WY elk and headed for the Gorge. If we were not so picky we would have filed tags our WY tags by now...LOL
Sombody has to help the SQUIDs back for all those naval personel who gave me rides all over the world, and donated there paychecks to me playing Spade's and poker while not on watch...

P.S. Nov 10th is the Marine Corps Birthday... so he will have to drink to the Marins Corps...a little added bonus to the trip.

So what did ya decide? Are ya going this weekend? Good luck!! I suppose we will wait the outcome. Rutnbuck
I sent predator some photo's to post but she is on bigtime pain killers so...... I sent some to YELUM but it came back undeliverable....

Send them again in a couple different emails. If the pics attached are bigger than 5 meg it blocks it at that addy.

I got these off the BOWSITE, Robbs at work and Im sure that most of us can't wait to see the pics till he gets home, so here we go...




Thanks Nate, they were too big for my email as well.

See, it's a good thing I didn't go along, cuz I might've just encouraged her to shoot that dang ram....blow it up and he looks pretty darn good to me!

But then everything looks good on Lortab.
Using anything that starts with LOR-, VI-, DEM-, or PERC- plays hell with all my security clearances, but boy howdy, it sure takes care of pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you'd just have 'em take it off and replace it with a shapely peg, you could have it be a multi-purpose camera tripod/rifle rest/Camelback/hollow survival kit/etc. Take care of the joint pain, and at the same time, wouldn't hurt your feet in high heels. :)

Hope you're feeling better.
Thanks Nate!

Sorry Larry&Lisa---my bad....I'll downsize 'em next time..

Photo #1 is Sheep Creek Bay on Flaming Gorge. Some decent Rams but nothing really worth putting a stalk on....

Photo #2 is where we spotted some Rams and ewe's. The spotting scope had some heat wave issues as the morning wore on so we knew he was a good Ram so off we go all the way around the mountain and start from the bottom of the canyon..

Photo#3 is of the Ram the Mrs had her bipods down on but we held off as I really felt it was more in the 156-160 class. Sooo after just shy of 3 miles up and 1027ft elevation gain...we backed off and headed back down...

Photo #4 is the happy tag holder on a breather coming way she wanted to go back the way we came up via those crags in the lower background...

I am somewhat comfortable with the possibility of her getting a 170-175 class Ram before the end of November.

We are not going back up for about 10 I am heading up to Wyoming to fill my bull tag....I hope!

Try a little 'Crown' with your meds-Predator-.....plenty of giggles then! ha

Thanks again Nate for posting the photo's...

Blank, you ain't kiddin'! I like the peg attachment/bipod/camera set ideer.

Robb!! Nochawk says that if I mix it with Crown, I'll stop breathing.

I dunno if yer tryin' to kill me or if he is wishing he was my nurse.....LOL
It will be fine---missy.....

I notice--TripleK 'aint' even gonna put herself in 'harms way' on this Ram hunt! ha

LAST EDITED ON Nov-08-07 AT 06:56PM (MST)[p]Well Pred... if I was your nurse you would be out running the confidence course at Pendleton...

Now be a good girl and do exactly what the good nurse tells you...



Sorry to hear about your Fall. That just plain sucks!


Keep after that big ram. Sorry to hear they bumped those rams on ya. Her time will come just keep after it! Hope ya get yer elk too!

Game On--heading back up with the little Mrs today for a few days to see if we can't fill her Ram tag.

I snuck off to Wyoming for a bull elk last wknd for 4 days and got skunked...but I think I am out of the dog-house now..hehe


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