Mrs PleaseDear -Utah Rocky Tag!


Long Time Member
Well some of my MOJO went to my little Mrs for Utah Rocky Ram tag!

Most probably her, Lisa (Predator) and myself chasing Rams come November!

This is the best news I have heard all week. I am so excited for the Mrs. and you. I don't know how the heck you did it two years in a row. I am thinking Lammy the Lama is so mad at you!
I can see her standing in the pasture with tears in her eyes knowing your up on the BT with out her. I am sure Pred don't mind the extra weight. MOJO well spent. I will keep my eyes peeled for ya. Congratulations to her.
God bless you both,
that should be a Blast.
Talk about something to look forward to.
I'd have trouble sleeping.
Then again, I might sleep like a baby.
Go get'em
LAST EDITED ON Apr-25-07 AT 10:37PM (MST)[p]Ok, Robb, let's come to an agreement. I'll let you have the NV ram tag if I get the AZ or NM ram tag...that way we have no conflicts. LOL

I'm sure I'll be in perfect shape after helping out another friend on Lone Peak for white rams, er, billies, er, ping pong animals, er, goats.

Guess I"ll just have to smack a bull in NM first day and come right home, huh!


Ok, I think I might have exceeded my beer limit....burp (scuse me) Gawd, I'm starting to sound like Paul Crawford.....

Hey Rut, smelled any gazebos lately??? *smirk*
Hey Thanks!

Yeh Pred... with the Mrs hunt overlapping both Nv. and Az. Des-Ram dates and your N Mex gig.... if drawn for any of those....

We will have to call november 'Ram-vmeber' ha

The Mrs had 7 pts... 14 is max...

Here is some Rams from the area... hunt page thru there...
no www. needed

A couple M&M members Ram photo's with harvests....too


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