Moving to Colorado



I am coming out to Colorado Springs in March. Looking at houses
in Elbert, Black Forest area. Does anybody live in those areas?
Any ideas on nice areas around there?


We are doing a subdivision project not too far from there. I know several realtors in that area if you haven't talked to someone. Let me know if your interested. That's a nice area.
Moved to COS about this time last year. Looked in the North/North East side of El Paso County extensively. I would have preferred to live in Woodmoor (Monument) or Black Forest, but my wife preferred Gleneagle. Bet you can guess where we ended up.

Personally I stayed away from the large, new, subdivisions. Too many houses and too close together. Guess it depends on what you are looking for.

Feel free to send me an email or private message if you want more opinion.


We looked in Woodmoor and Gleneagle last Aug. Looking for at least 1 acre with a few trees.
Hows the traffic getting into COS?
Send me your E-Mail Address.

Don't know much about the area but my bro lives in Payton which is not far from Black Forest. The area where he lives consists of nice ranch style homes on 5 acre lots with CC&R's...nice area. You may want to look around in that area and if you like it, you might find something on the market for sale.

Good luck, I wish it was me moving to Colarado...I hate Las Vegas.
Steve moved in over the weekend. He said he can see Antelope from his back porch and saw a heard of Elk while heading out this morning. I'm jealous!!

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