Moving Day!


Long Time Member
I finally was able to close escrow on my new/old home that i bought outright over in Westwood. House prices are half of what they are here in Chester... and it's only 10 miles away from where i am now. Should be off line a few days. Hate moving but no longer having to pay rent or house payments is going to be more money for hunting and fishing trips. Yeah!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Nothing could be better than being debt free on your home congrat's Joe,good luck on hunting this year. Walt
Congratulations, Joey. You made a great decision and bought at the right time. My wife was born and raised in Westwood. My dad and grandad used to take dressed and iced down chickens over there from the farm in Standish and sell them door to door. Back in the late 40's early 50's.
My dad was also born thier. His dad and Uncles all worked at the mill. Pretty cool to here all the stories over the years. Be sure to enjoy the duck hunting in your back yard!
I shot a goose that was banded in westwood years ago and I allso hunted deer up there once and I shot a buck near peg leg moutain which I dont think is to far from there from what I can remember,.
Post up a picture or two of the new place.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
nice place Joey....

Congrats there Joey and hope that you enjoy the "home feeling" later...have a cold one. Only been up there in that neck of the woods once and that was years ago while the wife and I were fishing all over that part of the country.

Now if I can draw Lope tag this year, will be back again.

Chester volcanoes just kicked the crap out of the Westwood lumberjacks last night in basketball. C-ya at Buffalo chips!! BH1
Joey, you need help tomorrow?? I'm off and i have either a horse trailer or a 16' flat bed trailer plus pickup we could use. And a semi-strong back. and a dolly.

let me know, i'm PM my phne number.
Joey is around 80% moved as of last night and hopes to get most of it done today. He should be back up on the internet sometime on Monday.
.....hmmmmm! 80% done.
Hey Joey! I'll be free starting Tuesday, so give me a jingle if ya dee some extra help!
Wish owning homes saved me money!!
getting qoutes to repipe now on one!
new roof on other!
have fun
Hi guys!! Thanks for all the words of support. CaESlayer, very nice of you to offer but i missed your note and we got her done! Nick...LMAO!!

It didn't used to seem near the big deal to move as this one did. I mean i didn't have a bunch of furniture and big stuff to move but did have tons of boxes that needed sorting and still will take some doing it they belong in the house, garage-barn, or shop. The main thing is that i'm now 99% out of the old place, paid up to the 25th, and everything is on and functional in the new.

Speaking of new, because of the "move" and it was just "time", i got a new couch modular "L" shaped set-up, a new fridge-freezer, washer-dryer, big area rug, and also, a new Queen sized bed that will be delivered Thurs. Most who know me know that i could live in a cave if need be but i'm really liking my nice little place. With time and a bit of effort, i'm really going to like it here.

Pic's? no pic's! Just imagine a 900 sq ft home that hasn't been lived in in two years and was rented before that, that could be bought for well under the price of a new pickup. It didn't show that well and it, the outside anyway, still doesn't, but, it's fresh and cute as a bug inside and all paid for but not yet worthy of pictures.

To those that did help, Bless you so much!! You know who you are and i couldn't have done it without you!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
So much for the Spartan life style.Did you have to chain up to move?Glad every thing is working out for you Joey.
Remove the wheels? lol It's a house!! even has a full foundation not like some that are post and pier...

I still have one more load of BBQ, studded tires, propane tanks and the like but i'm pretty much done and happy as a pup with two tails.

No, didn't have to chain up but i sure didn't like the first look of what i saw outside this morning. I got friends and family up helping and some aren't much for driving in the snow.

Thanks again guys!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"

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