Mountain West Football....



Well my beloved Lobos are getting shalacked yet agian by TCU as I write this, but have to give a HUGE CONGRATS TO UTAH and all their fans for knocking a big chunk out ot the power house Michigan!QB threw for over 300 yards against this new defense. It seems like all the MWC teams except my Lobos are starting out the season with a win....BYU and Utah look to be front runners , even more so than TCU, but those teams may raise havic .....Dang it , I can't stand Rocky Long, why did we let go of Bronco Mendenhall????WHY I ASK WHY????

Don't feel to bad.
TCU's put on a Hell of a program here
in the last couple of years.

They've made me a TCU fan.

Good luck.

Mr. Fred,

Any gain on the 'yote's ??

Them 180 gr. partitions are hard on 'yotes.

Leon River pecans looking phenominal this year.

Going to send you some.

You're wifes not scared of pecans, is she......

Bigtime congrats to the Utes in their win against Michigan! B. Johnson is gonna have a great year methinks.

BYU rolled easily, which you would expect against a IIa team, despite their 4 lost fumbles DOH! Hall throws for 34-41 and 486 yards, Pitta catches 11 passes for 213 yards!!

Gonna be a great season all around in the MWC.


I'm stuck at two yotes for now even though I've been spending a lot of time after them. Yesterday morning I spooked one out of the greasewood at the end of my driveway while taking out the garbage. It makes my blood pressure go up.

AJay is only scared of snakes.

Beans for pecans. Sounds good.

Go Rams!,

>I'm stuck at two yotes for
>now even though I've been
>spending a lot of time
>after them. Yesterday morning
>I spooked one out of
>the greasewood at the end
>of my driveway while taking
>out the garbage. It
>makes my blood pressure go
>AJay is only scared of snakes.
>Beans for pecans. Sounds good.
>Go Rams!,

Go Rams.

I went to school there and later worked for CSU. I miss that place.

I'm sending Pecans ........
beans be Damned..

I don't know who the Hell you think
I am.....

But I don't have your Damned beans... send my Damned Pecans...

I'll send them either way sir, which is
what I's be'in an axxhole about above

Catch you boys later,

TCU's gonna kick arse again this year..
I don't see how they wont. They get Lot's of
good guys from there in the Metroplex area.
They seem to get better every year.

Fred, Going to NM in three weeks on my MZ
deer tag. Wish me luck. I'll need it to get
as close as lrv needs to be to hit one with
a muzz.

Same area as the Elk thingy, so should be Excellent
scouting either way.

Catch you boy's later.


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