Mountain Man on the move

I'm hopeing he ventures up this way for the Winter!

If He does I'll show you how to do something the Government just can't seem to do!

You would think he would head south for the winter? I am glad he's has moved. I would be happier when they catch this guy before someting bad happens. He was on my mind hiking on the mountain this weekend.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-09-12 AT 08:45AM (MST)[p]Bessy Is this you again ? I cant keep up with all of your many alias. As far as winter...We live down here we are not on vacation ! haha ;-)
KSL has done a story on Troy James Knapp, the "Mountain Man" who has eluded capture for years. Here is a link to the latest video:

I have spoken with the Iron County Sheriff and they continue to look for him and have continued their investigations in any and all break ins within Iron County. The bottom line for him is that he's been running from charges in California that do not exist anymore. They've been expunged. While he does have some charges to face up to in the counties where he has broken into places and caused damage or stolen survival items like firearms and food, once he answers to those, he will be able to tell his story and that will make him a millionaire. The guy will be able to buy a ton of property an not only won't have to run anymore, but he can live almost the same reclusive life he's enjoyed so far. I hope to have a more official statement soon. But law enforcement has asked that I pass on the word to hunters and fishermen to not force contact with Mr. Knapp but instead to document the sighting with photos, GPS readings, direction of travel, and any other information that you think may be helpful in apprehending him. Most who have had contact with him find him personable but regardless he is armed and will likely be moving alot more during the elk and deer general seasons among others carrying firearms. He is armed with a .308 rifle and .45 ACP handgun. He also have knives and other survival tools and is a very skilled outdoors-man and survivalist. Should you have contact with him or see him, please call 911 as soon as possible.

He has done NOTHING that warrants an attempt on his life. So while I appreciate the bravado, YOU will end up being the one in trouble if you force contact with him. Be smart and alert but not tough. You will loose in the end. It would be good juju for a sportsman to turn him in and force his capture!!!!1

Iron County Sheriff News Page:

More info to come....
It seems to me that the only dangerous thing about him is the media coverage. Any one of us could end up in the same survival situation and you got to do what it takes to survive. I am not defending him but you got to respect his wild side and ability to keep it up for so long! Looks to me like maybe the law enforcement is a bit embarrassed and is hoping for a break. I hope this guy gets caught before the media coverage gets him killed.
>It seems to me that the
>only dangerous thing about him
>is the media coverage. Any
>one of us could end
>up in the same survival
>situation and you got to
>do what it takes to
>survive. I am not defending
>him but you got to
>respect his wild side and
>ability to keep it up
>for so long! Looks to
>me like maybe the law
>enforcement is a bit embarrassed
>and is hoping for a
>break. I hope this guy
>gets caught before the media
>coverage gets him killed.

The guy is a loon. I'm pretty sure I heard a story about him putting a pot in the middle of someone's kitchen and taking a dump in it. He isn't some "down on his luck" guy who is really just trying to get by.
He is profiled as a different thinker and he's only on the run because he believes he is wanted in California but he is not.

He is breaking the law by breaking into cabins and stealing. He is not harvesting big game but is a very skilled fisherman and good at setting traps for small game preventing him from having to use a firearm for food when he isn't stealing from people. Nobody believes he is truly violent despite having firearms and encounters with him have proven that he might be off kilter from the rest of us, he really just wants to be left alone. So, the best thing hunters, campers, hikers, and other people enjoying the outdoors can do is report a sighting and let authorities deal with him.

Concerning law enforcement not having him in custody as of yet. On Cedar Mountain alone, I could hide for years without having to have human contact and not be found. Fortunately, he's approaching a place where there are more people in the woods and that is where authorities hope someone sees him and reports him immediately. The response will be quick as they do not waste time responding to credible sightings and EVERY lead is followed up on by investigators. Iron County has one deputy assigned FULL TIME to this alone and he is active with every other involved agency on the Troy Knapp cases. If you see Mr. Knapp, report him with information and let them remove him from the woods and he will be held accountable for what he has done but there is no need to force your own confrontation with him. For more information, contact your local law enforcement agency and ask them. They won't give everything away, but they will tell you that they are working hard bring this entire case to a close. Everyone wanted this to end a long time ago.
Can't believe we keep hearing about this guy. Do they REALLY want to catch him? We have dogs that can tree a lion or bear in half a day. They can certainly out run a guy. If they wanted to catch him they could.
LOL! crazy no one can seem to find him but they all seem to find bigfoot
>Can't believe we keep hearing about
>this guy. Do they REALLY
>want to catch him? We
>have dogs that can tree
>a lion or bear in
>half a day. They can
>certainly out run a guy.
>If they wanted to catch
>him they could.

Yet lion and bear success rates are not 100%....why is that? And YES, they want him to stop breaking into cabins and the best way to do that is to catch him and hold him accountable. Anyone who is critical of LE efforts to find him don't have a CLUE what is going on behind the scenes. AND if someone is soooooo talented as to be a "Mantracker" cardholder, then please, go find him and let law enforcement know how much better you are at finding a fugitive than they are! But you're still better off giving them any information concerning a sighting or encounter and letting THEM deal with his apprehension. That would be awesome!
>LOL! crazy no one can seem
>to find him but they
>all seem to find bigfoot

Maybe Troy James Knapp IS bigfoot! Just sayin'
>>Can't believe we keep hearing about
>>this guy. Do they REALLY
>>want to catch him? We
>>have dogs that can tree
>>a lion or bear in
>>half a day. They can
>>certainly out run a guy.
>>If they wanted to catch
>>him they could.
>Yet lion and bear success rates
>are not 100%....why is that?
> And YES, they want
>him to stop breaking into
>cabins and the best way
>to do that is to
>catch him and hold him
>accountable. Anyone who is
>critical of LE efforts to
>find him don't have a
>CLUE what is going on
>behind the scenes. AND if
>someone is soooooo talented as
>to be a "Mantracker" cardholder,
>then please, go find him
>and let law enforcement know
>how much better you are
>at finding a fugitive than
>they are! But you're
>still better off giving them
>any information concerning a sighting
>or encounter and letting THEM
>deal with his apprehension.
>That would be awesome!

Put a bounty on him I will find him. Hell last year they had trail cam pics and several tracks in a foot of snow. Hell a retard could track someone in that much snow.
>Put a bounty on him I
>will find him. Hell last
>year they had trail cam
>pics and several tracks in
>a foot of snow. Hell
>a retard could track someone
>in that much snow.

Here is a start for you to warm up on. Plenty of bounties out there. Now go show us what Travis Ryan, man hunter extraordinaire, is capable of.

I can't wait to see your reality TV program.

A little bit of envy for this guy, able to avoid being detected surviving winters eating squirrels, the amount of terrain he's covered, not saying he doesn't deserve justice like a modern day rambo lol
LAST EDITED ON Oct-11-12 AT 04:48PM (MST)[p]>klbzdad, You sound quite sympathetic to
>this person.

klbzdad is a local media/radio liason between Iron and Washington County government agencies and Cherry Creek Radio stations (He's also a DJ on 2 of them.), so his advise comes from the Iron County Sheriff's Office! In any case, he wouldn't want to put his or the radio station's or the local Sheriff's Office reputation in jeopardy by answering such a question. They just want to make sure some hunter, hiker, fisherman, etc. doesn't try to be a "hero" by confronting this man with some kind of threat that could get someone injured or killed. His crimes don't merit that!! Just report any sightings, nothing more!!!
>AT 04:48?PM (MST)

>>klbzdad, You sound quite sympathetic to
>>this person.
>klbzdad is a local media/radio liason
>between Iron and Washington County
>government agencies and Cherry Creek
>Radio stations (He's also a
>DJ on 2 of them.),
>so his advise comes from
>the Iron County Sheriff's Office!
>In any case, he wouldn't
>want to put his or
>the radio station's or the
>local Sheriff's Office reputation in
>jeopardy by answering such a
>question. They just want to
>make sure some hunter, hiker,
>fisherman, etc. doesn't try to
>be a "hero" by confronting
>this man with some kind
>of threat that could get
>someone injured or killed. His
>crimes don't merit that!! Just
>report any sightings, nothing more!!!

What EFA said:)
According to the radio man he only traps small game and eats what he can find in your cabins I wouldn't be to worried about him killing that trophy deer or elk u seek
Knapp has to be wintering in the low country near a populated area. He's probably more vulnerable at this time then at any other needing to stay close to sure food sources.

If they really wanted him they would send the NG out at night with a FLIR equiped heli at his last know location and track his ass down.
>If they really wanted him they
>would send the NG out
>at night with a FLIR
>equiped heli at his last
>know location and track his
>ass down.

FLIR has already been used in several searches. Keep in mind your hunting grounds, folks. How many of you are confident you could hide and not be found in your favorite camping or hunting areas? Now imagine having intimate knowledge of a big muley and the mental fortitude to be able to think like a human who is hunting you. Not hard to hide, not hard to fool a dog's nose, and you're right about the big game. There is NO evidence to date that he has taken any big game. He's good with small game and small game kills do not leave a trail. He doesn't hate the wildlife or wilderness, he has an obvious disdain for society in general and is well versed in the out doors.

To being sympathetic...I am not. He has broken the law and therefore must pay restitution for that but one resolution to this is a surrender or capture, do his time and pay back what he has taken, and through restitution programs in the court a book about his ordeal WILL sell. Companies WILL hire him as a consultant. The man will make a lot of money, in my belief he will have the conscience to pay restitution to victims of his crimes, and then he could legally do a disappearing act on his own land. So, I'm not sympathetic to anyone that breaks the law. I make it a point to follow it to a degree that unless it has to do with driving to fast (always exceptions!) I consciously hope I'm just doing the right thing all the time. I would submit that the majority of sportsmen hope their brains work the same.

Good luck to everyone with a tag these coming hunts! Be careful and aware. Troy Knapp shouldn't be feared, instead, just report seeing him and I'm sure you'll be impressed at the response to get him. Time for the last chapter of his book.....wouldn't you agree?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm certain the state legislature passed a law a few years back making it illegal to profit from a crime through media outlets, book deals, or other sources. Any proceeds from such actions must either be donated to charity or go to restitution of the victims. This legislation came about in the aftermath of the Mark Hoffman case.

Thus, it is not likely Mr. Knapp will be able to benefit financially from his crime wave after he's been captured.
>Correct me if I'm wrong, but
>I'm certain the state legislature
>passed a law a few
>years back making it illegal
>to profit from a crime
>through media outlets, book deals,
>or other sources. Any
>proceeds from such actions must
>either be donated to charity
>or go to restitution of
>the victims. This legislation came
>about in the aftermath of
>the Mark Hoffman case.
>Thus, it is not likely Mr.
>Knapp will be able to
>benefit financially from his crime
>wave after he's been captured.

First it depends on the level of crime (felony or misdemeanor) and the legislature limited the scope of what the court could retain. If Mr. Knapp writes a book and profits from it while he is incarcerated, certain proceeds do in fact pay restitution to the victims and the state. After restitution is paid through a court appointed trustee, he's free and clear. Writing a book about breaking into cabins and how to do it.....nope, zero cash. Writing a book on survival and his journey and experiences while avoiding capture, which may include his stays in some of those cabins....big money. I will buy the book!
>The "son of sam" law...

Is moot in the Troy James Knapp case.

The supreme court forced writers to be more creative and when this law was struck down, it also forced states to get more creative which citizens generally do NOT like the legislature to do because it ends up limiting rights and freedoms rather than protect them. The way around this law, if it were not moot, is to have someone ghost write it, "based on a true story". He will profit in some way but most important, the victims will be repaid all that they are entitled to (another argument against NOT letting certain criminal activity result in a profit).

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