mountain Lion?


Long Time Member
so I have been hunting the same draw for 3 days seeing lots of activity and early signs of rutting.This evening about an hour before dark I spot a lion coming up the draw at first it was pretty cool he came within 200 yards and I got to watch him for about 5 minutes.Then he Went after one of the Deer and chased every One out of the canyon.
So my question how long will it take till the Deer return?Only 5 days left in the season am I screwed?
shoot lion, whats in your head, when will the deer be back' give me a chance like that, ill show you what wont be back/;;;;
Easy elkun!

They like to eat the same kinda food you eat at the Fort!

Hello Mr. Wisz,This is the UDWR Calling....LMMFAO!
15" Bases?
30" 5ths?
elkassassin, no moose for kity cat,fort or any other place,,,,cucks meat said it was the biggest moose he has ever done,,,
Who got the Meat?

It's a Shame the Fort didn't get it!

Them RoadKills are the very Best eating/Freshest Meat We can get at a Cafe!!!

Hello Mr. Wisz,This is the UDWR Calling....LMMFAO!
15" Bases?
30" 5ths?
It happens, most hunters never see a lion. it is cool you got to see one attempt a kill.

At any rate, your question is a good one. My question before guessing the behavior of the deer would be: Did the lion attempt on 1 deer miss and the rest ran because the first one ran? Or did all the deer run because they new the lion was there? It is one thing for the animal to run just because and another to run due to the lion.

If it was because they all new the lion was there, then it will be awhile before those deer return. However right now it seems deer in Colorado are somewhat on the move and there are new deer showing up in different places all the time.

If they just ran because the other one ran then I would guess they will be back soon. It is always good to have some options....

Good luck. I will bet you can find deer in the area soon especially with the weather we are supposed to get...
Believe me the thought crossed my mind but then what I have a dead lion(smell) right where all the Deer have been coming through.Surelly not going to load it and dump somewhere else.
Anyways the Deer took off making that warning woofing sound then every Deer in the draw was making that sound and getting out.I'll give it a couple days and go check it out.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-07-12 AT 10:52AM (MST)[p]Or your wenus may be small but also not invisible. Thanks for being the grammar police. How could I have forgotten the K!!! Will I ever be forgiven? I feel so bad, but that happens from time to time when your trying to help out a fellow MMer while taking care of 2 kids.

PS note there is a ton sarcasm in the this post... As a result none of it should be taken serious at all....
"As a result none of it should be taken serious at all...."

No worries - It's hard to take a third grade speller serious... Terry

*(Please note this response may contain sarcasm. The poster is not responsible for hurt feelings resulting from a low sense of comprehension or humor.)

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