Mountain Lion seasons


Long Time Member
Wy G&F is conducting several meetings this month on various subjects.One very important(at least to me)subject is mountain lion seasons.I am of the opinion that lion season should be year-round;or at least longer seasons and higher quotas.

G&F doesn't want emails or phone calls about these items,but you can submit written comments to them by mail,or give your opinions on the website.To do this,go to the WG&F website and click on the "Latest WGFD News" icon that is flashing near the top of the page.Scroll down to find the appropriate link.You have until June 7th to submit comments.
I agree that there has to be at the very least, higher quotas and perhaps longer seasons. I don't know that game and fish really has any idea what the population of cats are (not the easiest animal to do counts on), but they sure kill a lot of deer during the winter in the canyons around my place. I expect the mortality rate is similar in the summer.
They hit the sheep hard. Last year the game warden said 4 rams came out of one little draw.
It is kind of hard to understand why when talking with the local game wardens and biologist the are reluctant to cut deer tags (when deer tags need to be cut) but they seem eager to cut opportunity on lions... Especially the game warden from Cokeville. Kind of seems backwards given the downward trend mule deer are on. But that same Cokeville warden will tell you coyotes have no impact on deer either; just to give you an idea of how backwards his views are.
Thanks for the post, Cliff. I will definitely send the G&F my thoughts. I agree with year round seasons and higher quotas. I've said it before, but I also favor letting private property owners trap lions on their deeded lnads, as is done in other states.

I hope everyone submits their comments.
LAST EDITED ON May-12-13 AT 10:00PM (MST)[p]Even lion hunters in 102 have seen a increase in lions in ha 102. Quotas always close in December or earlier. It's time to increase the quota drastically. The G&F should also change boundaries. Ha 13 should be extended east to 191 S. Hunt area 12 should then be the east side of 191 south. This should be done so we can manage for almost zero lions in hunt area 12. There are less deer than there ever has been in hunt area 12 and one lion can have devastating effects on the few deer that remain. Hunt area 12 should be changed to unlimited quota. I don't mind some lions if you have enough deer to feed them when you don't they should be managed as such
I mailed my comments this morning. Be sure to use the G&F form and get the comments in by June 7th. Nontypical sent the link to the G&F webpage. Good thoughts so far.
LAST EDITED ON May-13-13 AT 11:50AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-13-13 AT 11:44?AM (MST)

I think one reason G&F are loathe to raise mtn line quotas is because they are afraid doing that will cause backlash among the enviro-whackos and lead to possible lawsuits.If that happens,it could force G&F to carry out population surveys on lions.That is what we were told at a recent meeting.

Deer unit 101 is in a downward spiral,and could end up in a predator pit type situation.Tags have gone from a high of 125 down to 50 in about a 5 yr span.I'm not saying lions are the cause of this decline;but they sure could be a factor in preventing this herd from rebounding.Hunting out there last season with a friend that had a tag was a real eye-opener.The drop in deer numbers was quite alarming in much of the unit.Areas that usually hold deer seemed to be completely devoid of any deer at all.That includes many different areas,not just a few spots.I have seen this unit's deer numbers drop quickly over the past 7 or 8 years.

Wolfhunter-Hymas' attitude seems to be the prevailing attitude of most G&F personnel.They all like to downplay the role that predators have on our deer herds.Most of that is based on past research and hunter success,etc.They seem to ignore the fact that there are many more factors affecting mule deer nowdays,which make the role of predators that much worse.Maybe if they get enough remarks from hunters,they will try to change.Yeah,right.
If you want to hunt year round your gonna have to have the damn good dogs to get it done in the dirt. Last time I checked about 80% of the houndsmen have snow dogs. Your not gonna do squat other than chase them cats around the mountain etc.... Weather is changing and so are patterns of prey in some areas. Some lion may be in one area more than expected thus thinking that there are more cats. Technically yes there are but show me evidence that there are ton of cats in Wyoming. Show me that its not the same cat you/they are seeing thinking there are more cats. Like stated above. There are plenty of other things that affect the population of prey. NOT JUST LIONS. You guys are starting to sound like Utards. I will not support a year round season, maybe a slight increase in tags but thats it. And I will continue to hunt the year round units that are already there.
We are seeing with our own eyes the destruction of mule deer across the state of Wyoming and the lies the G&F continues to spill out to the residents never stops amazing me. Predator management is one of many lies. They will look you in the eye and tell you predators have almost no effect on mule deer numbers. They will blame it on something they have no control over (SMOKE AND MIRRORS). ALL THE WHILE THEY KEEP SELLING MORE TAGS THAN THE HERDS CAN HANDLE TO COVER THEIR BLOATED BUDGETS....



Someone should send Mr. Hymas the current copy of Muley Crazy so he could read Dr Lents "Predator Project" In a very small area in Nevada they killed 46 mountain lions 1,158 coyotes. Later the mule deer herd in that unit increased by 65% and hunter tags went up 289%.........HhhhMnnn!!! Why does the WY G&F and Mr Hymas continue to tell the public, "coyotes are only near the deer herds to eat the rabbits"...THAT CAME OUT OF MR HYM-ASS'S MOUTH......
I wonder how the WYG&F is going to intensively manage every area in Wyoming, like the area in Nevada, when they're in the chit finacially???

In particular when the average WY resident squawks like a cat with its a$$ dipped in turpentine every time a license fee increase is proposed?

Theres also the State Legislature to deal with that also isnt for any kind of license increase.

Intensive management costs a lot of money...and frankly, even if the quality and numbers increased dramatically like the NV study (BTW I'd like to see a copy of that if possible), 99% of the R and NR hunters would NOT be willing to pay the associated costs.

They run their mouths...but hide their wallets.

As per ALWAYS.
How does issuing more licenses result in higher costs for the G&F Department?

The bottom line is lion numbers are much higher than the G&F Department wants to admit. If in fact our mule deer herds are as important as I believe they are, the G&F should want to do more to protect and help them.

I also think we should allow trapping of lions. I know several people that have caught them and had to release them as it is illegal. I will be asking our Board and its members to support an increased effort in reducing mountain lion populations, specifically to address mule deer herds. Wyoming does NOT need to have mountain lions on every mountain nor do we need to have them at their current levels. If the G&F wants to address their funding dilemma, perhaps they should get back to taking care of our mule deer populations. Habitat is only one issue that needs to be addressed.

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