Mountain Goat ????


Long Time Member
I am looking at applying for Mountain Goat. I have not done this in the past (applied for goat), but have a few states in mind. I want to go guided since I have never done a goat hunt.

This is my question: Is it really worth the cost? I hear of Canadian goat hunts that are listed in the 5K range. It seems to me, if I go guided, the cost of a NR license, tag, and a stateside guide would be much more expensive.

Maybe I am wrong. Your advice would be appreciated. Thanks
If you plan to go guided, look at Canada or AK. I went to Kodiak in 2007 and was required a guide. The price in 2007 was $5K, in 2008 it went to $7K. I booked a BC hunt in early 2008 for this fall and the price was $7K, again guide required. When I was shopping, I don't remember seeing a goat hunt available in the $5K range

I think if you draw MT, you will be looking at about the same price once you factor in a tag and guide and your odds are crap at best. I would continue to put in for MT, hoping to get lucky and put your money towards a guaranteed tag in BC or AK.

I drew my second goat tag in MT this last $125 I have spent in some time. Hopefully you can draw a tag in the lower-48 and hunt a goat without a guide. It can be done and the rewards are much greater.

Good luck and pm coming your way.
A friend told me about a $4900 dollar cancellation hunt. I have nothing on the specifics other than it was in Canada.

I was considering Colorado and Idaho, haven't looked at Montana.

I appreciate your help!!
2nd what mtmiller said. If you did draw a tag in the lower 48 and would hire a guide...then go to BC or AK now. Don?t mess around with the draw and just go do it (you will save money in the end). Another option is go to BC or AK now and put in for the lower 48. Then if you get lucky and draw you can go on your 2nd goat hunt unguided. Good luck...
While I don't subscribe, I would recommend getting the Huntin' Fool rag and use the Carters in finding a cancellation hunt. There will be plenty this year and next. I have a client who did a mountain goat hunt in South East Alaska. They hunted out of a boat in late fall and shot goats just above the beaches. Sounded like a decent adventure. Best of luck finding what you are looking for.

i'm sending you an email about a goat hunt i know about, over the counter tag for less than seven grand for this oct....guided hunt in an exclusive guide area of alaska. if you don't get my email, email me at [email protected] and i'll let ya in on it.
might be just what your after.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-17-09 AT 11:26PM (MST)[p]I have already got some great feedback. I do appreciate it.


I do subscribe to Huntin' Fool and it seems to have some good deals. I am still considering several options.

Many on this site opened my eyes to many options. I didn't realize there was a big difference between Alaska and BC goats.
I could really care less if I take a 8" or 9"/B&C goat. What matters most is the cape and the experience of the hunt.

Thanks again, Jason
[email protected]
Do you not put in for Utah? Great opportunities here in Utah if you can wait to draw the tag. Out of the OIL hunts goats seem to be easiest to draw. I drew mine with 6 points.
"Do you not put in for Utah? Great opportunities here in Utah if you can wait to draw the tag. Out of the OIL hunts goats seem to be easiest to draw. I drew mine with 6 points."

I put in for sheep. I wish I could trade my 9 sheep points
for goat points. It will be 50 years before I am in the max point pool for sheep.
I here ya! I got lucky with my choice putting in for goat. Your 8 points ahead of me in the sheep game. I wonder if I will ever draw a sheep tag in my lifetime?

Well, at least you are applying. It can't hurt to try. I finally concluded that I need to put in for as many out of state sheep hunts as possible.

If you have a pic of your goat and are willing to post, please
do so. I would love to see the pic!
Take that price on a guided hunt. Here is how I break down the cost of my DIY ID mtn goat hunt.

Tag $1800
3 years not drawing $500
llamas rental $1000
Hotels $300
Gas $300
Food $400
TOTAL about $4300

Awesome hunt by the way. Wouldn't trade it for the world. You will love hunting goats.
Jason, I used to think I didn't care whether I got an 8 or a 9 inch goat. After learning to hunt and judge them I really appreciate a big goat now. Kind of wierd. I'll bet you end up in the same boat between now and a year after your hunt. I'd really like to get a big long massive billy. Like any trophy they are rare. Once you start looking at them you will see what I mean.

The hunt can't be beat. It will take you to some incredible country.

>AT 11:26?PM (MST)

>I have already got some great
>feedback. I do appreciate
>I do subscribe to Huntin' Fool
>and it seems to have
>some good deals. I
>am still considering several options.
>Many on this site opened
>my eyes to many options.
> I didn't realize there
>was a big difference between
>Alaska and BC goats.
>I could really care less if
>I take a 8" or
>9"/B&C goat. What matters most
>is the cape and the
>experience of the hunt.
>Thanks again, Jason
>[email protected]

You would know a lot more about it than me (Since I know zero
about goat hunting.) A life size mountain goat, with a good cape, is one of the best looking trophys IMO.

Sounds like a great hunt experience...
LAST EDITED ON Mar-21-09 AT 05:03PM (MST)[p]I've posted it before, but here it is again. I had a nanny tag on the Ogden unit. I sent this pic into Roughin it Outdoors and won a Camp Chef back when Doug Miller was doing the show.

Click-a-Pic ... Details & Bigger Photos
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