Mountain Goat pics


Very Active Member
Lost my camera for a bit and found it today. Thought maybe you guys might like to see some pics of my Nanny goat from Willard Peak. This goes to show you that you can't judge a billy by scent glands alone. This nanny had huge scent glands and had me sweating bullets when I walked up to her.


I would have "sweat bullets" too. That is the heaviest, lightest horned nanny I have ever seen. Congratulations on a fine trophy.

Perhaps you also thought brown in the pictures is much better than red? lol
Nice job!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-12-13 AT 09:39PM (MST)[p]It looks like I changed the blood but I haven't. The 200 yard tumble down the mountain did that for me. Never so happy to see utters, LOL.
If she didn't have the kid with her constantly bumping and pestering her like a little kid I would've passed her off as a billy. I think I've already posted the video of the shot but here it is for those who haven't seen it.


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