Mountain Goat on the wall



"Bruce" is on the wall. What an amazing animal that lives in some awesome country.I have included a picture of 1 bad decision made ALONG ways from the truck. Not the best picture but you can use your imagination.



Very very nice! Excellent trophy mount!

That's one nasty looking hand. What did you do, shake hands with the Devil?

Thanks for sharing your cool stuff with us!

I appreciate the compliments on the mount. The hand injury is the result of a not quite dead goat. The horn went completely through my hand. Very greatful for a well stocked First Aid Kit, 2 hunting partners and a very understanding wife.
>I appreciate the compliments on the
>mount. The hand injury is
>the result of a not
>quite dead goat. The horn
>went completely through my hand.
>Very greatful for a well
>stocked First Aid Kit, 2
>hunting partners and a very
>understanding wife.

Wow, that's a memory to remember everytime you look at that goat.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-12-13 AT 05:35PM (MST)[p]Awesome animal and mount! I'm glad you recovered from that nasty puncture wound.

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