Mount It or Not



I got an antelope yesterday, last day of the season. I didn't find any super bucks I was looking for, the one I did get kinda of unique. It only had 12" horns and 4" cutters, but it does have 8" bases and stay that heavy all the way up and heavy on the tips. I looked in the B&C book and didn't see any 12 inchers listed, but most had bases under 8". I got one last year that was just under B&C and it has 7" bases. I also has a bunch of knobs and growths coming off the main horns. I will post pics as soon as I can.

Your thoughts?

Personally, I wouldnt spend 400+ to mount a 12 inch goat. Measure him up all the way, like you would for B&C or SCI and see what you get for a score, if he's heavy like you say he is then he might score better than you think, but at the most Id peel the hide off the skull and boil it to make a European mount. I checked on the prices of those at the taxidermist just the other day. My guy is getting $265 for a European now, I almost flipped. So since I had three goat heads, two of them being first time hunts for youth hunters I decided to do my own.

Wyoben, Congrads on the antelope! He is definitely something to be proud of! I have been hunting antelope for around 30 years and have only gotten 1 buck with 8" bases. Believe me, mass like that is very uncommon and you have yourself a fantastic antelope. For some reason a lot of guys really get caught up with horn length. An inch in length x 2 sides is only 2 points towards a score. If you add 1" of mass on every mass measurement you come up with 8 pts!!!! Mass is definitely important but it pretty much takes everything to make B&C. Obviously score isn't everything and your buck will likely be impressive with all that mass!

I wouldn't let anyone talk you out of having your antelope mounted! If it was a great stalk, you spent a lot of time hunting that particular buck, or the buck has special character I wouldn't hesitate to have him mounted the way you would like it. However, if he is just another buck and you are limited in cash you may want to freeze the cape and wait a week or so to decide whether you want to spend the $ on another bigger buck in the years to come. I shot another great 79" buck this year and had to make the same decision!

I look forward to seeing your photo and congrads on your massive buck!
With that mass, I bet he scores pretty well. Length doesnt get you much score. If he is heavy all the way up, you might really have something. But for me, the score doesnt necessarily dictate whether or not I'd mount it. Its the memory and the significance of the hunt that is the deciding factor for me. I bet he is a cool looking antelope. Lets see those pics. Ah hell, put him on the wall and name him "Stubby."
Using the two numbers of 12 inches and 8 inches that Ben supplied, I plugged some generic but believable numbers of what the rest of the goats rack might possibly be like into B&C's calculator and came up with a score of 76, which is a respectable goat. I still say do a european on it and if the hair hits you next year or down the road, put a cape on it. But in the mean time keep hunting for that 80+ incher. And BigPig is definetly correct that score does not dictate whether or not an animal is worthy of mounting. In that respect only Ben knows his true feelings. But he did ask for thoughts from the crowd if we would mount it. So, not trying to talk anybody out of anything but thats now I would approach it.

Do you want to mount it? End of story. I fully admit I am fascinated with antelope, and I have 4 mounted....none of them make the book, and one is barely 12" tall; I just love the way they look, and how each one cape and all is a bit different. I personally don't like europeans unless the taxidermist mounts the skull head up (why in the world you would want to look down on the top of a goat's head is beyond me).

My .02. I'll post some pics and you can see what artistic fun you can have with antelope heads.
Whats even more amazing, I was able to give the meat away to someone who actually wanted it! I should mount him just because of that! Pics Coming Soon.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-22-04 AT 05:55PM (MST)[p]Coincidentally enough, my boy's antelope measured an even 12" this year, wasnt 8" but was 7" at the bases and carried it all the way to the top, cutters were badly broomed and came in at 3 6/8" . This goat grossed 73". On first sight I would have never field judged him that high.



Thats a great shot with your son! Gotta make ya proud!


Thanks for all the help in the truck arena. I might have some more questions down the road.

Here are the pics I promised. Finally got them developed.




Had the mass just missing about 4 inches, it was a good hunt.

Stuff it. They look great in an offset shoulder with a sharp turn. I'm getting mine back this Friday and I'll try to get Deeking to post a photo for me when I get it back.
Wyomingben, I shot an antelope with 13" horns. I have no idea what the thickness of the bases are. But I'm getting him mounted just because I think he was a goodlookin' animal. Hell, its only money and that memory will hang on your wall forever. And that is one heck of a nice buck. If you want to see mine then look for a post called "fatroosters antelope."

Dakotakid, great job on the hunt with your son. Nice lope.

Spend the cash and put it on the wall. I wished I had mounted mine awhile ago and kick myself in the butt for not doing it. Speedgoats look very nice on the wall and it will always be a conversation starter and memory reminder.
> Whats even more amazing,
>I was able to give the meat
> away to someone who actually
>wanted it!

That is a shame! Pronghorn is the best of all the game meats! Just treat it like a pig after the kill, not like a deer.

Next year you can be my butcher/chief, would love to eat some good antelope...

LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-05 AT 04:28PM (MST)[p]I would have to agree w/ Moe' boyee'. ;)

Pretty tough to beat, if you take care of them right... I was going to mount the 81" gross buck I shot this year. Then had a late season stroke of luck on a "Gift Buck" which was given to me a couple of weeks before christmas. Needless to say... The loper is no longer priority.

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