Motorcycle mods



I sold my 700 sportsman, took up way too much room. Wanting to get a motorcycle for hunting. What upgrades could one get,such as racks, gun/bow mounts. Any photos of your bikes and mods.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-01-10 AT 06:55PM (MST)[p]Heavy duty skid plates, saddlebags.

Rub some dirt on it, ya sissy!
A new pair of Danners & some ambition should do the trick rather than blazing one track trails!
Wouldn't wipe my $ss with a pair of danners, don't hold up. Stick n string instead of bullets, and thanks for the pep-talk!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-01-10 AT 09:43PM (MST)[p]Got buddies that take their bikes up single track trails to reach the high country for mule deer. He parks his bike and hikes from the trail once he gets there. Works great and is LEGAL. My buddy bones out the deer and loads everything including his rifle in/on his pack, and then rides his bike back down the trail. Seems to work great for them. I would think that some finn grips for gun/bow on the handle bars would be a good accessory????

look at a honda fatcat or yamaha bw or tw. I've used them all and each has it's own advantages. I would love to see them build one just for hunting.
We don't need no stinkin' bike mods.

You can also check into a Rokon. I've had a full raghorn bull on one, half on front and half on the rear with two guys helping to steady it. Rokon dot com.
>MuskegMan, cool! I can't wait to
>see you and your Dall
>Sheep on that thing!:)

The sheeps ride well in front...


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