Most useless....


Long Time Member
college course/class you have taken?
I know this won't apply to many here as you are still in high school and some of you have never furthered your education beyond 6th grade.

For me:
Anthropology. I guess I had visions of digging around Middle East deserts unearthing the next great find.

Philosophy: The only thing its done is help me cope with all you guys.
A junior level course in industrial engineering. The whole point to the course was to teach you how to correctly pack a room with boxes and utilize most of the space. Or to maximize production etc.......... Totally useless course.

Oh wait, my wife took scuba and jui jitsu courses while I was working on my ee/cs degree. Still not sure how those classes bettered her. However she did take a cooking class at texas tech the next semester and let me tell you that flan was worth every friggin penny I paid for that class lol
To funny stinky. I was going to say Industrial Engineering. Taught us how to plan floor space for a robot assembly line. Should have taught us how to get on a plane and fly for 28 hours to a third world country and show them how to make jet turbine blades out of old car bodies.

Worthless. Except for the sorwhority girl that sat beside me. Ya ya. A bonding experience.
Mammology. The only class I ever got an "F" in. One requirement was to collect 10 different mammal skulls. The professor told us that if we got any extras to bring them in and share with the other students. I brought in a half a gunny sack full of ground squirrels one day and set it on his desk. For some reason that really pissed him off. He told me to get them out of his class room!

Then when he saw my skull of an endangered Douglas Squirrel he flipped out.

By the way, I stuffed the sack of ground squirrels into the book return at the library. College was not good to me.


it's not a 40 incher but it's closer than the last 40 incher you posted....

Bowling and step aerobics in the same semester...Thought bowling would be fun, and thought step aerobics would be a good way to meet girls...

I ended up blowing out my shoulder playing baseball, and had surgery right before the semester started, so I wasn't able to participate in bowling because my bowling arm was toast... and the step aerobics class ended up having all fat chicks in it. Fortunately I didn't have to go much because of the shoulder issue, but my buddy that signed up with me to take it said it was the most miserable two hours of his week lol

I was 18, fresh out on my own, hormone raged, and stupid. Guess that kind of class schedule could be expected.

Oh, and somehow I got A's in both classes!
Philosophy. My instructor was russian and had a strong accent. His underarms were always wet clear down to his belt and he spit when he talked. Oh it was a terrible class!
Physics 100 It was all lecture, no exams, no work, just the prof, who was as old as God and I'm pretty sure new Albert Einstein personally, talking in an accent none of us understood. He called it Physics for Poets.

We slept most of the time and the professor died just before finals so we were all told to go home for the remainder of the semester. Pretty sure I got a "B".
LAST EDITED ON Jan-21-11 AT 04:26PM (MST)[p]>Ethics in government.

Must have been a Liberal Arts course.
All those General Ed. classes trying to make you a well round citizen....Philosophy, Art History, Phychology etc. what a bunch a crap.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
Philosophy, followed by Political Science; both of which I'm convinced make the stupid even stupider...
I took a semester of intercourse....all you had to do was come to pass

>I took a semester of intercourse....all
>you had to do was
>come to pass

Lmao!!! I was self taught. I never had a teacher I would want to teach that class!

Dress and Humanity, yes I took a dress class about dress around the world last semester. I got an A!
Best class I ever had:

Organizational Behavior taught by Dr. Stephen R. Covey. He gave me a "C", worst grade I ever got. Learned more in that class than any other but he and I had issues. Can you imagine!

For me, that would definitely be Creative Arts. Like 700 students crammed in an auditorium with one "professor" who expected us to find the beauty in all kinds of weird crap. Pretty much all of the Gen Ed classes sucked and were a huge waste of time.

Billiards was pretty useless, but I enjoyed it.
The mere fact that 'billiards" is an accredited college course, speaks volumes about the dumbing down of this country.

The mere fact that so many on HERE think philosophy was useless, is perfectly understandable.
F-Dude, I agree on philosophy!! Complete waste of my time...the instructor was in a freakin world of her own and she wasn't even kinda cute :-(

COM 397?? - Radio Performance. TripleK talked me into taking it so I could play with her on the Radio Station softball team in the game against the faculty. I had a conflict with another class or work so I never went to one class - ever. Got a A- or a B. She came in to the studio about 15 minutes before my first shift and showed me how to work the radio equipment and how to run a radio show - what buttoms to push, what tapes to put in for the commercials etc, - that was the sum total of my training. I had a 2 hour show on Saturday nights called "The Reverend Roy Show". I just played the programmed music (early 90's alternative) and took requests from 11 year old girls. Good old THUNDER 91!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
History of Mathematics

Basically talked about how ancient civilizations counted and measured things, and other really useless crap. Pretty sure I will never use anything that I learned about in that class, but I needed it for my math minor.
I had a basketball class, halfway through the semester I was coming down from a rebound and landed on someone. It broke my ankle, also happened to be 2 weeks before I got married. I sat out the rest of the semester, but I got an A.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
i vote for anthropology. showed up the first day and saw what appeared to be a hot chick so i went and sat by her. then i realized she had more hair on her legs than me. bunch of hippies!

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