MOST Incredible Video...............

The sad thing about that is that I can't even do that. Every time I go to the lake or a pool, I try to float on my back and I just can't do it. That is no joke. A kid 6 months can't even comprehend language yet so how do they teach them? That is really incredible.

That is a cool vid.....I took my kids to those lessons at that ain't 100% kids never woulda made it like that. From what I saw those 2 are the exceptions.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing


"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all."
Thats crazy!I dont know what that little guy was saying but he sounded pissed and mom better watch out.Great info.(ROD)
Very impressive. It's hard to watch that little floating there, but he is obviously safe. Cool vid.................
This was posted a few weeks ago and then disappeared. I've been taking my 2 year old to the pool for over a year now and people keep wanting to jump in a grab her. She swims across the pool by herself. She is still working on perfecting the back float. Great video.
I think it's a darned shame that any
kid doesn't learn how to swim.

They should be taught that as much as

I know alot of older people that can't swim
a lick.

Scary chit.

Every summer here there are at least 4-5 deaths from drowning in the local Russian River in this county.......and there are MEXICANS. I am not making a joke, this is true. They do not know how to swim or what to do in an fast moving river when they are pulled off balance.

I went all through Red Cross training starting at 6 years of age and did so till I past the Sr. Life Guard at 13 or 14 years old.

Like mentioned above, everyone should know how to a least tread water or dog paddle to safety.

That's crazy! We had some good friends lose their 18 month old son when he wandered into the neighbors little pond. It was only a foot deep too.

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