Most forgettable/least liked rock group?


Long Time Member
for me it would have to be the doobie brothers. don't like them, can't stand there music. Beatles sucked to. Give me the Stones and the Who
All Janis Joplin, 90% Heart, 95% Rod Stewart, most Elton John...
I can tolerate almost everything else!
I would rather have pocupine quills stuck through my nipples than listen to U2. Do they even qualify as rock?
Shummy, i'm with ya man, bring on them porcupines, my nipples are ready!!

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
LAST EDITED ON May-05-08 AT 01:46PM (MST)[p]kind of off topic, but I had a friend in high school that thought it would be cool to have a fish hook shoved through his nipple. You know, to impress the ladies. So we got a pretty good sized hook and a set of needle nosed pliers and proceeded to try and pierce his nipple. You would be supprised at how tough it is to pierce a nipple with a fish hook. Anyway about half way through he decided he couldn't take the pain any more, but the barb was already past the point of no return, so another friend of mine gave a quick jerk on the pliers and totally tore the hook out of the guys nipple. It sounded like it hurt.
LAST EDITED ON May-05-08 AT 02:27PM (MST)[p]Gawd, my eyes are watering just trying to imagine that!!

I hooked my old lady in the back of the head with a Zara spook during a striper boil on Lake Powell once, i couldn't even imagine purposely shoving a fish hook into a body part!!

The i drilled her in her forearm during a bass tourney on another lake and that resulted in a trip to the emergency room, but that one was HER fault!!

Maybe this is why we are no longer married???

Hey ladies....i have since given up fishing, wanna "hook up" (no pun intended)Lol

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
I'm pretty sure we "burned one" before hand since we pretty much "burned one" before we did anything in those days...
LAST EDITED ON May-05-08 AT 02:38PM (MST)[p]It all starts with U2. then there's Queen,the Cure,Reba Mcentire, and recently Amy winehouse.

I agree with almost all listed so far. Several hair bands of the eighties could be added.
Give me some bashful butch and the mule spanker band anytime
LAST EDITED ON May-05-08 AT 10:04PM (MST)[p]I agree with The Beatles U-2 and Nickelsack!
Some of the ones that I instantly change the channel on:
Linkin Park
Buck Cherry
Kid Rock (sorry, I just cant take it)
Tool (sorry again, I am just tired of them)
Rage Against the Machine
And that new band with Vinnie Paul in it that does that damn alcohol and ass song. Talk about trying too hard to find a trashy hook.
I guess most of the stuff that has been thrown upon us within the past several years is plain crap to me. Except the Foo Fighters. I remember when bands actually had to have talent to get a recording contract. What happened?


Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!


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