Most Expensive Game per lb?



It would have to be the $300,000.00 venison. But....

I was cleaning my little pile of low flying livers tonight and got thinking... this trip probably cost me $50.00. I have about 6oz of meat to show for it.

I know... I just need to be a better shot but jeezus lol!

What do you all think? Most expensive game per lb?

Hey RUS,

Hows about a little Liver with that Lead?

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
The most expensive game may be the NFL or NBA LOL

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
ab out 20 years ago i killed my first wild turkey. after adding up all the expences to travel/food to get that bird it cost me 800 bucks.
Well when you add everything up its all pricey! Truck,camper, camping equipment, gun/bow, ammo, sights, fuel, food, clothing,boots, pack,knifes, license, dog, dogfood, everything the dog ruins when its a pup. I'm sure I'm not covering it all.

I would say it's my ex-wife. That's based on her weight at the time we got married. Let's just say her cost per pound magically went down every month we were married. It was some kind of ice cream and bon-bon amortization schedule.
I think that it is pretty funny to add all of it up. There have been some out of state hunts I have been on and not taken an animal. You start thinking, 500 for tags and license, gas, food and drinks, any new equiptment, time off work, maps, and whatever else you can think of and pretty soon you just took a 1500-2000$ vacation without anything to show for it! (Well not anything. Memories, pics, vacation, and relaxation) But I would gladly do it again!
If I am successful, I only like to cook for people who have never tried it or really appreciate it. I usually like to give some meat away to friends and family members who genuinely like the taste and are going to eat it rather than store it in their freezer. It is just not worth it to me to put all that time, money, and hard work into taking an animal packing him out, cutting him up, packaging him, and then cooking it for someone who does not appreciate it. But doing that for someone who loves it is a great feeling. Each pound of meat ends up being 20$ a pound or more!!! :) Worth every penny!
Maybe Dove hunting??

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
LAST EDITED ON Sep-08-10 AT 05:35PM (MST)[p]no question, it's "BEAVER"

just to go on a quik beaver hunt, it'll cost 100 bucks at the bar to even get started, then say you really want alot of beaver? the price starts going through the roof.
some guys drop tons of money in a fancy truck just to attract "beaver" , some guys pay 10,000 bucks just to bait the "beaver traps" with diamond rings.

say you already have 1 "beaver" at home, then you find another "beaver" you want to mount? that "beaver" at home will REALLY get expencive.

what sucks is: "beaver" hunting is alot like sheep hunting, once you have had "beaver", it's hard to quit.

i dont think it's possible to figure out the cost of hunting "beaver" you basically pay for it forever.
>no question, it's "BEAVER"
>just to go on a quik
>beaver hunt, it'll cost 100
>bucks at the bar to
>even get started, then say
>you really want alot of
>beaver? the price starts going
>through the roof.
>some guys drop tons of money
>in a fancy truck just
>to attract "beaver" , some
>guys pay 10,000 bucks just
>to bait the "beaver traps"
>with diamond rings.
>say you already have 1 "beaver"
>at home, then you find
>another "beaver" you want to
>mount? that "beaver" at home
>will REALLY get expencive.
>what sucks is: "beaver" hunting is
>alot like sheep hunting, once
>you have had "beaver", it's
>hard to quit.
>i dont think it's possible to
>figure out the cost of
>hunting "beaver" you basically
>pay for it forever.

DING DING DING......we have a winner....lmmfao

Hey RUS?

You shootin them new Obama approved bullets?

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Are we talking about Alaskan hairy beaver or Tennessee bald beaver? Big difference in the price of them pelts.

For me I'm going to have to go with Chukars. I've got thousands of dollars into my dogs, and thousands more into equipment. A 900 dollar box to transport the pups in. Truck bought just for that purpose. Several large bills for knee surgerys induced by chasing the devil birds. phsycologists are also pretty pricey and every die hard chukar hunter thinks about seeking the help of one. I drive hundreds of miles to hunt them several times a year and I hunt them closer to the house dozens of more times. Sometimes I manage to scratch a few down, but if I want to put a price to those few ounces of meat it would probably scare me.
it has got to be elk....I bought my first tag as a resident in Co in 02' so figure about $40, now I have hunted as a NR 4 seasons, and am leaving today to finish this season off. I still have not kileld an elk, all tags have been archery tags.
So----$2,240 in tags, I bought a fifth wheel for base camp $4,500, and all the gas to and from......figure $400 a trip plus meals, easily another $4,000 spent there, include all the other gear and you have another $1,000 easily (I don't want to add all that up, it could easily be 3-4 times that!)

So I am up to about $12,000 and still haven't killed an elk.......I think I could have bought a nice guided trip and killed a good bull instead of DIY all the time, just no my style.
I did have a buddy feel sorry for me and throw me some elk steak, (thanks Hiker!) that was about 30 ounces of steak after I bought a truck from him for $9K, so that puts it at $21,000 for the 30 ounces of elk meat!!!!

I am so glad I opened this thread...........:'(

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