Mossback vs Eastmans


Active Member
I have been watching the Eastman and Mossback videos the last few nights. It is interesting to me the difference in their hunting styles and philosophies. It is amazing where hunting is this day and age. On some of their hunts, I have a hard time watching 8-10 guides and spotters circled around and animal that was teamed up on and a hunter brought in to kill it. Not saying it is wrong, just not my preference and philosophy on hunting. Eastman's by no means to promote them seem to me to promote the sport of hunting still, and the accomplishment of actually working and putting in the time and effort to harvest a quality animal by yourself. I guess I am just curious to see what your thoughts are on the two hunting styles.
Both approaches are legal. Both can be rewarding for the hunter.

One method costs the hunter a lot more and can be argued the hunter is a mere sniper who gets the call, sets up for the shot and makes the kill. I would consider this more of a collector.

The other method requires the hunter to understand how to locate the animal, field judge, set up for the shot and make the kill. I would consider this more of a sportsman.

Good luck on your draws in 2012!
seems to me like more and more of the eastmans hunts are turning into guided on private land. they still do a lot of on your own, but they pay their fair share of money to kill animals as well.
To each his own, If a person has more money then he can spend what else do you want him to do with it besides hunt?
+1 Outdoors! The only time I would ever use a guide would be if the animal I wanted to hunt required a trip into the back country requiring horses and equipment I don't have. Then it would be a 1x1 guide to hunter like you might have on a OIL out of country sheep hunt or something similar. Although legal, I just can't see paying someone big money who, in turn, pays a bunch of staff to find an animal, who in turn then radio or call in and he takes the "hunter" on the final stalk to pull the trigger. However, as long as it's legal, then whatever lights your fire!!! I do think it puts hunting in a bad light with a lot of us and even nonhunters who find out about an animal being taken that way. Just MHO!!!
if you dont mind or dont know the difference then the Mossback way is perfect for you,its anything but "hunting".
LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-12 AT 07:18PM (MST)[p]Spidy was a special Bull. In the old days he would have still been out there raising other Spidy's. Many other Monster bucks & bulls have met the same fate. An Army of paid cow herders. This is not fair chase and it is not good wildlife management. High fences I wouldn't give a ding but this is our resource not some dudes private ranch. When the buds & family get together that is kool. Hiring 24 /7 mercenaries is a whole other thing. It cheapens the sport and makes the record book a sham. It directly effects the quality of hunting for the average joe that does it with blood, sweat & tears. That's my opinion only so don't be offended because I know we have lots of guides out there. The 1 on 1 guide thing is fair chase but this Mossback stuff is chicken doo doo.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-12 AT 09:13PM (MST)[p]Don't much care for EITHER of them guys styles...

Don't subscribe to ANY of their very commercial antics...there are quite a few shameless others out there as well

To hell with 'em all in general

**edit---Eastmans' magazines also contain some of the poorest 'journalism' in sporting publishing...VERY low standard of writing
I feel the same. I sometimes wish I had my hunts and kills om film, however my way of hunting is typically by myself while actually hunting, this style doesn't lend to 2 cameramen following. Have any of you used those head style cameras to film your hunt? I would imagine the quality wouldn't be that great? On a side note I watched another Eastman video last night and saw them take a big buck in Kansas guided and on a ranch. So much for promoting the Eastman way:) it's funny how they promote that but when they get a chance to take a nice buck guided and on private land they do it. Honestly we may all do the same it just contradicts their message and style to me when your in "the business"
I don't have the slightest interest in the "mossback way". Sure, the guides may be good hunters, but it is way too commercialized for me. And it is a poor excuse for hunting for the trigger man.
I am a big Eastman's fan, for some of the reasons mentioned above in the detractors post. Yes, the writing quality is mixed. What do you expect from a bunch of hunters! While a bit telling, I think in many cases it adds to the authenticity. There is a mix of DIY and guided hunt. The guided hunts don't use a posse of guides, however.
I am a hard core DIY hunter. On occassion I have to use a guide, for example to sheep hunt in Alaska. I'm not anti-guide, although I prefer to do it myself. Eastman's keeps it real, and is a good format for learning what good hunters are taking around the country.
Everyone has different expectations about their hunts, from DIY or guided to free range or high fence. I say whatever brings you the most satisfaction and enjoyment as long as it's legal and safe. What others think is irrelevant.

I haven't used a guide and don't know if I would if I could afford it. I take a lot of satifaction doing it with a coulpe of friends and myself. As long as its legal I think the choice is up to the individual hunting. It their tag and their money. I wouldn't want someone telling how I should hunt. We need to stay united as hunters and enjoy and protect what we love to do.
I think you may see more of the private land hunting on the Eastman's TV show since they have lost their three best DIY people over the last several years. As mentioned, at least when they do that it's basically a 1x1 guide to hunter deal instead of a throng of personnel hired by the outfitter/guide.
>I haven't used a guide and
>don't know if I would
>if I could afford it.
>I take a lot of
>satifaction doing it with a
>coulpe of friends and myself.
>As long as its legal
>I think the choice is
>up to the individual hunting.
>It their tag and their
>money. I wouldn't want someone
>telling how I should hunt.
>We need to stay united
>as hunters and enjoy and
>protect what we love to
Staying united as hunters is impossible when one mans idea of hunting is a money based enterprise where only the wealthy can afford to play and wildlife only represent dollar signs and anothers is a DIY on a budget old school hunting heritage.With all the high dollar gov tags and expo tags and other bull sh!t surrounded by outfits like MB just waiting for the highest bidder it is quickly turning into a one sided battle,we cant afford to turn back with F&G departments like UTs so dependent on them.
It's not just mossback hunting that way. Seems most limited entry hunters in utah have 5-10 spotters, family, friends helping them on their hunts. The biggest camps I see on the mountain every year are unguided hunters with everybody they know there to help them.
Each to they're own and I respect that. Personally I get satisfaction going un guided, doing it yourself esp on public lands and when your successful. It was all because of uno number 1, me. If unsuccessfull, all because of me... Shooting a monster that I didnt truely hunt in a fashion of having my hand held in doing so wouldnt give me as much satisfaction as just shooting a respectable animal on my own.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-28-12 AT 11:13PM (MST)[p]ROFL, you guys are a bunch of jealous cry babies. i went with mossback this year on a guided hunt. i had exactly one mossback guide and one cook for two days hunting and another mossback guide joined the party day 3 and 4 of hunting. i was by myself scouting for 6 days scouting and had my brother and friend there for 1 day prior to hunt scouting. i had two brothers, one dad, and three of my best hunting buddies helping. with all of this crazy mossback posse and my personal family and friend posse together we still had one of the smallest camps in the entire unit. you guys are full of it most the time...

there were two camps with no less than 15 ATV/Rangers in their camp and twice as many people. i think it's great when so many people take to the woods with the same goal in mind... having the time of their life sharing another outdoor adventure. good luck.. and to those who hunt by themselves, i respect that to. have been there and done that many a time and enjoyed those experiences equally as well.
+ 1 Eastmanns,they are as true as it gets to real hunting for me. I also enjoy getting their magazine.Most of the T.V. shows are nothing but advertising and dazzle you with their B.S.!
>AT 11:13?PM (MST)

>ROFL, you guys are a bunch
>of jealous cry babies.
>i went with mossback this
>year on a guided hunt.
> i had exactly one
>mossback guide and one cook
>for two days hunting and
>another mossback guide joined the
>party day 3 and 4
>of hunting. i was
>by myself scouting for 6
>days scouting and had my
>brother and friend there for
>1 day prior to hunt
>scouting. i had two
>brothers, one dad, and three
>of my best hunting buddies
>helping. with all of
>this crazy mossback posse and
>my personal family and friend
>posse together we still had
>one of the smallest camps
>in the entire unit. you
>guys are full of it
>most the time...
>there were two camps with no
>less than 15 ATV/Rangers in
>their camp and twice as
>many people. i think
>it's great when so many
>people take to the woods
>with the same goal in
>mind... having the time
>of their life sharing another
>outdoor adventure. good luck..
> and to those who
>hunt by themselves, i respect
>that to. have been
>there and done that many
>a time and enjoyed those
>experiences equally as well.

You must have been on the MB welfare program,if Doyle want packin you rifle for ya you wernt paying enough.
if that was welfare i'd hate to see what you're on. LOL... it was pricey but worth it. i am from a long ways away and had no way to scout the unit prior like i would have liked. they did the best job of any outfitter on the unit..
Its funny when the rich man gets criticized for paying someone else to hunt for him he automatically labels those that are doing the criticizing as jealous. Why aren't these guys jealous of the DIY guys that kill big animals?

On top of that there is always the excuse "I didn't have time to scout myself." You can afford a guide but you can't afford time off work?

The mountains, not the hills.
Billy, the difference between mossback and the 15 atv crew, is the atv crew doesn't spend 362 days a year "scouting" (harrassing) animals, I assume mb takes off thanksgiving, x-mas and new years. The Atv crew most likely doesn't throw around "spotters fees" which employes half the jokers on the mtn. Most likely the atv crew is there for the camping trip and for the chance to do something new.

I get you hiring him. If your not from around here that makes some sense. I think the HOPELESS clowns who hire him year after year to hunt the same areas pretty much prove they are either lazy, or totally inept. But even the cool aid drinkers have to admit, joe blow and his crew, and MB are entirely different entities.

I enjoy Eastmans show because they hunt mostly in the west. Other than that I don't see much difference in the two.

When they came for the road hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the oppurtunists I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the public land hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for me there was no one left to say anything!
watched another mossback video tonight. Sure enough Dennie shot another deer on it. How many animals has he snipered with Doyle any of you know?
I lost all respect for mosscrack after they started coming out to Colorado and I got to see first hand what they do. I have zero respect for Doyle Moss and Mike Brownlee just to name a few.. I can't see much pride in hunting with them with their questionable ethics and tactics.. especially knowing you did nothing other than pull the trigger, and then get to brag about your trophy as a conversation piece in your living room. I'd personally like to see Denny Austad kill something DIY. I think the guy ought to just start calling himself Mossback's hired gun rather than a hunter...

>It's not just mossback hunting that
>way. Seems most limited entry
>hunters in utah have 5-10
>spotters, family, friends helping them
>on their hunts. The biggest
>camps I see on the
>mountain every year are unguided
>hunters with everybody they know
>there to help them.

I agree- The buck doesn't know whether your a MB guide or "family/Friend" spotter. A crew of family and friends is just as crazy as hiring a MB crew of spotters. Self righteous BS if you say one is better or more acceptable than the other. Both involve the "hunter" trying to maximize his/her chances on a trophy animal. Everytime I see a picture with a hunter and 12 powder blue shirts huddled around a dead animal or a crew of 15 family/friend spotters and hunter I cringe. Same freakin' thing

It amazes me how many of the same people you will find in a post with "Mossback" in the title, I dont know the guy personally... but from what I can see it looks like he has a very successful business doing what any of us would love to do. So while you guys are on a keyboard typing smack about him he is out there finding the animals that make you guys act like a bunch of jealous fools.
For someone that enjoys hunting solo(me) or with one good friend at most I cant imagine doing a hunt with a gang of spotters and other scrubs the way they do,would totally ruin the experience.
To each his own.... But most guys posting on the subject will walk through the mossback booth and enjoy what they have on display next weekend, I know I will!
>Its funny when the rich man
>gets criticized for paying someone
>else to hunt for him
>he automatically labels those that
>are doing the criticizing as
>jealous. Why aren't these
>guys jealous of the DIY
>guys that kill big animals?
>On top of that there is
>always the excuse "I didn't
>have time to scout myself."
> You can afford a
>guide but you can't afford
>time off work?
>The mountains, not the hills.

your full of shiz. i live in alaska retard... i can't fly down to the henries and scout every weekend. no i can't. then i would really be on welfare...
>Its funny when the rich man
>gets criticized for paying someone
>else to hunt for him
>he automatically labels those that
>are doing the criticizing as
>jealous. Why aren't these
>guys jealous of the DIY
>guys that kill big animals?
>On top of that there is
>always the excuse "I didn't
>have time to scout myself."
> You can afford a
>guide but you can't afford
>time off work?
>The mountains, not the hills.

san juan, you're full of it. i live in alaska and no i can't go down to the henries every weekend and scout like i have done and still do when i can. get the fact retard... and no i couldn't afford it.
>It amazes me how many of
>the same people you will
>find in a post with
>"Mossback" in the title, I
>dont know the guy personally...
>but from what I can
>see it looks like he
>has a very successful business
>doing what any of us
>would love to do. So
>while you guys are on
>a keyboard typing smack about
>him he is out there
>finding the animals that make
>you guys act like a
>bunch of jealous fools.
Sorry but running around the hills with a bunch of goons wiping wealthy "hunters" ass's and watching other people shoot game while pissing off half the people in the state you live in is pretty F'n far from what I would love to do.
Oh this never gets old. But Eastman's is awesome. They do some great hunts, on very easy to access public land (meaning you do not need 10+ pts.).
Hey Shedz old buddy! We're on the same page on this one too, so I think things are looking up, LOL!
Eastmans all the way! People pay high dollar guides and take pride in killing an animal that someone else has been watching aren't real hunters in my opinion. I was lucky enough to draw a Bighorn tag last September and did it on my own. I was rewarded with a beatiful ram that I earned, some people think I was crazy for going alone on a once in a lifetime hunt, I wouldn't have hired a guied if I was a milloniare.
>Eastmans all the way! People pay
>high dollar guides and take
>pride in killing an animal
>that someone else has been
>watching aren't real hunters in
>my opinion.

You guys are hilarious, and naive.
This is ALWAYS the same ol chit! A bunch of guys, who don't know what the Hell they are talkin' about, whining about Mossback and the "supposed" way he does business. It is some funny stuff!

Most of you DIY guys are DYI'n it WAY too much in your bathrooms!

As for Eastmans', don't believe for one minute, that it didn't take about 11 people to get that video done......not to mention, helicopters, pack animals and private landowners.

"....the real thing".....LOL!

"Fathom the hypocracy of a Government that requires every citizen to prove that they are insured.....but not everyone must prove that they are a citizen"
I read Doyle spent 42 days on antelope island to find the buck(s) killed on it this year. I spent maybe 5(and hour or two before dark) to find the same deer. Of course I didn't advertise how great I was, neither did Yelum, his picks of the same deer are all over in here. I OBVIOUSLY AM NOT AS COOL AS DOYLE!

Yeah if you live in Alaska scouting the heneries isn't gonna happen. If you live within 500 miles it is. If you hire him or anyone year after year to hunt the same areas, didn't you learn anything? Do you not pay attention? NO YOUR LAZY!! Sorry gentlemen, hiring a guide and killing trophy animals IS NOT AS HARD, THEREFORE NOT AS IMPRESSIVE AS DIY! If you build your own bike and it competes with one Jesse James, or OCC builds for some rich dude what is more impressive? Guys who win shows with there OWN BUILDS are more impressive than hiring Chip Foose or Boyd Cottington? Doyle hunting for himself killing big animals is more impressive than anything his "clients" kill.

The only realistic show on T.V. is Do it yourself adventures. Other than that they all pay to play. However, compared to other shows Eastmans do more public ground hunting, and hunt mostly in the west so I like there stuff.

Oh yeah, and lastly, I avoid MB's booth at the shows not because Doyle is an azz, I have heard he is a good guy, but I can't handle the pretentious blowhard, cool aid drinking, hanger ons that surround him, big timing everyone! In fact, I am not atttending the show this year, mostly because it is not my crowd. I can't afford the money it takes to be "a great hunter." I won't hang out there for the same reason I don't hang out at the corvette dealer, or airplane dealer, or high roller tables in vegas, I don't have that kind of scratch, so there is no reason to pretend I do, thats not jealousy, thats just reality. The dudes big timing Doyle(or his fellow great white hunters) are like the dudes who play ball at the playground letting Kobe now how good they are, kinda pathetic.

> This is ALWAYS the same
>ol chit! A bunch of
>guys, who don't know what
>the Hell they are talkin'
>about, whining about Mossback and
>the "supposed" way he does
>business. It is some funny
> Most of you DIY guys
>are DYI'n it WAY too
>much in your bathrooms!
> As for Eastmans', don't believe
>for one minute, that it
>didn't take about 11 people
>to get that video done......not
>to mention, helicopters, pack animals
>and private landowners.
>"....the real thing".....LOL!
> "Fathom the hypocracy of a
>Government that requires every citizen
>to prove that they are
>insured.....but not everyone must prove
>that they are a citizen"

When they came for the road hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the oppurtunists I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the public land hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for me there was no one left to say anything!
Ahah.....It is FINALLY out!

It is all about who is impressed by what you do, or what you drive, or how much money you make.

So this is what hunting means to you?

At some point in your life, should you live long enough, you may come to realize that what people are impressed by, is not at all what you thought it was and, that your personal opinion of others, was truly meaningless. You may regret the time you wasted worrying about either.

I don't have much hope for some of you however.

"Fathom the hypocracy of a Government that requires every citizen to prove that they are insured.....but not everyone must prove that they are a citizen"
Everyone has their own definition of what hunting means to them. As a kid born to love hunting, I am glad my dad took me with him from age 9 on. The idea of hunting to my dad was to get in his Jeep CJ5, put the front window down, put Merle Haggard in the 8 track and ride around forgetting about the worries of his life. He has killed exactly 1 deer since I was 9, 35 years ago and he is fine with that. I knew no better until I started hunting on my own around age 14.

Today I cringe anytime I see a High Fence, Feeder, Team of Scouters, or even a $10k fancy lodge tv show with some southern dude talking about how hard of a hunt it is to walk out of the truck and go a 1/4 mile to arrow one of the oblivious 20 bulls rutting around him undisturbed. These are not my definition of a hunt. I am partial to off the trail, public land, wild ungulates in the western US with a rifle that can hit a pop can at 400 yards.

I am also a family man who's wife and kids simply wouldn't be happy if I took every spare minute, vacation day, and every disposable penny to feed my DIY hunting passion. Many of you more fanatical hunting brothers do just that and look down upon others who not only don't, but can't without facing a divorce. For fair disclosure I have friends who seem to bow to family(wife) pressure so much they only go 1-2 days a year which I think is rediculous.

While I try to express an overriding idea that to each their own, there is a line in the sand for sure to me on what hunting is and what shooting is. High Fence of ANY kind and being purely dragged out to be the shooter, is not HUNTING to me. As mentioned earlier, clearly 1x1 or less guide ratio and certainly drop camps are reasonable, but I would NOT call Denny Austad(sp?) a hunter and think his trophies, including/especially the Spider bull should not be in the book any more than the many 500" bulls that get killed on ranches.
The way I see it is one is more about hunting, the other is more about the killing. To each their own they both end up with incredible animals but to me I rather hunt for my trophy by myself
The guys that did all the public land diy hunts Cameron Hanes, David Long, Nate Simmons and Ryan Hatfeild have all left Eastmans now. The Eastmans themselves have been doing a lot of private land guided hunts for quite awhile now, they just down play the situation always calling the guide "My good friend" not what he really is, a paid guide, and they always leave out that they are hunting private property. It will be interesting to see where they go from here. Personally I would love to see David Long with his own show, he has the best muley hunts on T.V.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-06-12 AT 01:27PM (MST)[p]

MB latest hit parade

130 class Coues-

they paid some other outfitter for info on where a huge buck was located- then call govenors tag guy so he could fly out for the hunt.

Guy took 3 shots to put this great deer down - they show the "claw" in the background picture- what a joke - if ya can't get a guy close enough for a clean one-shot kill- why are you guidin. waitin for video editting on this one!

the shakes - nervous / crap don't flush because of trophy buck

guess for the $$$ he deserved the buck - what a joke

the untold story - really shows no class from MB its all about the $$$$ - freinds and given word means nothing as long as they look good!
>The guys that did all the
>public land diy hunts Cameron
>Hanes, David Long, Nate Simmons
>and Ryan Hatfeild have all
>left Eastmans now. The Eastmans
>themselves have been doing a
>lot of private land guided
>hunts for quite awhile now,
>they just down play the
>situation always calling the guide
>"My good friend" not what
>he really is, a paid
>guide, and they always leave
>out that they are hunting
>private property. It will be
>interesting to see where they
>go from here. Personally I
>would love to see David
>Long with his own show,
>he has the best muley
>hunts on T.V.

Yup,their PUBLIC LAND DIY moto has really fallen apart,the Eastman way a great tag,lease a great ranch/hire a local guide,kill a big deer and the brag about how Fn awesome the eastmans are at hunting.
+ 1 MTSHEDHEDZ, I get so much more satisfaction doing hunts on my own. Dont want or need some guys nesting on a buck for me. Mike Eastmans and Mossback just dont do it for me.
i only hunt one way diy solo,or with my son,could not care a lick about this mb vs eastmans crap,my son has learned that hard and smart work can lead to a mature animal,no guide needed,just your knowledge,and effort,this is what drives me to hunt.
Both groups make money off of hunting. Mossback is superb marketer and I take my hat off to them. Even though I am jelous of all the great trophies they kill I find myself taking the Eastman approach. If I had money to burn I would call Doyl.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-12-12 AT 08:49AM (MST)[p]
That is not what Shedz said! The "Eastman way" has always been to hunt on public land where you can draw a general or regional tag to "do your own thing". Now most of what they are putting on the show, especially after all the good guys left, is exactly what Shedz mentioned and that is hunting on private land. There's nothing wrong with it, other than that's not their motto since the beginning of their shows three generations ago.
I would be laughing my butt off if I was an ANTI reading this. And Everyone wonders why we as hunters can't get anything done!!!
As long as its legal, who the F cares?
To each his own!!!!

DIY, GUIDED or HIGHFENCE, good for you! Get out and enjoy what mother nature has to offer, no matter the means or price tag.
I watched the episode with Mike/Guy awhile back for Colorado antelope. Beings it was the second year in a row for them on big bucks, I am sure it was a private land only tag. I listened closely and sure enough I never heard them say anything but DIY.....fine by me. I am sure that it would be difficult to have a hunting show without a few private land hunts thrown in.

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